Get To Know The Backstreet Boys

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Get To Know The Backstreet Boys

This is my page all about the Backstreet Boys, there is not much information here now,but trust me in the near future, you will find a lot of info, and pics. There are several ways to use this page. You can either click on the names of the guys below and you will be taken to their individual pages, or you can continue on this page..and find the links at the bottom of this page!! I hope you enjoy viewing it as much as I enjoyed making it!


  • Nickolas Gene Carter(Nick),age 18
  • Alexander James McLean(A.J.),age 20
  • Brian Litrell, age 23
  • Howard Dwaine Dorough(Howie), age 24
  • Kevin Richardson, age 25

    The Backstreet Boys are one of the coolest groups in music today. They are a group of 5 talented young men. They originated in Orlando, Florida, and are finally experiencing their biggest dream coming true, they are finally successful here at home in the USA. And it's about Damn time too!! They are my favorite music group, and I'm glad I discovered them.

    Well, I suppose i will tell you a little bit about my fave Backstreet Stuff. My fave Backstreet Boy is Nick!! He is soo sweet..and nice and he is not bad looking either!! Ha Ha Ha(shoosh...don't tell my boyfriend I said that or he would kill me!!) My fave songs are Heaven In Your Eyes,As Long As You Love Me, All I Have To Give, Bad Boy,and Lay Down Beside Me.

    Well,if you are here,then you most likely are a fan. And as a fan, I think you should be aware of something, lately I have been surfing the net and finding a lot of bogus Backstreet pages!! They are calling them gossip pages,but in all reality, all they seem to be are mega trash fests..and I am not gonna take it anymore!!! I am emailing the creators of these pages or if they have them, signing their guestbooks, and letting them know I do not appreciate what they are doing!! If you come across one of those pages, please email me and let me know, and I will write these people and tell them how we feel, I will also get my friends to write them and maybe we can get some of these people to change their page content.

    Well all, I have done some updates to the page, in addition to creating some pages about each individual memeber. Right now, I only have pages for Nick and AJ,but the others are coming soon, I promise. I guess I will update you on the Backstreet happenings in my life..the biggest one being...THE SHOW KICKED ASS!!!!!! These guys were awesome!! They have got some really awesome moves and their stage presence just pulls you right in. I got some really fly pics, hell I was in the 7th row, I should have!! I will have them scanned sometime soon and I will put them up as soon as I can, alright?

    That is all I am gonna put for now..but I will update my page frequently, so stop in and check it out from time to time!! Make sure you sign my message board. Feel free to put anything you want other fans, or maybe even the boys themselves to see!!

    Leave A Message For The Backstreet Boys

    See What Other Fans Have To Say
    Write About The Boys

    The Everybody Single Cover
    The Boys In Concert
    An Awesome Black & White Pic
    AWWWWWW...How Cute!!!!
    Can We Say Stylin???
    Can They Get Any Cuter??

    More Info On the Boys

    Pippi's Aaron Carter Page,I know...he's not a BSB...but I had to do a page about him!!
    The Official Web Site of the Backstreet Boys
    Total Chaos-The Best Nick Carter Page I've Seen Yet!!!
    Frack's Forum--A Page All About Nick
    Bone Bits--A Page All About AJ
    All I Have To Give-The conversation mix
    A soundwav of As Long As You Love Me
    Heaven In Your Eyes--Soundwav

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