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1999-2000 Season Photos
2000 Worlds Photos By Liz
2000 Season Photos by J. Barry Mittan
2000-2001 Season Photos
2000 Skate America Photos By Jennifer Rowe
2000 Skate America Photos By J. Barry Mittan
2001 Euros Photos by J. Barry Mittan
2001-2002 Season Photos
Dracoshka Photos! (okay, not really skating, but cute!)
Dracoshka Photos, Page 2
Original Dance Photos By J. Barry Mittan
OD Photos By J. Barry Mittan, Page 2
Quel Ques Cris Photos By J. Barry Mittan
More Quel Ques Cris Photos By J. Barry Mittan
Quel Ques Cris Photos by J. Barry Mittan, pg 3
Spente le Stelle Photos By J. Barry Mittan
Exhibition: Thread of Ariadne (I think...)
Other Photos by J. Barry Mittan
Other Photos by J. Barry Mittan, Pg2
Indicates Updated or New from last update.

Banner photos Copyrighted by J. Barry Mittan visit his site, and please go see his Art of Figure Skating Calendar For the negative numbers, click here

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