** The ORIGINAL version of "The Jungle Book". Immensely trippy and quite hilarious. Watch it. Twice.
** Needs' cappuccino. This shit is fucking amazing. 'Nuff said.
** That chick in the "Barbie Girl" video. I wanna' fuck her sweet, straight-from-Denmark ass!!!
** ANY of the Schoolhouse Rock tunes.
** Wa-wa pedals.
** Free buffets.
** The fact that 10 + 12 equals 22!!
** Cheap, homegrown weed!!!!!!
** Alexander Keith's and Oland's Export Ale.
** SLUTTY ex-girlfriends.
Things to say that my bong is when Five-O arrives unexpectedly...
Well yippy-skippy, links!!
Psychopathic ramblings by a holy roller. Insane in the membrane...!!! Various .WAV Files -- Comical shit indeed! Horror Celebrity Slugfest -- Beat the fuck outta' people who deserve it!!! Just go here...there are some FUCKED pix!! Cloud 9 Gallery of the Absurd Bert is EVIL! Do not be fooled by his pseudo amicable grin...his stuttering laugh denotes his true psychosis!!! 'So I'll tell you what I want, what I really really waaaaant...' -- I wanna' SLAP...zigga zigga ugh!! Elmo's Song...with a twist. I approve.