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The Anti-Pokemon Webring

Do you hate Pokémon? Do you have a site that proves it? Great! You're eligible to join my ring!

  • You hate Pokémon.
  • You have a site clearly stating that you hate it; no "blah blah blah pokemon sucks blah blah blah..." with GOOD REASONS for hating it. Just pictures is not good enough.

    Now, fill this out.

    Submit site to Anti Pokemon
    Site Title:
    Site URL:

    Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
    Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
    Description: Enter a short description of your site.

    NOTICE: WebRing collects personal information on this page when you submit your site for inclusion in this Ring. To learn more about how we use your personal information read our Privacy Notice. This information is shared with the RingMaster for this WebRing as described in the WebRing Privacy Notice. Any other information collected on this Ring's Homepage is the responsibility of the RingMaster and is not subject to the WebRing Privacy Notice.

    Please review the personal information above for correctness and click "Accept" to be added to the Queue for this Ring. By clicking "Accept" you represent that you are 13 years of age or older and that you agree to WebRing's Terms of Service.

    Then put this on your page, and wait for one of us to add you.
    **NOTE** You will get an ID number from us, and then you put it in the code.

    This is the sample code. Copy the text from the box and paste it into your HTML editor. Replace the system IDs (for example, **ID GOES HERE**) with the the information as described above.

    it should look like this:

    This site
    in the
    Anti Pokemon

    is owned by:

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