
Yeah, no one's safe now.

All my rants and blogs. Watch as I display my ability to complain and flame, or appraise and kiss ass. This I shall do generously and with great pride. Because by nature I'm a cynical whiner, and I love to bitch.

Totally Spies, and my problem with "kiddie cartoons"

Power Gamers Blow

Non-Geeks Suck It Big Time

OOCers Piss Me Off

Dumb People Shouldn't Drive.

Stop making promises you can't keep, doomsayers

All I need is a box of condoms, some beer, toothpaste, and gum

If your brat is spoiled, then throw it away

Burning Incense Doesn't Mean You're Wiccan

I hate people.

Anything you can roleplay, I can roleplay better

X-treme wha...?

The Top Five Shittiest Toys I Sold this Year

The ESRB Rating Means Something, Asshole

I got your bright, shiny website right here, ya bastards

Do I have my own webcomic yet?


Sakuracon 2005: Part 1

Sakuracon 2005: Part 2

Stop leeching off the economy, you lard-asses

Glitter: the Conspiracy

Stop letting fascist socialists tell you how to look.

The Single Most Offensive Publication I've Ever Seen

Things we need to open hunting season on

IA: Internet Acronyms

Put some effort into your shitty clan, elitist morons

No one cares about your shitty fireworks

Lord of the Storage Shelves

Jack Thompson is Batshit Psycho

Let's take a moment to talk about Christmas

New! The tangent rant of a gamer