Well, not "Co." -- not really. Just me, my experiences on the bike, my pen, and a twisted imagination that makes Howard Stern seem like a mild-mannered granny from a quilting bee...
These logos seem to tell the truth about cycling; the idea is to get "in your face" but in a way that sends an important message: Bikers are people too, and two wheels deserve the same equivolent space as four (I am legally entitled to say "the same space -- period" but that makes no sense, the same equivolent space is fine with me.
Go ahead, show your cycling spirit. Download and wear proudly any of these logos.
-- Elvis
Take No Sh#%&
Send a message that you need more respect on your bike than Rodney Dangerfield. The design pictured is on the back of the t-shirt.
Been a roadkill? Hoping not to? Send the message!
Simple Logo
Been there and done that? Seen enuff stuff during your "recreational ride" to make a messenger cringe or a health-insurance rep giggle with glee? Let people know you been under the treads and back. Simple "RKC" logo in an oval.
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More Stuff coming... Under construction -- be back soon, on a coffee break...
- Elvis