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New CD and Links

Our Projects

Steve's Cover Band
Buy-Hear Guilty Pleasure
Various MP3 Samples
Steve's Myspace

The Agent 44 CD is out while the band is working on separate projects. Shoot me an e-mail and I'll get you in contact with any of the guys or get you a CD. We are in frequent contact and shared some of our best days in music. Updates on their projects and gigs are coming. There are 2 different bands among them and they are all very exciting!

As for me, my links are above. I sing for the original band "Guilty Pleasure" which is on the German label Target Records. It can be bought locally at CD Baby. The 2nd release is due Feb '07.

I also sing and play keyboards/percussion in an oldies band for fun & live performing. "The Groove" has been an opening act for several name bands such as "The Miracles", playing concert stages in Vegas and City Festivals to warm up audiences with the tunes we grew up on and love.
