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Biblical Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

B-CFS Discussion List
Statement of Faith


** ATTENTION ** This group has stopped operating for the time being as we believe this is the right thing to do while we do not have people who can take on the job of moderator. If you feel God would like you in this role, please contant us at Please also note that we do not support any ad appearing on these pages.

Welcome to B-CFS! Our purpose is to give Godly support to Bible believing Christians with chronic fatigue syndrome. We have an e-mail discussion list which you can find out about if you click the link to the left. We also hope to soon add some things for people who do not want to join an e-mail list but who still want support. It is our hope that we will encourage each other while praising and lifting up the Lord, despite our illness. Our ultimate goal is to overcome the difficulties that come with this illness and honor our God.