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NEXT EVENT(S): MAINE PUNXXXGIVING thurs.nov26th2009.5pm @ cruston manor/bikebarn 547 blackstrap road falmouth, maine FROM THE DEPTHS (nc) PINKO AND THE ACTION BOYS A PRIMITIVE & SAVAGE LAND this just in from xmitchx: "Hey all, Me & some friends have been building a house for the last two years & on Thanksgiving we're going to have a party in it. It's not done yet but it'll be good for a punk show before all the interior walls get put up. Come early & have NO THANKS with us, a vegan potluck in celebration of not giving thanks to forefathers, who were a bunch of fuckers. Here's the info: VEGAN POTLUCK at 5pm. Bring foods &/or desserts. Hang out with us. Sit by our wood stove. PUNK SHOW at 6pm or so. FROM THE DEPTHS will be coming from North Carolina. They have members from CATHARSIS, REQUIEM, AURYN, etc. They will be touring with a bunch of anarcho literature & other awesome stuff. There will be two more bands from around here. I'm not the one setting up the show part so I don't know exactly who is playing yet. I know PINKO is at the top of the list but answers from different members conflict. Also maybe BIG BLOOD or AM FRANK or VISITATIONS or AP&SL. We'll know soon. Matt is living in Pittsburgh & he's trying to organize this from there which makes it tricky. He'll be back for this, though, & it will be awesome. Everyone is welcome & invited. This is more of a show, but it'd be awesome to hang out with folks before hand & create some stronger bonds amongst our brethren punks. Please come & invite whomever you'd like!!!! Spread the word!! There probably will be some drinking but any drunkenness will be really annoying. So keep it to a minimum. Okay. Call us at 8780277 or e-mail me if ya got questions. xrywinx@riseup.net you can sleep on our floor if you need a place to sleep." all shows: all ages. always. and they are also vegan potlucks. cost at door is sliding scale (pay what you can) $5-10 please come to these... and bring food to share! contact nonsvch! nonsvchardcore@hotmail.com ...xxx... there are shows happening... for now, check the sites listed below and, of course, the MAINE PUNK messageboard. and this one, too. also, walk down streets to view actual flyers. don't see any? go ahead and make some... and organize corresponding events! nonsvch never die. ...................................... you should also know about this stuff: MORE great local diy music events and all that: here & here & here & here & here
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