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The Astrogation Site

This website is entirely dedicated to the Star Wars RPG put out by West End Games. I think I can honestly say that I offer something that no other site can offer: A complete astrogation system. I am slowly compiling a list of planets in the Star Wars Universe, and plotting the hyperspace durations between each planet, as well as including the statistics for individual planets and the statistics for sapient species. Please note that although I have included as much authentic data as possible, much of it is speculation. If you disagree with anything presented here, please let me know. I'm open to any and all suggestions. While you're here, please sign my guestbook and let me know what you think. Thank you very much.

This link is to a pair of hidden bases maintained by a pirate gang. It might be good for an adventure idea. Check it out.

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This Ultimate Star Wars RPG Web Ring site is owned by Nathan Wood.

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This TNRWebRing site maintained by Nathan Wood.