My collection of articles as retaining to anime, anime genres, manga, and anime role play. Naturally I love anime and manga, so I had to write up a few articles about what I love and hate.

Inu Yasha Role Players Suck

An Ode to Nekotaromaru

Bystanders die a lot

Interview with an Anime RPer

You're not cool without a set of katanas

Recommended Reading: October 2004

For all role-players, a complimentary dark corner will be issued

Recommended Viewing: November 2004

Fullmetal Alchemist is like gold to anime freaks

When it's not ok to cosplay

What's a better pet than a llama, a monkey and a giraffe combined?

I hate catpeople

The Retardedness of Newbie Yu-Gi-Oh! RPers - Guest Article

The horrible mess that is Viz - Guest Article