“Hold the elevator!” she called out as the doors began to close. She hurried to catch the car. “Thanks,” she absently said to the man holding the door.

“You’re welcome,” he answered in a distinct Yorkshire accent. “What floor?”

“Ten please.”

She leaned against the back of the lift, clutching a black portfolio in her arms. She closed her eyes as they began their ascent.

First floor. Second floor. Third floor. Fourth….

The sudden jolt knocked her off balance. A pair of strong hands kept her from falling to the floor. Dropping the case, she grabbed onto his arms for support. He carefully settled her back on her feet.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine.” She straightened herself and tried to regain her composure. She knelt down to retrieve the things she dropped.

“Well,” the man turned back toward her from the control panel. “Looks like we’re gonna be here awhile.”

Great,” she muttered in a frustrated manor. She sat on the floor of the car and held her head in her hands. “Ever notice, when you’re having a bad day, that it only seems to get worse?”

“As a matter of fact,” the amused tone in his voice caused her to look up at him. The familiar face of a stranger smiled back at her.

She felt like an idiot. Here she had been, two feet away from a man she had dreamed of meeting for years, and she hadn’t even noticed. She hoped she wasn’t blushing. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

He cut off her apology by shaking his head. He lowered himself onto the floor. His long legs sprawled out in front of him. His affable manor put her at ease. “Since there’s only us two here, maybe we should introduce ourselves.”

This time, she knew she was blushing. “I know who you are, Mr. Elliot.”

“Mr. Elliot?” He shook his head with a laugh. “You make me sound like my father. Please, it’s Colin.” He held out his hand. “You are?”

“Ashleigh,” she shook his hand. “Ashleigh Smith.” She sighed and placed the portfolio in her lap. “Really, I didn’t mean to come across as a bitch.” Ashleigh raked her hand through her hair. “This whole trip has turned out to be a disaster.”

“Now you’re stuck in a lift with me.” She shot him a look. He was grinning at her. Ashleigh couldn’t help smiling back. “I’ll listen, if you wanna get it off your chest.”

Her brows rose. “Really?”

Colin checked his watch, then glanced at the elevator doors. “I’m in no rush.”

She shook her head and sighed. “You asked for it.” Ashleigh shifted position. Her legs had started cramp from being under her. “I came out here for a job interview. My flight out of KCI was overbooked. Then my connection at O’Hare was delayed two hours.

“The cab driver dropped me off at the wrong hotel to begin with. Then, when I finally got to the right one, they had lost my reservation.”

Colin stifled a groan.

“This morning, I go to my interview, thinking I’ve got a real shot at it.”

“You didn’t get it.”

“They hired a guy yesterday morning. I could’ve been notified the position was filled before I ever left home.”

Ashleigh took on a snooty, upper-class accent. “You’ve done some real nice work Miss Smith. I’m afraid that you just haven’t had the type of high-profile experience we are looking for.” She flexed her hands in front of her. “I wanted to slap the smirk off that woman’s face.”

“What is it you do?”

“I studied to be a photojournalist.” Colin frowned. She knew what he must be thinking. “I’ve mostly covered events for my local newspaper. I also hold the glamorous job of assistant in a photography studio.”

He laughed. He gestured to the case in her lap. “Is that your work?” She nodded. “May I?”


Ashleigh watched with interest as Colin viewed the compilation of her photos. He commented on several of the shots. He stopped at one in particular. The black and white composition was of a young boy sitting by himself amid a playground full of children.

“Who is this?”

She leaned over to glance at it. “That’s my son, Patrick.” She met his gaze with her own. “I had him when I was seventeen.” Ashleigh shook off the odd feeling that suddenly overcame her. “Anyway, it was his first day of school. The teacher called and asked me to come talk to him. I brought my camera with me. By the time I left, the entire class had had their pictures taken with him. That was the only time he has ever been left out of anything.” She smiled at the memory of helping him make friends. “It’s my personal favorite.”

She looked up from the photo to Colin. He was staring at her. “When do you leave?”

The intensity of his eyes made her stammer. “Tomorrow night.”

“Good.” He closed the folio and handed it back to her. “Then you’ll be able to have dinner with me tonight.”

“Me? Have dinner with you?” Surely, she couldn’t have heard him correctly. “You want to have dinner with me?”

Colin got to his feet and held out a hand to help her up. “Certainly. We both have to eat. Besides, I think I can help with your ‘high profile’ experience problem. We can discuss it then.”

Ashleigh was astonished by his offer. It took her a moment to find her voice. “I’d love to.”

The doors opened. The lift occupants were helped from the car and checked for injuries. They assured their rescuers that they were unhurt.

Before taking his leave, Colin quietly took her aside. “I’ll meet you in the lounge around eight.”

After dinner, they returned to the hotel. They sat in the bar while they discussed Colin’s suggestion.

“You brought your camera gear with you?”

Ashleigh rolled her eyes. “Do you know a photographer who doesn’t?” Colin nodded as he sipped his drink. “I came prepared to work. I even have a collapsible enlarger I brought with me.”

“Airlines must hate when you check in.”

“Not really.” She set her glass on the table. “I just don’t travel with clothes. I take what I can fit in my bag. Whatever else I need, I can usually borrow,” she explained. “The hassle I get is when I hand through twenty rolls of film so they aren’t exposed to the x-ray. I’ve been threatened by other passengers for holding up the line.”

Colin’s eyes glittered. “So you’re responsible for holding up the queue,” he joked.

“Guilty.” Ashleigh grinned. “Actually, I prefer traveling by car. I only fly to places that are farther than a day’s drive.

“Anyhow,” she switched back to their original topic. “When do you want to get started? I can be ready whenever you are.”

Downing the rest of his scotch, he set the glass on the table and rose to his feet. “After you.”

Colin met back with Ashleigh in her room. He had gone to shower, change, and grab a few clothes while she set up the makeshift photo session.

“I’m impressed,” he commented as he entered her room. Lights were rigged and cameras were readied in the small sitting area. “You’ve done this before, I see.”

“Once or twice.” She picked up her first camera. “Where do you want to start?”

Ashleigh snapped photo after photo of Colin. Standing here, sitting there. Serious, smiling, laughing, talking. He was the easiest subject she had ever worked with. Of course, he was also used to the drill.

“Well, that’s the end of this roll.”

As she switched cameras, Colin used the break to change shirts. Ashleigh stole a glance at him as he slipped off his jacket and pulled the tank shirt over his head. Her breath caught in her chest. Her eyes were riveted on the broad, bare shoulders of the hulking man in her midst.

She had almost forgotten whom she was with. Colin had been so warm and amiable toward her. Their casual rapport made him seem more like an old friend than the man whose posters wallpapered her room when she was younger.

Quickly, she focused the camera and pressed the button. Colin heard the shutter click and glanced over his shoulder at Ashleigh. Her effort to keep a straight face failed. She grinned from ear to ear.

“So, that’s your thing.” He dropped the shirt he was holding onto the chair. He turned to face her. Naked from the waist up, he held his arms out at his sides. “Well? What are you waiting for?” Ashleigh’s eyes bulged. “C’mon. If it’s a skin pic you’re after, this is your chance.”

She eyed him cautiously for a moment. Uncertain of his motives, she noticed what almost looked like a challenge in Colin’s eyes. He crossed his arms in front of him, waiting. Ashleigh lifted the camera and began to snap pictures. She moved around him slowly, scrutinizing the best angle to shoot him from. She stepped closer and clicked off another frame.

Hey!” Colin had reached out and grabbed the camera from her. “Give that back!” He held it over her head, just out of her reach. His height advantage made it impossible to take it from him. Ashleigh placed her hands on her hips and faced him. “Can I have my camera back please?”

Colin smiled wickedly and slowly shook his head at her. “It’s my turn now.”


“I get to take your picture now.”

Ashleigh backed away from him. “Ain’t gonna happen.” She pointed her finger at her chest. “I’m the one behind the camera, not in front of it.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Colin frowned. “You see…if you don’t pose for me, I keep all your film.”

Ashleigh’s jaw dropped. “What an asshole! You suggested this shoot in the first place. Now you’re blackmailing me?”

Without saying a word or looking away from her, Colin lowered the camera. She watched as his finger found the button that would expose the film. His dead serious expression told her that he wasn’t bluffing.

She gave an exasperated sigh. “Oh, all right. Where do you want me?”

He motioned to the far side of the room. “Over there.”

She looked at the alcove where the bed was located. Colin wanted to take a shot of her in bed. Good lord, what had she gotten herself into? She tried to stall. “There aren’t any lights over there.”

“Not a problem.” He picked up one of the light stands and carried it into the nook.

Ashleigh watched, amused as Colin restrung the lighting cable. “If I ever need a gaffer, I’ll be sure to give you a call,” she teased.

He slanted her a look. He began to say something, then thought better of it. He settled everything just where he wanted it. Then, he went to her bag and rummaged through it. “Jesus, you weren’t joking about not packing clothes. There’s nothing in here.”

Ashleigh shrugged. “I brought what I knew I’d need.”

“And if you need something else?”

“I buy it.” Colin rolled his eyes at her answer. She laughed back at him. “What exactly are you looking for anyway?”

Colin disappeared into the bathroom. He quickly reappeared holding her nightgown. “Here.” He tossed it to her. “Put this on.”


“Put the thing on.”

He was being unreasonable. “I’m not doing it.”

She was being stubborn. “Ashleigh…”

She froze. After spending most of the day with him, it was the first time Colin had called her by name.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” he said in a very soft tone. He walked over, put his hand on her shoulder, and guided her to the cove. “I just want you to look sexy for the camera, that’s all.” He pushed her toward the bath. “Go. Do whatever you need to get ready. I’ll wait for you.”

Ashleigh shut the door behind her. She leaned against the door while she considered her plight. “Oh God,” she whispered to the ceiling. “What am I going to do?”

Colin had just fixed himself another drink when Ashleigh finally emerged. She noticed him smile at her as she stepped into the room. “Much better. You look wonderful.”

“I feel weird.”

He scanned down the length of her emerald green negligee. “It’s your color.”

“It’s my nightgown.”

She pointed to the liquor bottle on the table in front of Colin. “You gonna share that?” He poured a glass and handed it to her. Ashleigh downed the amber liquid in one swallow. She held the empty cup out to him. “Another?”

Colin briefly stared at her, stunned. She hadn’t even flinched. He lifted the bottle to refill her glass. “I see you’ve done this before too.”

Excuse me?”

“I was referring to this,” he tipped his own glass to her in a mock toast. “You didn’t strike me as the type of woman who would down shots of whiskey.”

“Oh please!” She rolled her eyes as she sat on the arm of the sofa. “I grew up in a small Midwest town. There wasn’t much else to do on weekends.” She absently circled the rim of her glass with her finger. “A girl who couldn’t drink the boys under the table usually ended up on top of it.”

“Is that how you had your son?”

Ashleigh swallowed. “No.” She shook her head, her expression solemn.

“If it’s difficult to talk about, I understand.” Colin apologized. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“It’s okay,” her smile was a bit forced. “It’s long and complicated. The condensed version is this…He was my best friend’s boyfriend when I met him. He and I became friends while they dated. When they broke up, he and I still hung out together. We never officially dated, but we did get pretty close.

“One night, we were at his house watching movies.” She paused to take a breath, staring into her glass. “All I really remember about what happened, was that I told him no twice and he stopped. The third time, I couldn’t get him off of me.”

When she looked at Colin, she couldn’t tell if it was sympathy or anger she saw in his eyes. “A month later I found out I was pregnant. We tried to be a couple for a while, but it didn’t work out.” She smiled. “I wouldn’t trade Patrick for the world, though. I honestly could not imagine my life without him.”

“Sometimes, I wonder what kind of father I’d be,” he said wistfully. “It just isn’t meant to be I suppose.”

“Well,” Ashleigh stood abruptly. “I believe it’s time we stop depressing one another and get this over with.” She set her drink on the table and smoothed the wrinkles from her gown.

Colin picked up the camera and followed her to the bedroom. “Have you ever modeled before?” he casually asked.

“No, I haven’t,” she stated, very matter of fact. “I’ve never liked the way I smile, so I’ve never liked any pictures I’ve seen of myself.”

“You have a beautiful smile.” He gave her a look that made her grin. “See, there it is. You should show it off.” Colin snapped a quick shot. “I think you’d be a natural at this.” He took another photo.

Ashleigh shook her head and covered her face with her hands while she giggled. “I think you’ve had too much to drink. You’re seeing things.”

Colin looked through the viewfinder. “I see you.” His eyes twinkled with mischief. “Besides, you’ve drunk almost as much as I have.”

Ashleigh smirked at him. He clicked the shutter again. She simply glared at him and sat on the edge of the bed. Colin knelt down in front of her and continued to take photographs. He patiently instructed her on how he wanted her to pose. He wanted her to remain comfortable with him. He finished the roll of film, save one frame. He then handed the camera back to her. She placed it on the bed next to her. “Thanks. You enjoyed yourself, I presume.”

“Immensely.” He seated himself next to her. “I haven’t caused you too much trauma, have I?”

Ashleigh tilted her head and gave him a thoughtful glance. “I think I’ll survive. Hell, how many women can say Colin Elliot took pictures of them in their pajamas? No! Wait… Don’t answer that. I don’t want to know.” He smiled broadly. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For being such a nice guy. You didn’t know me from anyone, yet you’ve treated me like we were friends.” She brushed her hair away from her face. “Today started out being horrible. You’ve cheered me up and made it a day I’ll never forget.”

He lifted a curl that fell over her eye. “I’m glad to be of service. You are very welcome.” There was a long pause between them. His hand brushed against her arm. She could feel the warmth of his breath on her skin. Colin leaned forward slightly, and kissed her forehead.

Ashleigh’s heart felt like it was going to pound it’s way out of her chest. “This is too surreal.”

Colin looked at her. “What do you mean?”

She gave him an incredulous look. “What do I mean?” Ashleigh stood and paced a few steps from the bed. She paused for a moment before turning back to face Colin. “This is what I mean,” she gestured to herself and then at him. “I’m in a hotel room with you and we’re both half-naked. It’s the sort of thing teenage girls dream about.” Shaking her head, she added, “It’s not really supposed to happen!”

“So,” there was a teasing grin on his face, “I was one of your girlhood fantasies?” Ashleigh blushed and looked away. “I’m flattered.”

Ashleigh rubbed her shoulders as if it had suddenly gotten cold in the room. Well aware that Colin was watching her, she avoided making eye contact with him.

“Look at me Ashleigh.” When she didn’t respond, he rose and moved toward her. With his index finger under her chin, he lifted her face to his. Colin stared deep into her eyes. A single tear rolled down her cheek. He wiped it away with his thumb. “Don’t cry,” he whispered, then cradled her face in both hands and kissed her.

Instinctively, Ashleigh closed her eyes as his lips touched hers. He tasted of Irish whiskey and smelled of musk. She could feel the heat and strength of his body as he wrapped his arms around her. She slipped her hands around his waist and up over the smooth skin of his back. Their heated embrace stirred a jumble of emotions inside her. She braced her hands against his chest and pushed him away. She ran her hand nervously through her hair. “I think you should leave now.”

Colin stared at her in disbelief. “Is something wrong?”

The sheen of unshed tears glazed her eyes when she looked up at him. “Please, just go.”

Colin’s frustration started to get to him. “Jesus, Ashleigh! What in hell is the matter with you?” She turned to walk away from him. He grabbed her arm and spun her back around. “I’m not going anywhere until you explain yourself, damn it! We’ve gotten on great all day. Now, you’ve suddenly shut down on me.” He loosened his grip and softened his tone. “All I did was kiss you.”

Still feeling his mouth on hers, Ashleigh chewed on her lower lip for a moment. “It isn’t that simple, Colin.” She freed her arm and walked past him into the lounge. She sat at the table and poured herself a drink.

“If I live long enough to figure out women…” he muttered aloud, shaking his head.

Colin took the glass from her hand and set it aside as he joined her. She watched him like a scared child. “Alright then.” He took her hands in his. “Talk to me.”

“I don’t know where to begin.” Ashleigh squeezed Colin’s hand without realizing it. “Like I said earlier, this sort of thing isn’t supposed to happen. I gave up on fantasies a long time ago.”

“This isn’t a fantasy.”


“Then why did you…?”

“Because I wanted it to happen,” she blurted. She pulled her hands from his and flexed them nervously in her lap. “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want you.” Ashleigh stared directly into Colin’s eyes, “I just didn’t want you to think I was after you because you’re famous.”

“Of course not,” he gently caressed her cheek. Colin stood and took her hand in his, raising her from the chair. “Dance with me.”

“There’s no music.”

“Doesn’t matter.” He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her waist. They began to sway gently as he softly hummed.

Ashleigh rested her head on his shoulder and sighed. She listened as his heartbeat kept time with his song. She closed her eyes and savored the sensuous feelings that washed over her.

“Tell me what you want, Ashleigh.”

She smoothed her hands over his broad shoulders. “The man I met in the elevator this morning.” She placed a kiss at the base of his throat. “I want you.”

A wicked smile appeared on his face. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

Colin inclined his head and kissed her then. He playfully nibbled on her lower lip. She ran the tip of her tongue over his lips, causing him to crush his mouth against hers even harder. Her hands explored every part of his body as they held each other.

Ashleigh was so caught up in their logic-defying passion, she hadn’t noticed that Colin had slipped the straps of her gown from her shoulders. She gasped as Colin cupped her breast with his hand.

“Shhhh.” He trailed tender kisses down her neck. Without a word, he carried her to the bed and gently laid her down. She watched as he unbuckled his belt and removed his trousers.

She reciprocated his smile. Colin sat on the edge of the bed next to her. He ran a hand over her body. He could feel every twitch and flex of her muscles beneath his touch. “You like that?”

“Mmm hmmm,” is all she could manage in reply.

He leaned over and kissed her stomach. From there, he worked his way slowly up her body, touching and tasting every part of her. He finally positioned himself over her. He watched intently as the anticipation in her eyes turned into fulfillment. “Was it everything you hoped?”

She closed her eyes and snuggled into his arms. “More.”

Ashleigh waited nervously as the editor reviewed her portfolio. “ This is a very impressive collection of work, Miss Smith.”

“Thank you,” she smiled.

“I’m amazed at the amount of celebrity photos you have. You must know someone in the right circles.”

She nodded. “I’ve met a few people here and there. I’ve been pretty lucky.”

The editor nodded and leafed through a few more pages. She stopped on a page with two black and white photos. “Your variety of subject matter is quite diverse. This is the perfect example,” she pointed at the book. Ashleigh recognized the top photo as the one of her son.

“I really like this shot of the couple with the sunset in the background.”

“Sunrise, actually,” Ashleigh corrected the woman. “It was taken with a timer in order to capture a candid moment.” She glanced over the photo. Two silhouettes standing on the balcony, watching the sunrise over breakfast. She had been surprised to find it when she developed her film after arriving home from her trip. Colin hadn’t told her he had taken it. “Those two happen to be my personal favorites.” Ashleigh smiled at the woman when she looked up at her.

“Well then,” she closed the portfolio and held out her hand to Ashleigh. “Congratulations. I think your work is exactly what we’re looking for.”

Ashleigh stood and shook the woman’s hand. “Thank you. I am looking forward to working with you.”

That night, Ashleigh sat in her bed and wrote a letter to Colin that he would never see. It simply said:

Dear Colin,
I got the job. Thank you.