Everyone in the world has tried girl scout cookies. You go to Bakoslavakia and pick up the hungriest looking little boy and ask what his favorite girl scout cookie is and he will tell you. One time a girl scout asked if I wanted to buy girl scout cookies and I thought she meant cookies made of girl scouts. Instead I got these tiny wheels of processed crap. Since my oppinion is more important than yours here is my evaluation of girl scout cookies that aren't made of girl scouts.


Once you get past the confusing name and actually get to opening the box you reach the carmely goodness of the cookie stuff. Even though the cookie isn't made of girl scouts, it isn't that bad. Unfortunutely it will drain your wallet about 60 dollars for 4 cookies. Be prepared to beat down a girl scout and steal her cookies to avoid taking your computer to a pawn shop.


Another stupid name. Oh well. Peanut butter, chocolate, cookie stuff. One of the better cookies but you might as well buy some Reeses. Mmmmmm...


These cookies are the equivelant of eating a block of badly processed cement. There is no flavor, no texture, and no insentive to eat it. There isn't even a girl scout in the middle. Don't eat these.

Thin Mints

Everyone's favorite, or rather, every one who is stupid enough to like the terrible chunks of insessant annoyance. These are the worst cookies of them all. I would rather eat an ugly girl scout than eat these cookies. It's the equivalent of eating a bottle of crusty toothpaste. Awefull. Anyone who likes Thin Mints needs to seriously rethink their choice of taste. Thin Mints are terrible.


Whoever came up with these names should be shot, maimed, and their corpses eaten by monkeys. This cookie is alright, but drier than the Sahara if you move it 98 million miles closer to the sun. Dip them in milk unless you want them to absorb every drop of water in your body like a super sponge. Still not girl scout flavored.

Lemony Chunks

They aren't really called Lemony Chunks. I just can't remember the name. There is probably a reason for that because the cookie is most likely called something like "Iamathreeyearoldwhonamesterribletastingcookiesafterretardedstuff". They are a lot like trefoils but instead of having no taste, they have a stupid lemon taste. But not a good kind of lemon like entertaining-yourself-at-a-restaurant-after-ordering-water-by-sticking-the-lemon-in-your-mouth-and-leaving-it-there kind of lemon taste, but more like the really-terrible-cheap-immitation-of-a-lemon-on-a-cookie-that-should-never-be-flavored-as-a-fruit-especially-a-lemon kind of lemon taste.

Double Dutch

One word: Dogfood.

I have eaten a girl scout cookie made of girl scouts before, and it was delicious.

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