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Notice no monkey business... that finally rings true! This page is in the process of switching over to everything I'm obsessed with now. (Which, I'm sorry doesn't really include bananas and monkeys!)
I SAW BON JOVI! Find out the whole and more!
Click here to see my newest, cutest pics (huddle, etc.)!
It's the BAND page!
The spectacular site of the BEST MOVIE EVER!! (Vote for your favorite!)
Click on me to learn about me!
Well, this link doesn't work anymore, but as soon as I find the monkey story, put it back here. The monkey story kind of kicked off the whole monkey obession.
Please email me and tell me how you like my page, and WHAT I CAN DO BETTER. Also, if you're a girl you can email me if you're interested in seeing the Boys are Dumb page (no boys allowed). Have a nice day friends :)
Click my high school prom friends to go to the UPDATED friends page!
Strictly Monkey Business
This page was last updated on 1-9-02