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Sobe Commercials : Guest Writing

SOBE COMMERCIALS!!!!!!!!! OK, all of these start with this line, "This is a message for you from SoBe, they want your spirit to be high, your body to be fit, and your mind to be ready." And, they all end with this line, "Before I end, remember, there are many many Sobe Drinks, please, choose one that fits you. SoBe (name of SoBe flavor), So be yourself."

Right now, maybe you are thinking, "I'm a cool guy," or "Hey, don't go there," Maybe if you drink a little SoBe Dragon, you can think like that, because with SoBe Dragon, you feel cool and strong, like a karate guy, "AYayayaahhh" and if someone say anything bad to you, you can hit some bricks, "BANG BANG BANG,", just to let them know, that they should be nice to you, and if your girlfriend ask you, "Why are you acting like a dragon?" You can reply, "I'm not acting baby."

Right now, maybe there is a little cat in your living room, and you want it to come to you, "Misha misha little cat, come here, to daddy," but is refusing to listen to you, maybe you get mad at the cat, and scream, "Come here you little monkey cat!" But one second later, you realize that is wrong, to scream at the cat, but if you would have had a SoBe Green Tea, then you would have been more patient, and balanced, like a Latin guy with a ponytail, who knows how to say all the right things, and maybe play some guitar.

Right now, you are tired, there is almost no energy left in your body, just a little, little, bit, but not enough, you feel like a snail, a small little lonely snail. It feel like you have some chewing gum, underneath your shoes, so maybe you start thinking if I had a SoBe Energy now, it would be perfect, maybe you would feel like a crazy sexy tiger, who could run home and tell jokes, and then maybe lift heavy weight to calm down, but still feel fit for fight, check your shoes so there is no chewing gum to slow you down.

Right now, maybe your girlfriend ask you, "What happened to your love handles darling?" Maybe she thought they were nice to have when it was cold outside, because she felt so warm and cuddly, when she hug you. Maybe you tell her the truth, that you have been drinking SoBe Lean and working out in secret every day in the morning and lunch and after dinner, maybe also in the middle of the night, and how you lost them, your chubby little love handles, and if she wants them back, she has to make you stop drinking SoBe Lean, and buy you a hamburger.

Right now, maybe you feel strong, but you want to feel stronger, you want to be able to stop a train, maybe in case of emergency. If a pretty girl was tied to the railroad tracks and a train was coming, then it would be good to be able to stop the train, maybe only with one hand, to impress the pretty girl. Maybe you take her out to dinner afterwards, maybe you tell her about SoBe Power, and she ask you, "What you feel like?", and you can tell her to drink SoBe Power, feels like a rock and roll in your body.

Right now, maybe something inside your head is telling you, "Go up to the mountain, Go up to the mountain" Maybe the voice is telling you that you should hop on your mountain bike, so your legs get strong, because the bike in the mountain, is very hard, but not if you drink SoBe Fuel, then it is easy, it is like a walk in the park, with a little dog, and if you drink more SoBe Fuel, it is like your walking in the park again, but without the dog, it just you, showing off your strong legs.

Right now, maybe you are writing a letter to tell an old girlfirendthat you have been dieting, working out, and drinking sobe lean, maybe you write that sobe lean helps promote fat loss, one week later, she write you back, "what does help promote fat loss mean:" and you can say to drink sobe lean is like drinking small angry guys who run around in your body and scream to the fat, "Hey you punks, get out of this nice body," and the fat got so scared that it want to go home and go to bed.

*ya wanna see where this is from? Try clickin' The Nest of Beto: Code Name: Eagle Two

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