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Welcome to the Jacobson Family Website. I hope you all are in good health and find this site to be enteraining and useful.
Ours is a wonderful family with many members. We have one big happy blended family!

Send Chad Jacobson an e-mail!

Home Page  ,·  Chad's Page  ·  Nathan's Web Page  ·  Ryan's Page  ·  Meet the Parents  ·  The Step-Brothers and Sister

Family Members

We have family members living in 3 different states in the US. We are all gainfully employed and have all different types of hobbies, and various sports that we all are apart of. Gary is in his 28th year of Real Estate. Linda is going to Beth-El at UCCS where she is in the process of attaining her BSN. Chad is attending PPCC and working in the bookstore at the Rampart Range Campus. Ryan works for Honywell in Colorado springs. Nathan lives in Denver, CO and works for Lockheed Martin. Will and Charlie are attending Fountain-Fort Carson High School. Jessica lives and works in Portland, Maine.


Jacobson Family Birthday's
Name Date of Birth Current Age
Gary Jacobson 11/21/1951 53 yrs. old
Linda Jacobson 03/16/1957 47 yrs. old
Chad Jacobson 04/27/1977 27 yrs. old
Ryan Jacobson 11/04/1978 26 yrs. old
Nathan Jacobson 02/11/1978 25 yrs. old
Jessica York 09/19/1976 28 yrs. old
Charlie Paddock 11/10/1986 18 yrs. old
William Paddock 02/21/1990 14 yrs. old