Search engines that reference you to other search engines, that reference you absolutetly nowhere are a waste of time and should be launched into the sun. You've probably seen some of them. You type in a search term and the first result says "Find (Search Query Here) at!" What a waste of time. But if your looking for a bit of entertainment you might notice any word you type will show up there. So why not search for some of the coolest words of all time. Why not... Frunky...?

You can find a Frunky on Ebay, you can shop for Frunky. No clutter at lycos, just Frunky, 600,000 articles all about Frunky. There is just so much Frunky around it's almost impossible to miss it! What exactly is a Frunky?

Neither frog nor monkey...

But a combination of the two...


Wow, I'm good. You can't even tell I photoshopped that. I'm so awesome... Not really. I did such a horrible job of photoshopping that I should be shot in the leg. I could have actually spent some time and done a decent photoshop of a cross between a frog and a monkey but that would involve tactics I don't usually employ for moral reasons. Tactics like "Hard Work" and "Effort" which go against morals like "Laziness" and "Sleepy."

This has to be one of the most depressing articles I've ever written. An article you actually have to scroll down to read, written entirely about a single word that doesn't even exist. I searched for Frunkies on ebay and they weren't there. But that doesn't mean they don't exist, no... far from it. I have a pet Frunky. His name is... Frunky...

I planned on stopping writing this article about a paragraph ago but I thought the transition wasent good. I think some people get the wrong impression on how I write my articles. They think that when I sit down at my computer I have things such as a "Plan" or maybe a "Rough Draft" or something along the lines of a "Coherent idea". Very far from the truth. This article started out with me thinking in my head the word "Frunky"... It then dissipated into more nonsense about the existance of a Frunky, then into this, the random nonsense about the random nonsense about the existance of a frunky and how there is no way for me to stop typing with my sanity in tact.

With that said I will end on this educational note: If you re-arrange the letters of Frunky you can spell "Unkfry".

No Frunkies were harmed in the writing of this nonsense, I like Frunkies.

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