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All files are assembled with the JSGME file switching utility. You can manually install them, also. If installing manually, open the readme file and follow the instructions therein. If you find manual install confusing, I suggest you use JSGME. All future mods will use this utility.
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Rummy_Grass_DITHERS.zip This changes the look of grass and forest top textures when viewing them close up.
I fiddled with the forest tops for a look I prefer to stock issue. Use JSGME to install. Manual install instructions provided within, also.
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(Future home of WIP mod) Use JSGME to install. Manual install instructions provided within, also.
This is a 16 fresnel files "Multi-Sea" mod that is not a Channel sea, but bluer for the Indian ocean, Hawai'ians, or Golfo de Mexico folks. Tweak the base SEA_COLORS_ values in the bdg.txt to your color taste. Read the readme file provided for more information. By stickman. Works only with v2.04 patch or later.
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Pelistick_CLIFF.zip Use JSGME to install. Manual install instructions provided within, also.
rocks at the cliff foot, and a bit of horizontal strata layers showing. I used hardly any grass at the top, as it seems to blend better with adjacent terrain. In PCX format. This will not shimmer.
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5 city and village terrain files that you may prefer to use rather than stock ones. Best used with stock terrain. City_Village_Terrain_v1.zip I made these while trying to place objects and make cities. Based on the old Rowan ones.
Use JSGME to install. Manual install instructions provided within, also.
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WoodPecker.zip I did not like the stock treelines or raised forest sides, so I made this. I use Rummy's early forest top.
Forest side is my old green one. The stock one is too blue. Stock tree lines look like Russian Olives! Too blue. Use JSGME to install. Manual install instructions provided within, also.
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