BeStBaNdS (top 10 album list and top 5 song list)


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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The above link to go to America's Top 100 is definitely worth checking out, it's the top 100 music pages and is always updated.

Please take a second to sign the guestbook. About 1/11 sign BeStBaNdS guestbook, lets make it 11/11 please? Ya know getting guestbook signings is the main goal for a 'webmaster' like myself. We don't make any money on this page, it's all 4 fun, so send some feed back in the guestbook.


My Detroit Redwings Page!
Marilyn Manson Pictures
Check out my Howard Stern page; click here!

Alternative, Heavy Metal, Punk, Grunge, & Techno music kick ass. If you seeked out this page then you probably like one of these types of music.

The beggining:
This type of music has devoloped through out the past 20 or 30 years or so into quite a vast realm of great music. The originators that most of the public found out about would probably be "Led Zeppelin", "The Beatles", "The Doors", Jimi Hendrix, and similar bands from years past including the great "Ozzy Ozbourne" who's a reminder along with "Alice Cooper" of the early kickass bands. From their extreme popularity many people throughout the World have devoloped a whole new respect for rock music and it just seems to be getting better and better with BaNdS like Metallica, Korn, Marilyn Manson (pictures)
, Fear Factory, Collective Soul, Nirvana, and many more.

New! The BeStBaNdS #1 band / pic!:
BeStBaNd'S #1 Band for total amount of released great albums: Spice Girls for sure! haha.

Aliens: Scientists say there are billions of other galaxies out in space and it's simplistic to think that we are the only living creatures out there. I doubt if 'alien' lifeforms did 'visit' Earth they would make theirselves so apparently visible that they would have all these flashing lights. If humans were to visit another World we probably would use something as secretive as possible so we couldn't be immediately noticed. So if aliens could make it all away to Earth from a distance up to light years they would probably be unoticed unless humans could pick them up on radar, sonar, or something electronical but aliens might be so different humans couldn't even comprehend them; they might not be in our demension, if they were 7d for example then we probably couldn't see them. Well these are just some thoughts on aliens, sign my guestbook with your opinions.

BeStBaNdS would like to just give some thoughts on animals... There shouldn't be animal cruelty, it's pathetic, weak, cowardly, and plain simple minded. If you are the type that just goes and hurts animals for no reason then it's really sick! You should check yourself, because you may want to consider the pain the animal recieve. Trapping? Yeah imagine how crappy that would feel, getting a steel clamp on your ankle, until you have to sometimes decapitate your own foot. Most serial killers are animal abusers. Now the logic of 'well uhhh duhh that uhh snake might of bitten me, or that dog might of bitten me, no kidding they just might! BUT we are the intellectual superiors in this case, why be so dumb to drop to an animals level and 'bight back' or in this case kick or punch them... It's sick, if you ever hurt animals, or think you will in the future, truly think about it next time, animals have feelings; it's been scientifically proven.... So think!


BeStBaNdS TOP 10 Albums:
* The bands listed here are in no particular order *
Click on the band / album for the BeStBaNdS review of the album and why it's in the top 10 list!
  • Crummie Uglies (for the rock fan this page is a must see!)
  • MildSeven (Self Titled CD)
  • Korn "Life is Peachy"
  • Sugar Ray "Floored"
  • Oasis "Be here now"
  • David Bowie "I'm afraid of Americans
  • Blur "self titled album"
  • Marilyn Manson "Portrait of an American Family"
  • Trauma Coil (self titled album)
  • Ozzy Osbourne "The Osbourne Cometh"

    updated BeStBaNdS TOP 5 Song List:
    * The songs listed here are in no particular order *
  • "unforgiven II" Metallica
  • "Beautiful People" performed by Marilyn Manson
  • "c.h.b." Crummie Uglies
  • "Fleas on Water" performed by MILDSEVEN
  • "deppression gone" NOFX

    Thanks for checking out my page. It's frequently updated along with my other pages which there are links to at the top of this page, and BeStBaNdS would appreciate your comments, questions, etc..

    Also another great page for all sorts of stuff is RoCkOrAMa

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    This The New Marilyn Manson Webring site is owned by BeStBaNdS.

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