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E-Mail Pals

If you're like me, then you probably would like someone to talk to who is a parent, relative, friend or has OCD themselves. If that interests you, send your name, age, interests, relation to person with OCD, or if you have OCD, etc....whatever you want to me, and i will post it up here ASAP. Don't forget to put "OCD Penpal" in the subject line, so i don't delete you. :)

Danielle My name is Danielle. I have Panic Disorder, OCD, Depression and MORE. I also have some medical problems with low blood pressure and Reactive Airway Disease. I take medication for all of the above.
I like to chat with people, of any age, who have similar problems and like to communicate by snail mail (e-mail is ok too). My Faith is what keeps me going and gives me Hope! E-Mail me if you'd like to talk to me at I Love My

Brenda Hi my name is Brenda and I have an 11 year old nephew recently diagnosed with ocd. We are unfamiliar with this illness, so any information anyone could give us would be helpful. Thank you.

Darlene Hi, My name is Darlene. I've been suffering from OCD for the past 10 years. I have the thought problem. I think something in my head and think it really happened. I've been on Prozac for some time, but feel it's never really helped. It's just made me not care. I've been divorced for 3 years, I blame it on OCD but now that it's over, its a relief. I'm more relaxed alone. I have a 6 year old daughter that keeps me going. We live on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. I would love to correspond to anyone that could use some company.

Jerry My name is Jerry. I am 45 years old and have had OCD for over 30 years! My ocd involves thoughts that i fear being sexually perverted although i do not do any sexually perverted activities whatsoever. I am constantly "checking" to see my arousal level in what i deem "innappropriate" situations.. i feel very "alone".. i am in therapy and on meds, but i really don't have many friends that have similar symptoms.. If you are out there please contact me.. Thank you..

Teresa Hi, My name is Teresa. I have a 7 year old son named Dylan. He has been diagnosed with ADHD. Although, I just read the OCD site and I strongly believe this fits him more so than ADHD. He has "bad thoughts" constantly about hurting people. This really upsets him because he's a very kind and gentle child and would never hurt anyone. He also pulls his hair out, one piece at a time, constantly. Also, he fears that someone is going to break into our home or that someone is going to kidnap him. These are symptoms I read about on the OCD site. We deal with these things on a daily bases. I am so grateful for this site and plan to share the information with my son's doctor. Anyway with the same symptoms, please e-mail me so I can better understand my son.

Thank you,
Teresa R. Colon

Michael Hi,my name is Michael.I am looking for other people with OCD for support.I am 31 years old and I live in Michigan.

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