I happened upon a list of ideas for instant messaging names in the form of a forward yesterday. I have found that most people who use theese names, are comparible to what the city compost would be like were it left to rot along with the bodies of various mammals and a few telemarketers. Here is my interpretation, or comments on them.


I wasn't Kissing him, I was just telling his lips a secret!!...................................

Here is the secret: "I'm contagious".

Everything i touch turns to shit .. i touched my face and now look at it !!...........................

Your ugly. We know. Shut up.

HaTe Me CoZ u HaTe Me DoNt HaTe Me CoZ u AiNt Me!!! ...............................

In other words hate you for no reason rather than envy your stupidity? No problem. I'll just hate you.

*i would tell ya to go to hell but all dogs go to heaven*...............................

Woof. At least I wont have to deal with you. Shut up.

*i wanna be barbie...that GURL has evrythin* ...........................

Yes, I think inanimate, plastic, and lifeless would suit you.

No guy is worth your tears & when you find one that is, he won't make you cry. .................................

Unless he beats you. Then you will cry a lot.

Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again....skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts!..............................

But harder to fix than organal dislocation which I will happily provide you.

Everyone says you only fall in love once but thats not true, everytime I hear your voice I fall in love all over again.........................

"Everyone says you only fall in love once but thats not true, I fall in love with completely different people all the time."

If you love someone put their name in a circle not a heart, a heart can be broken but a circle goes on forever..............................

If you hate someone you can put their name right next to that to. Same rules apply.

You laugh because im diffrent i laugh because you're all the same.............................

No, I laugh because your unoriginal. At least I don't spout this crap. This line is used by countless morons who think they are unique. Unfortunutly they are all similar in their uniqueness just making them unoriginal and stupid. Shut up.

To the world your just one person but to one person you could mean the world.................................

You could also be the world to more than one person. At once.


Your not beautiful. Your ugly. No one thinks you are. Don't get ahead of yourself, shut up.


Why would you believe it? No one loves you, so it's obviously a lie. Why don't you just stop asking people to not lie to you when they wouldn't even bother flattering you.


Unless your in prison talking on a telepohone through four inches of glass. In which case it is very difficult. We could only hope for the best.

a peach is a peach a plum is a plum a kiss isnt a kiss without some tongue..............................................

We've gone over this before. A peach is a peach a plum is a plum, a kiss is just a kiss when your dumb, so open your mouth and impale your eyes, and go ahead commit suicide.

Loving *U* is like breathing...how can i stop.............................................

Actually breathing is quite easy to stop. You should do it more often. For a couple hours maybe...

If yOu ReAlLy LoVe SoMeThInG sEt iT fReE, iF iT cOmEs BaCk iT's YoUrS, iF iT dOeSn'T iT wAs NeVeR MeAnT tO Be................................

Like homing pigeons. Those things always come back. It's too bad no one ever came back from you. Maybe you should be friends with homing pigeons more often.

A MiLLi0n WoRDs Would Not Bring You Back, I Kn0w, BecauseI've Tried. Neither Would A Million TeaRs. I Know, BeCause I've Cried...........................................

From the beatings?

A MeMoRy LaStS 4eVeR NeVeR DoEs it DiE TrUe FrieNdS StAy toGeThEr AnD NeVer SaY GoOdByE ...................................

Especially if they are conjoined. In which case they have no choice. Unfortunutly it can die. In some cases if one dies, so does the other. Maybe we will be lucky and we can kill two morons with one bullet. Quick, stand in a line.

A Person Who Asks A Question Is A Fool For Five Minutes, A Person Who Doesn't Is A Fool Forever ......................................

Unless it is a really stupid question. In which case we will never let you live it down. In fact, even if the question is important, and intelligent we wont answer you anyways. We hate you.

Love Is When You Don't Want To Go To Sleep Because Reality Is Better Than A Dream............................................

I thought that was insomnia.

Our eyes are placed in front because it is more important to look ahead than to look back......................................

Because we all know what is below your back. And no one wants to look at that. Why do you think we prefer to stand in front of you?

If I could be anything I would be your tear, so I could be born in your eye, live down your cheek and die on your lips .......................................

I hope you evaporate.

If you love me like you told me please be careful with my heart you can take it; just don't break it or my world will fall apart..................................

I hope your world falls apart in some kind of endless void... Far away from me.... Shut up.

God made elks, god made deers,God made NSYNC a bunch of QUEERS.........................................

Yes, we know. Thanks for sharing that with everyone else. Shut up.

Everyday That Goez By It Seemz Like I Discover Somethíng New about.............................................

I learn new things everyday about excessive use of punctuation as well.

dOn't settLe 4 the oNe yOu Can LiVe wiTh...wAit 4 tHe onE yOu Can't Live WithOut ............................................

Like your conjoined twin, your organ donor, or your cell mate.

NoThiN iS mOrE pAiNfuL Then ReALiZiN He MenT eVeRyThiN 2 u,& u MenT nOtHiN 2 HiM ..............................................

Awwww, poor thing. You fell for his bs. Guess he fooled you.

Don't push any1 to hard, if it's meant to be, it will happen......................................

No no no, push really hard. That way you either burst a coronary or you get arrested for stalking. Maybe if you push hard enough you might push them into a pit of snakes or pointy objects.

do u believe in love at first site? or should i walk by again?.......................................

You'll have to walk by again please. I didn't get a chance to trip you and smash your face into the floor.

Roses are red violets are blue god made me pretty what happened to you?...........................................

Roses are red, violets are purpilish blue, I hate poetry, almost as much as you.

NØ ØNE CaN TeLL Me WhaT Tø Dø ¡T's My L¡Fe N i'LL L¡Ve iT ThE WaY *¡* WanT To...................

Way to be assertive. Assertive people always type in capital letters and lack puntuation. But unfortunutly people can tell you what to do. Like me. Here is something for you to do: Shut up. No one cares if you think you are a rebel. Just shut up.

GUYS ARE LIKE ROSES WATCH OUT FOR THE PRICKS....................................

Girls are like flowers. Watch out for the pansys.

who let the dogs out??... WHO WHO WHO WHO? who let the dogs out WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO??!?!?! please e-mail me back if u have the answer, my dogs have been missing all day!!...............................................

Who? Who comes up with this crap? Please email me if you know. I'll be sure to nuke their house.

ReMeMbEr mY nAmE * ReMeMbEr My FaCe * CuZ tHeRe AiNt nO oThA hOnEy ThAt CaN tAkE mY pLaCe..........................................

Okay, your name is honey. And your face looks like the underside of a dogs tounge. I wont forget it. I've got a labeled mug shot.

I'm Loved by some, Hated by many, Envied by most, Yet wanted by plenty.........................................

No your hated by all, loved by none, shot in the head, with a high calibur gun

DONT WISH UPON A STAR REACH FOR ONE......................................

And burn yourself on hot, molten, gas, spewing out high levels of unguarded radiation.

IT's better to let someone think you are an Idiot than to open your mouth and prove it....................................

Exactly, so just shut up.

God made mud god made dirt god made guys so girls can flirt................................

Eat some mud, and then some dirt, slit your throat, with a chunk of chert.

All Good Girls And Boys Go To Heaven Thats Why I Wasnt Invited..........................................

Because your neither.

Don't hate the player, HATE the game! ......................................

Because you are a failure.

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happend.............................................

No, actually cry because it's over. Smiling is overated.

The more I get to know guys, the more I like dogs ...........................................

Dogs lick their genitals right before they lick your face. Good luck with the relationship.

Some day u'll cry for me like i cried for you € Some day u'll miss me like i missed you € Some day u'll need me like i needed you € Some day u'll love me, but i wont luv you! ......................................

No, I doubt it.

guys are like slinkies its always fun to watch them fall down the stairs........................................................

Girls are like carpet. It's always fun to watch them be walked all over.

Fine guys open my eyes, smart guys open my mind but only a sweet guy can open my heart............................

So can a scalple. No really, watch.

If ur nice, you can call me sweety. If ur sweet you can call me hunny. If ur hot you can call me tonight..........................................

How about I just call you stupid?

Dream as if you'll live forever...Live as if you'll die ............................................

You will die. Very soon.

ITS A GURLS WORLD AND GUYS JUST LIVE IN IT! .................................................

That is exactly the reason why their have never been any female presidents. Nice statement there. Proove it next time.

A wise monkey never monkies with another monkey's monkey!.................................................

A stupid monkey gets shot.

***everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge***.......................................

And what your doing is just downright unconstitutional.

I'm like a butterly-pretty 2c- hard 2 catch!...............................

Butterflies get caught in the grills of cars. Butterflies are easy to catch. I chop butterflies in half all the time when I see them.

I Am A Princess, I Live In The Clouds, If You Wanna Kick It With Me, You Better Bow Down, So Get On Your Knees, And Call Me Your..............................................

I will make special note to crash a 747 into your cloud. Ms. "..........".

Should I smile, Cuz ur my friend, Or cry..Cuz that's all we'll ever be?.............................

Cry. Humor me.

If you're going my way, I'll walk with you................................

If you're going my way, I will punch you and throw you in a river.

Is it really that difficult to pick out a quote of your own and use it? Maybe... make one up? Perhaps use your own name? I hate theese stupid catch phrases everyone uses. I yell at anyone who uses theese.

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