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INFORMATION ON MYSELF: Hello. I am English and live in Lancashire. My interests are anything to do with the occult, especially OOBE's, of which I have been fortunate to have had many of; Mysticism; UFO's - again I have been fortunate in seeing what I believe are several genuine UFO's; The Hollow Earth; Astrology; Ancient Egypt where I have travelled extensively; Cosmological Theory and anything unusual and controversial in general. I have been studying the occult on and off but mainly on since I was 7. I was once in the Rosicrucians for a short while.. I am a passionate Anglophile and very patriotic. An ancestor of mine was at the Battle of Waterloo and another was supposedly the last surviving member of the Charge of the Light Brigade. I also love rock music, particularly Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, REM, Supertramp, Genesis, Enigma, The Verve, Radiohead, etc, etc, I came to the conclusion whilst still in my teens that the subject most worthy of serious investigation and practise was transcendental meditation/mysticism on the basis that, as Jesus so aptly put it, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven (Enlightenment) and all these things (all the rest of the knowledge and abilities associated with the occult/supernatural) shall be added unto you." Apparently, according to those who have achieved Enlightenment or the merging of ones individual ego consciousness into the Higher Consciousness, all sorts of occult abilites are acquired automatically as one progresses towards Enlightenment such as OOBE's, telepathy, clairvoyance, etc. To devote oneself to the study of these "lesser" abilities alone is to be sidetracked and to ignore the real task which is to "know thyself." I am of the opinion that the highest truth/knowledge/wisdom can only be experienced. It can be taught in theory but has to be experienced to be of any value - one picture is worth a thousand words, one experience is worth a thousand theories/religions. My deepest mystical experiences so far, apart from freeing my soul from the physical body and remembering my birth and a time before birth, have taken the form of "melding" with another and experiencing a certain "aspect of God" that was not very pleasant. I also feel that there is too much speculation and fashionable opinon/writings about the truth and that the real essence of all the philosophies and religions can be written on a postcard. The real distilled quintessence, in my opinion, is best summed up by certain Biblical phrases, namely, "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you," "Be still and know that I am God," and, "If thine eye be single, thy body shall be full of light." For those that know the true meaning of these sayings, there is nothing else to learn really, only the need to experience. Although I was born a Christian (Church of England) I have studied virtually every esoteric subject under the sun but especially Buddhism, Hinduism and the writings of the English mystic Paul Brunton and the Tibetan T. Lobsang Rampa, so although a Christian by birth, my real "religion" is a mixture of the above, together with some of my own ideas. I feel religion is spiritual science/theory, the science of the soul/self and is in fact the highest science. The mystery of self/consciousness is the highest mystery. Everything else pales into insignificance and is inferior and subservient to and entirely dependent on consciousness, yet we ignore it. Being, the impersonal AM/IS behind the personal I/ME, is the source/fount of everything we know and to re-discover it, in it's pure, untainted "form" is the ultimate aim of our present existence. MY PERSONAL "RELIGION": For those who are interested I will summarise my personal philosphy/religion refined over 35 years and indeed, still being refined as I rapidly approach the grave. We are spiritual beings who come to Earth to learn. Earth is a school where we incarnate into a human body to gain experience and evolve thereby. As we have incarnated here once, so we can reincarnate here again. I know reincarnation is a fact because I can remember being born and dreading coming here AGAIN and I can also remember a place prior to Earth which I suppose I should call the "beforenow" as opposed to the "hereafter", although they are really one and the same thing. The main benefit in coming here to learn is because of the time difference. 70 years here is but the twinkling of an eye in the real time of the beforenow/hereafter. Once we die to the Earth we cast off our physical body like a butterfly casts off a chrysalis and return to whence we came and it seems like we were away for but a few moments yet we return with all the knowledge, experience and wisdom of up to 70 years or more. We plan our main life pattern ourselves before incarnating here, based on what we wish to learn so when things start going "wrong" it is no use screaming at God, as it is probably what we intended for reasons that will become clear eventually. We may be a male in one life and a female in another. We feel we are all important when down here but a more pathetic bunch of ignoramuses would be hard to find anywhere in the Universe! We know not where we have come from, where we are going, what we are doing here, even what we are, yet think we know it all. Truth is, we are really rather unimportant and dispensible, a tool of our higher self, or Overself, that sends a part of itself down here to gain experience and learn. That part is the divine spark in the heart of us humans which, when it rises up and manifests in the brain, feels it is a seperate entity and becomes divorced from it's origins. An Overself can have up to nine humans on Earth at once that it controls unseen via the sub-conscious like puppets. We tend to reincarnate in groups as puppets of our individual Overselves. Once we have incarnated for the first time, been sent from the Overself, we forget our origins and become enmeshed in Karma and ignorance, which is what it's all about in order to function properly as an "information gatherer" and it is one hell of a job to find ones way back to the divine spark and ones Overself. As an analogy, at the moment we are like a hand that thinks it is everything, unaware that it is part of a body. Once we re-unite with our Overself, rather than losing our individuality, we gain the greater reality of the whole body, together with all it's abilities which as a "hand" were completely beyond our comprehension such as sight, emotion, etc. So, as humans, we are but mere shadows of the reality that is within us, crumbs from an eternal feast and unimaginable realms and abilities are waiting for us to discover them. Everything we do has an effect on ourselves and everything else, either for good, bad or indifferent. When we "die" we are weighed in the balance, judged, so to speak, and if our bad karma outweighs our good then we have a negative balance or overdraft that has to be adressed by doing more good next time. "As ye sow, so shall ye reap" describes how karma works so the best advice to avoid being saddled with a load of bad karma which will have to be worked off is to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Whilst here on Earth we are not entirely divorced from our spiritual origins as when we sleep our soul or astral body leaves the physical body and enters the spiritual world/astral planes/fourth dimension where it can move around and explore. The purpose of sleep is not so much to rest the physical body but the astral body which needs to escape from the coarse vibrations of matter. We are like divers grubbing around on the bottom of a muddy sea in the semi-dark who very frequently have to come up into the open air and sunlight to breathe before submerging again. Everyone astral travels during sleep and their experiences are rationalised into dreams except for those that can do it consciously. The astral body/astral world interpenetrates our own, is here right now all around us but invisible, like tv and radio signals are unless you have a receiver for them. It is a mental realm where thought is an instant creative power, what you think becomes reality. There are no shadows and everything is self-illuminated, as bright as a summers day on Earth but without a central sun to provide the light source. The astral body is what is subject to reincarnation and once Enlightenment is acheived, in other words once you have merged with your Overself, you "die" to the astral world and move to even higher realms in a new body and so on, probably ad infinitum. The astral body can also transmigrate from one human body to another, providing the other person is willing and vacates his body first, that way the transmigrating astral can prolong it's stay here. Transmigration can also be used for incarnating straight into an adult body rather than a baby, thereby allowing retention of the knowledge and memories of the "beforenow" and the reason one has incarnated. This method is used by highly evolved beings who more often than not have a message for mankind, avatars/boddhisatvas and the like. THE ALIEN CONNECTION: Apart from the spiritual connection behind Earthly life, there is also an alien one. UFO's appear in literature going back thousands of years, the Star of Bethlehem, the pillar of fire that lead the Israelites out of Egypt and landed on the ground between them and the pursuing Egyptian army, the Vimanas of Hindu mythology,etc. Indeed, one Hindu book describes how to construct them and goes into details of how they are powered by mercury. I feel that as we are spiritually "owned" by our higher selves, so we are also physically owned by more advanced aliens. The theory of evolution, in my opinion, is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on Mankind. Life was seeded on this planet by advanced beings from elsewhere, just as we now have the technology and ability to start life on Mars. What happened is that organisms of ever increasing sophistication have been placed here to make the climate/conditions right for supporting larger species. Micro-organisms were needed to purify the air and seas and as conditions became ripe, ever more larger creatures were capable of being supported. Obviously, you could not just drop a few humans on a new planet, they would have nothing to eat and no soil in which to grow crops. Conditions had to be manipulated first. It is easy to see how Darwin arrived at his theory of evolution by examining fossil records which show the simplest species first and larger ones later but that is how it had to be. If evolution was correct, how come all these primitive species are still around? How come there are still fish or monkeys, for that matter? To illustrate my point I will predict that in a few million years time someone on Mars, which by then will have been seeded by ever increasingly sophisticated species by man and have supported endless civilisations, will come to the conclusion that life on Mars evolved from micro-organisms because due to the time lapse and the changes in the history of civilisations and politics, as well as geological changes, the real truth of the matter will have long since been forgotten. Anyway, there is a definite alien connection and we are under constant supervision by our "landlords." Anyone who has studied the matter will know that when the Americans first landed on the Moon they were observed by aliens already there. Ex NASA personnel have written books about it, particularly Maurice Chatelain. Also the ill fated Apollo 13 moon shot was supposedly deliberately crippled by an UFO because it was carrying a nuclear device which was to be exploded on the moon for "scientific" purposes. Another fact regarding our Earthly life is that man has always been civilised. As he did not gradually evolve from apes and as he was seeded here by advanced beings who taught him the basics of civilisation, he has always been more or less advanced himself. Geological upheavals have brought down civilisations and almost entirely obliterated traces of them and man has had to claw his way back time and again and it is that which has thrown the scientists and lead them to believe he started from very primitive beginnings, culminating in our present civilisation. New light thrown on the age of the Giza monuments in Egypt proves they are around 12,000 years old and shows that in the remote past man was very civilised. THE HOLLOW EARTH: One of the greatest secrets concerning the Earth and other planets is their hollow nature. The Earth has openings at both poles and is hollow on the inside with a central sun suspended in it's centre known as the Smoky God. This means that it is perpetually daylight in the interior and summer all the time. If there are less oceans on the inside then the land mass may be greater than on the outside. When I first heard about this I thought it was preposterous but after reading several old books and the accounts of the early polar explorers it becomes obvious that it is fact. The aurora are caused by the light of the central sun streaming out through the polar openings. If you study satellite photos of the Earth you will find that very few exist of the polar regions, even on the Internet. I know of only one showing the South Pole and it is obviously and badly touched up to hide the hole. There are about three of the North Pole and each shows either the cloud cover diving down into an aperture, or open water where there should be only ice. If you click on my link about the hollow Earth at the bottom of this page you will be able to see the photographs yourself, together with a diagram of the Earth as it really is. It is a mystery to me why there should be so few photos of the poles around when there are satellites in stationary orbit over the poles. Assuming most of the planets are hollow in nature (the moon is theorised by many eminent scientists to be so and recent radar mapping of Venus has revealed strange hollows at both of it's poles) then the Earth may not be unique for being the only known world with life, but unique for being the only known world with life on it's EXTERIOR! It may be the norm for planets to have life on the interior. There are a couple of books written at the turn of the century by people who have sailed into the inside of the Earth via the North Pole and they report an advanced civilisation of giants living inside. Gives new meaning to the Biblical phrase "There were giants IN the Earth in those days." In this century an Admiral Byrd flew through both polar openings into the interior and reported seeing herds of mammoths. Newsreels of these mammoths were shown in American cinemas at the time but then censorship set in and nothing more was heard. There are people still around who can remember seeing the footage. The link at the bottom of this page gives more info on Admiral Byrd. Some people postulate that some of the UFO's come from the race of people inside the Earth. THE LIMITATIONS OF MODERN COSMOLOGICAL THEORY: A favourite pastime of mine is tearing theories on the origin of the Universe to shreds. Stephen Hawkins book, A Brief History of Time, is a nice work of fiction in my opinion. I know it's easy to let someone else do all the work and then criticise it but he is trying to summarise existence in terms of logistics, which cannot be done. The idea that the Universe began with a big bang is total rubbish. All the cosmologies are fallacious as you cannot grasp the Infinite with a finite, reasoning mind. The scientists are trying to spread the net of reason far enough to capture the Universe but the net is of limited size and the Universe is of unlimited size so it cannot be done. All the theories need beginnings and ends, opposites, as they are the concepts that the mind and reason need in order to operate and comprehend. Fact is, the Universe is boundless, it is infinite, it is also eternal and, finally, it is ONE thing. No matter where you are in it you are at it's centre, it is like a circle whose centre is everywhere and circumference nowhere. It is an insult to try and wrap it up in neat little equations. To know it's true nature you must experience it. The power that is the higher self of man is also manifest in Nature and when you achieve reunion with your higher self, you also achieve reunion and an understanding of Nature/the Universe. The same "Cosmic Consciousness" is at the heart of everything and the last tool capable of comprehending it is reason/mind, although it is very useful up to a point but in the final "analysis" mind has to be abandoned and pure BEING experienced. DISTILLED WORDS OF WISDOM: The backward turning of thought is the highest yoga. The intellect creates it's own problems and then makes itself miserable trying to solve them. Ignorance exists in thought alone. The attainment of a higher order of being is brought about by making no effort. Thought deprives man of the liberty that already exists in his inmost nature. God is no more distant from us than our own selves. The I is more ignorant of itself than of anything else. Yoga is to wield thought as a master and then discard it. Thinking imprisons a man in time. Time is be-coming. Eternity is be-ness. The highest wisdom is to find and surrender to the stillness within. You must just BE. Do nothing in order to allow something to be done to you. Thought is alien to the essential being of man and when it is let go the divine reality arises. All quotes by Paul Brunton. MISCELLANIA: THE NATURE OF THE ASTRAL BODY AND WORLD GLEANED FROM NUMEROUS PERSONAL EXPERIENCES: Well, from what I have personally experienced I can say that the astral body is just as solid and real as our physical body. It feels vibrant and almost rubbery and seems imbued with static electricity. It gives off a light of it's own when viewed in darkness, which is the majority of times in my own case. It can stretch like an elastic band without pain or difficulty and shrink back again. It can change shape, fly, hover and pass through material solids. It is very interesting to pass through solids. In my case there is an initial resistance then a sort of "plop" noise as the astral breaks through the "surface tension". It feels like putting your hand inside a stationary sandstorm, like thousands of particles of sand suspended in the air. Only once have I noticed a silver cord, the contraption that links the astral to the physical. It was a shimmering, silvery blue trace stretching away behind me and seemed to come from my back rather than the traditional abdomen region. Many times I have felt for it but not been able to touch it. I find the astral body difficult to control. It keeps falling over like a drunken thing, stumbling around, bouncing back into the physical and out again. It takes a while for me to get it organised and then I find more often than not that I cannot see properly. Normally I do not stay out long, or so it seems. I know I am out, I am fully conscious and separate from the physical and can usually see the physical lying on the bed. It looks old, grey, podgy, ugly and trembles and twitches a lot! It is quite amusing to watch it and realise I am not really it. I cannot resist teasing it and poking fingers into it! (Aren't I cruel) There is a horrible squelching/plopping sound as the fingers pass through it. Next morning on awakening I have a strange, throbbing sensation where my astral fingers went inside my physical body. On the occasions I manage to control the astral and see properly, everything is broad daylight, even though it is really night time. There are no shadows and everything seems perfect and peaceful, not too warm, not too cold. It is a fantastic sensation to slowly drift along above the ground, realising you are out of the physical and in another area of existence which in my case has always been my fairly immediate surroundings though different has described above. You feel elated and without any emotional or mental hang ups. Occasionally I have encountered other travellers but they have always been asleep/dreaming and they have wide open, staring, though unseeing, eyes and look rather gormless. I once met my girlfriend like this and tried talking to her and she smiled and responded. We then played a game consisting of jumping out of my bedroom window and gliding onto the drive below, bouncing back up to the window ledge and back again. I then fell back into my body and went to wake my girlfriend and asked her what, if anything she had been dreaming of and she immediately replied "jumping out of a hot air balloon" which was close enough for me to confirm that I had actually interacted with her whilst we were both out of our bodies, myself consciously and she dreaming. Unscrupulous travellers could gain an unfair advantage over someone this way and I suppose it is being done all the time by those on the so-called left hand path. EPILOGUE: When I was 18 I thought I had it all figured out as you do in that state of youthful, false self-confidence. As I have grown older and wiser I realised that I had indeed figured it all out, more or less, but two major elements of my philosophy have now changed. Firstly, I do not believe that everyone who is born has been here before and secondly I no longer believe there is an Ultimate Reality behind existence. Regarding all the creatures that are born, I now believe that whenever an embryo is created it is either occupied by a reincarnating soul or SPONTANEOUSLY occupied by the, what shall I call it, Universal Soul, more or less automatically. Let me explain if I can. If you build a TV set or a radio it is designed to pick up TV or radio signals which "animate" it and bring it to "life." Similarly, if a creature becomes pregnant, the embryo is animated either by a reincarnating soul or the Universal Soul/Energy which is all around. The embryo is so designed as to "pick up" the soul energy of an individual who has been here before or the Universal Energy which, once it has "animated" the embryo, becomes individual by definition. Having just read that it sounds horrendously complicated but I hope you understand what I am trying to say. Regarding my belief that there is no Ultimate Reality or Supreme God, let me again attempt to explain. It is so clear in my mind but difficult to put into words. Lets see....the Universe is widely acknowledged to be Infinite and I believe it is infinite in every aspect. I believe there is an infinity of species, planes of existence and Realities. I think everyone creates his or her own reality and that reality is relative, like time. What is real to one is not necessarily real to another. Everyone has a different concept of reality and when we advance to higher planes after death, etc, where the mental side of things is more pronounced, the divergence of realities becomes more pronounced as well. I think the nearest you can come to an Ultimate Reality is to describe it as an Infinite Creative Power that can be moulded by consciousness/mind into an infinite number of realities. I hope that is clear. Reality is what you make it, it is up to you. FINAL ENTRY: It matters not how many words are written, how many books are read or how many words are spoken. In the final analysis it is all irrelevant and all that matters is SELF. All our actions, thoughts and emotions are for naught if we do not know ourselves. SELF is the one unchanging reality behind all our experience, all else is illusion by comparison and all our questionings and learned discussions are but diversions on the Path. To know oneself is the ultimate knoweldge, the ultimate goal, of this life. Happy hunting. FINAL FINAL ENTRY: Any info anyone can give me on twin flames/souls would be much appreciated. Long have I loved what I behold, The night that calms, the day that cheers, The common growth of mother earth, Suffices me, her tears, her mirth, Her humblest mirth and tears. The Dragons wing, the magic wing, I shall not covet for my dower, If I along this lowly way, With sympathetic heart may stray And with a soul of power. William Wordsworth.

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