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This site is dedicated to Chief Harry Charger, The Fool Soldiers and their relations. To American Military Veterans, To all those that sacrifice for equality and justice, and to Leonard Peltier; We will not give up the struggle....
The Akicita Heyoka (Fool Soldiers) is a warrior society of the Sans Arc Band (Itazipco) of the Lakota Nation. We are sworn to protect and care for the people. The Akicita Heyoka is very old and has survived the changing of times. We are here to serve and to help all people. The Fool Soldiers have been in existence for over 200 years carrying the message of peace,non violence,and the coming together of all people. Respect for ones self and respect for others is of the utmost as we are all one. The leader of the Fool Soldiers is Harry Charger (The Charger) from the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe in South Dakota.....
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Sweet Grass Lodge
Indigenous Peace Movement
Mendota Dakota
Hastings Veterans Pow Wow
Save The Eagles
Click for Eagle Butte, South Dakota Forecast
Always have a Badger by your side....
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