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Five Day Freshness

I do not enjoy doing laundry...and I do not think I know anyone who does. However, being home periodically through-out the day I catch a glimpse of commercials that are targeted at "stay at home moms" or "housewives." Maybe of these laundry detergent commercials make laundry seem like a great honor and a good time. Women all across the nation are smiling while taking their piping hot clothes out of the dryer...putting the newly washed material up to their noses, and taking it all in.

I am confused by this...first of all because I would never smell something with my eyes closed (for safety reasons.) Second, laundry is not that entertaining. And thirdly because of the advertising slogans they insist on using.

"Five day freshness" boggles my mind. Do my newly washed clothes -after spending five days in my closet, drawer, (or floor)- suddenly become "unfresh" to the point where I must do more laundry to make them "fresh" again? Or is it just a "scent" of "freshness" that only lingers around for 120 hours (yes, i did the math), like perfume or cologne??? (only making after the five days seem like 'the regular detergent').

This is indeed false advertising in some sort of fashion. Believe you-me...I don't think I will be doin' any laundry anytime soon.