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Everyone has their own story and reasons for becoming raw. Some people have had extreme cases, in which they knew at that moment a change needed to be made. For me, it has been a gradual thing. I am only 17, and I am grateful to God I have come to the realization at such a young age.
Being a teenage girl and growing up in the world of fad diets and gimmicks, I have had my share. I have lost and gained weight and now have rested at a very toxic and unhealthy 165 lbs on my 5 foot 2 frame. At one time I was 125 lbs while dieting. I did not feel 125 lbs. I felt as I do now. I only ate little bird sized portions of the cooked junk...candy, cookies, and lots of meats and cheese. My body is weak and lethargic and I have horrible psoriasis and binge eating problems. This has been a progression.

At 17, I fear for my life. I see morbidly obese people walking down the road and it makes me shiver. I don't want to be that way. I don't want to die young in some terrible hospital room with those 'extra pounds' or even as a thin person who is terribly old looking. I was to be vibrant, young, and free for all of my life. I want to feel 17 until I die. I feel like I am about to. Lately my negative thoughts have led me to think I will be 'fat and happy' but as I find it increasingly harder to move, wake up, and function as a living, breathing human being, my thoughts turn to raw food.

I found out about raw veganism last summer when I was 125 (yup, gained 40 lbs right back). A beautiful girl named Holly had been on it for 3 months, and was feeling and looking great. Although the elderly couple she stayed with was swearing to the 'moderation in all things' and vitamins galore routine (and still looked old, mind you), Holly kept it up and was dedicated. She would soak her oats faithfully. I never saw anything like it. I was on a long road trip and spent a lot of time in her prescense. She had a great head on her shoulders. We bonded and she shared her idea with me. For about a week while I was with her, I ate raw foods. The temptations were hard and I gave up after she was gone. My parents were pleased I had gotten over 'obsessive compulsivness'. Recently, I joined WW with them and they brought it up. I was humiliated. The lady scorned me for the thought. "You need your protein" she commented to end it. Yet, I know that these foods are harmful. Raw foods click for me. It is so simple. It makes sense. And, I have been inspired by the love of the raw foodist I frequent: Shazzie and Rhio. They are amazing women. I want to be like them! So, my raw food journey begins! I recently purchased Juliano's beautiful book and ran out of barnes and Nobles as giddy as a school girl. After my cleanse, there is no doubt I will be eating his pasta marinara and sushi!