Each month I will choose a favorite photo from those sent in to me. In our anniversary issue, we will hold a photo contest for those featured on this page throughout our first year.
Good luck to all!
This is Eddy the Kissing Gourami. Eddy lives in Canada with his adopted mother Nikki. Eddy is approximately 10 yrs old and Nikki is his 3rd person. "When I got him, he was in a 10 gallon tank with a cory, a clown loach, and 4 neons. Needless to say, the tank was way too small."
Eddy now resides in a 90 gallon aquarium with the following tank mates: 1 dwarf gourami, 4 clown loaches, 6 yoyo loaches, 2 striata loaches, 3 sidthimunki loaches, a siamensis, 5 bronze corys, 1 pepper cory, 1 trilineata cory, 14 cardinals, 3 black skirt tetras, 4 diamond tetras, 6 Praecox rainbows, 1 black neon and 2 glolights, 5 harlequin rasboras and 4 scissortail rasboras.
I had a chance for a brief interview with Nikki, and will bring it to you below.
Q. Tell us about Eddy?
A. Eddie is a character, he is very smart, he understands that objects exist even if he cant see them (object permanence) and he is very affectionate. He likes to be hand fed his bloodworms and gets annoyed when other fish get in his way at feeding time. As most gouramis do, he spends much of his time rooting through the gravel and grazing algae.
Q. Isn't the current tank a bit crowded?
A. Yup, way overstocked, way over filtered!
Q. What kind of filtration are you running on the tank?
A. I am using an AC 200 (Aqua Clear) and a 300 all tho, I will be changing the 200 for a 300 or a 400 after New Years.
Q. Do u know what your Ph & Kh are at?
A. Ph is 7, Kh is 80
Q. Do you know what plants are all in the tank?
A. I have Amazon swords, Stricta, Cabomba, Java ferns, Pothos, Wisteria and a few mystery plants.
Aquariumworld Magazine Online pays tribute to Eddy and his Kissing Gourami relatives! We thank Nikki for her time and effort in sharing him with us!