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Birds Do Not Crash

Birds Do Not Crash

Driving down a country road one day, Courtney and I saw a huge group of birds that got spooked and all fluttered up to the sky. Driving down the same road, we see at a near by intersection, flashing lights and two badley beat cars...

Now that you see the setting of my little story I will continue.

I have seen it again and again. Birds almost always are flying in groups, but I have never seen them ram head first into one another like I see so often on the roads of my home town. Surely these flea infested feathered friends can not be more intelligent than human beings. But sometimes I wonder...

Birds get shot...just like the sniper is loose and shooting innocent people on the northeast coast. Birds have friends, just like you see groups shopping at the mall. Birds fall in love and...well...ya know....just like the little animals in Bambi did and people do in the life we humans live...but yet, when it comes to traffic (whether it be on the ground or in the sky) I have never seen a collision with little birdies. Did you know that a person will be in a wreck (average) one time for every seven years. That does not seem so bad, but when you multiply that by how many people there are in the United States...that means that there are a lot of wrecks happening. So my advice, take time to go wherever you are attention, and do like Scott H. (just kiddin' Scottie). But seriously...
But if anyone has seen one of these bird collisions...I would definitly sign up to see that biznaz.