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Gameplay Rules

1. A direct form of personal disrespect towards another member viewed by any staff member in the message boards, or within a chat room will result in an immediate suspension, and possibility of deletion. The staff is well aware of the numerous offensive jokes being said daily, but if a staff member is to sense that the phrase of disrespect is meant to be taken personally he/she has the right to punish you. Please, if you really must argue in such a manner keep it within a private AIM or ICQ conversation.

Possible Punishments: Loss of stats. One week to one month suspension from gameplay. Deletion if problem continuosly occurs.

2. Any complaints about your stat gains for each site update will not be tolerated, and will most likely result in loss of stats. If you decide to complain to any staff member, whether it would be on AIM, or in the messageboards, the staff will gain the right to deal you the punishment immediately.

Possible Punishment: Loss of stats, or suspension if gone too far.

3. No godmoding. It is understood that later in the game you may have stats far greater than another who may have just joined. It is OK if you engage in any form of combat with them and dominate the whole fight. By godmod we mean that you may not do the same against other players of stats in your range, or continue to pick on the weaker members of the site. You may have certain time periods within a fight where you may dominate in a full post, but make sure that in the end you are not left without a scratch. Develop a good sense of judgement, and use it to your advantage.

Possible Punishments: One day to one week suspension. If godmod situation is viewed as ignorant to the point of disrespect towards the site you shall be deleted.

4. Plagarism is not tolerated. This site is not strictly based on any anime for a reason, and that is to produce original work from all of your minds. It is accepted, and sometimes recommended that you occasionaly use excerpts from certain legends in writing. Remember that Earth is exsisting in this game, and its past still lives on as well. You may use any famous quotes you choose, but do not claim them as your own. You may not however search for a site full of original chapters written by other people and post them as your own work. We are sure this rule will be the least violated due to the game setup, but non the less it is a rule.

Possible Punishments: One month suspension minimum. May easily as well result in deletion within the first offense.

5. Stay true to your character. Your character was designed by you for the most part. You should easily know what, and what your character is not capable of performing. You have chosen abilities, assigned stats, and labeled your character as a certain class for a reason. Do not stretch your limitations.

Possible Punishments: Cancelation of actions. Continuos abuse will result in loss of stats.

6. Activity is everything. We would like if you would at least post weekly. We know some people have certain times in which they are crowded with certain real-life issues, and this is easily understood. If you are too busy for the week, or any other important real-life issue occurs we would like to be informed that you are on leave for the time being. If certain suprise issues occur, and your character is left inactive for a few weeks we will make sure to simply save him/her inactive and keep it in our files.

Possible Punishments: Deletion if you are absent from the site for more than two months.

7. Content! This just not refer to size, but quality as well. We can understand that you may want to make a short post for certain reasons, but please do not post nothing more than that. We have created this site in hope to bring out the best role play skills out of every single one of you. We would appreciate, and actually require that your refrain from posting nothing more than small, meaningless posts. Use the best of your abilities to create your own writing masterpieces to help you amaze every member and staff participating within the site. Better posts result in much better gameplay.

Possible Punishments: Nothing more than small stat gains.

8. Spelling and grammar are of the most importance. It looks terrible when you go to read a post plagued by bad spelling and grammar. We are aware that all of you are not the best at spelling, and using the marks where they are needed, but we can only expect so much. We would at least like to see correct spelling due to the fact that they have a spell check. Please use this if you know your spelling skills lack. You can have excellent quality and quantity within your post, but believe us when we say that bad spelling that easily turn that image around.

Possible Punishments: Again, just a suffering stat gain.

9. Relations with other characters always seems to be an issue in every role playing game of this type. It will be said once, and we shall state it again. First off, you may not have any relationship with the Fallen Angel at all. Simple as that. You may add a past experience your character had with her, such as a vision, or an act of her saving your life even. But there will be no possibility that you were her ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, brother, sister, mom, dad, etc. She is an orphan with no family, and no friends. In no way will you change this from the start. You may however have a certain relationship with any other member of the site as long as you have their permission. In order to do this we want you to ask the person you wish to have a realation with to e-mail any staff member personally stating the OK. If we do not recieve an e-mail from the person then it will not be possible for us to accept.

Possible Punishments: A simple denial of acceptance into the site.


This series runs in episodes to keep the boards more organized. Episodes within this series are developed from the members themselves. A member will post the start of a new episode stating a brief description of what he/she is expecting from the episode, and the members that may be allowed to intervene within the episode. You may deny the offer if you are chosen to be included within an episode. An episode must end at a point where something is resolved, or with the use of a cliffhanger to keep us all on our feet. However, only the starter of the episode may decide when the episode can end. So make sure that if you are not the starter of the episode, and yet you wish to end it at your post that you must get permission from the starter. The starter may also cut in at any random time and end the episode without warning, as long as the last post meets the end requirement. An example post of how to start and end an episode is posted within the Insanity board. Do not worry if you are left out of episodes. You are free to start your own episode, and disclude it to everyone else other than yourself.

There is one very important rule about these episodes. You may only participate in one episode at a time. When you intervene in an episode you are stuck in the episode until it is over. When it is finished you are free to intervene in another episode, or start your own. Keep in mind that you do not have to involve yourself with everyone else, nor anyone at all within every one of your posts in the episode. While it is required that you relate yourself to what is happening in the episode you may choose to never actually come in contact with anybody. This will prevent you from not being able to post when you are discluded from the main action in the episode.


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The Present
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This layout was made by Yugi Moto for Mysterious Designs.