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Swimming in the Waters of Fate

Far from the sea and the lovely Banjo, theres a deep clear lake fed by a pure mountain spring. The waters gleam wet and dark as polished stone, revealing little in their depths. What secrets lie hidden here, in such isolation? There is nary a sound, but the ripples against the shoreline. Swish, flish, swish...

Theres movement beneath the surface of the mysterious water, a flash of purple light and blue hues. In a moment he breaks the surface to rise up onto the rocks of the bank.

A black serian with blue and purple fins, fetlocks, and gem-like spots starting from behind his eyes and flowing down his body to his tail. What a beauty, what a sight to see in this seemingly barren lake.

"Ah, greetings wanderer! I am Fate and this is my home." violet colored eyes smile well framed by the gleaming waters of the lake.

He swims surely in the water as if he lived here his whole life. "I'm sure you don't think there is much to see here, the Lake likes to make travelers believe it is much more an enigma than it is. Truth is there is much more here than you'll likely see is because they are all so shy. Much shyer than I could ever possibly be." Fate winks one eye before dashing down below the surface, disappearing in an instant.

All Serians are from Sionayra