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Sent on by Koruunda'toh with acouple demonstrating fire spheres, the ground beneath you suddenly begins to shake and you tumble to the ground in surprise. *yelp!* What is going on? An Earthquake? The ground shakes and rumbles, cracks appearing everywhere. Yes, most definitely an earthquake. Flailing around you try to find safety from the shaking ground, but only managed to fall down many times. When it was finally over the ground still, you tremble from fright and exhaustion. Kneeling on the ground breathing harshly it is some time later that you are found.

"Oh dear, look appears this traveler came along just when we were testing out our Quakes."A gentle voice, undoubtably feminine wakes you from your traumatized state. A male voice tinged with amusement then says, "I see my I wonder why these crazy travelers keep coming you'd think they could do without all the trauma they experience on these travels." Numbly you wonder the same thing yourself, you really must be crazy to keep going on in this overdramatic realm. what the heck were you doing it for?

"I'm going to fix the mess we see what you can do to fix the traveler's mind." The female voice continues before moving away. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a very pretty purple Raveen with green and white causing the earth to move slowly and return back to the way it was. Which is extremely unnerving to say the least. The amused male replies, "I suppose it's the least I can do, but I'm not sure that you'll like my methods Ishlan." From farther away she says in return, "Probably not, but as long as It is acting normal when you're though, I won't protest, though It might." The male laughs and walks into your line of sight. At first you had some trouble discerning him from the area around you, earth colored as he was, with green leaves on his tail. How interesting...wonder what he is going to do to you but at the moment you don't really care, yet.

On to Wildflower.



Raveen Kats Come From The Battle Pride