Your car may be more expensive than mine, but I'm still smarter

Right now, you can assume that I hate your car. There are two reasons I hate your car.

  • 1) It is nicer than mine.
  • 2) It is worse than mine.

    If your car is nicer than mine, then I hate you because you have a nicer car than me and usually feel the need to taunt me about how much neater yours is. Obviously your ability to rev an engine is directly proportional to your intelligence and "awesomeness". That of course, is completely wrong and you are probably an idiot. Better luck next time. Maybe your car will buy your way up the social ladder. But no one cars. My cat will mutate and lay eggs in your stomach.

    If you car is worse than mine you will probably feel the need to note about how "fortunate" I am to have a nicer car. This is usually a lie and you will eventually trade in your slightly inferior car for a better one and begin bragging about your amazing car. My cat will mutate and lay eggs in your stomach too.

    There is also a third decision that is less likely that the other two. Not worthy of being in this list, but still worthy of mentioning. If your car is exactly the same as mine than I don't hate your car. I hate you. Go away. My cat will mutate and lay eggs in your stomach. Then the eggs will hatch and the baby kittens will eat you alive from the inside out.

    Cats don't lay eggs? What is wrong with me!?

    I am drinking grape juice from a can. I just can't figure out how they squeeze the grapes to make juice inside the can. You think they would find some kind of way to do it outside the can but apparently they have minerature grape juicing gnomes that work away as slaves in cans deep beneath the earth to make juice for you. Luckily the Morlocks are there to keep the gnomes from revolting. That would be terrible and I wouldn't have any more grape juice in a can.

    How did I go from talking about how dumb cars are to grape juice gnomes and Morlocks? I need a hobby.

    Baaaaaah........ I'm a goat.

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