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Camp Humphreys
Installation Overview

Camp Humphreys gained its name in 1962 in honor of CWO-2 Benjamin K. Humphreys a Postal Service Officer who was killed during a helicopter accident on 13 November 1961 near Osan-Ni, Kyung-Gi Do, Korea. Camp Humphreys is located near An-Jung-Ri, a suburb of Pyongtaek City, Korea. Camp Humphreys is a component of 19th Theater Army Area Command and houses three major units all commanded by Colonel's (0-6). The United States Army Support Activity Area III was established on 17 June 1996. The Support Activity is responsible for the peacetime support mission for Camp Humphreys, Camp Long, Camp Eagle and units assigned to Suwon Air Base, Korea by preparing for tactical operations, and safeguarding personnel, facilities and property. Prior to the activation of the Support Activity, those responsibilities fell to the 23rd Support Group.   During a reorganization process, the 23rd Support Group was redesignated the 23rd Area Support Group, responsible for the wartime support mission for Area III. The 6th Cavalry Brigade stood up its headquarters at Camp Humphreys, Korea on 24 July 1996. They provide the warfighting capabilities within Area III.  Other tenant units located at Camp Humphreys include: 3rd Military Intelligence Battalion, 7th ROK Air Force Communication Wing, C/168 Medical Company, 751st Military Intelligence Battalion, Armed Forces Korean Network (AFKN), 607th Combat Communications Squadron (Air Force), 194th Maintenance Battalion, 557th Military Police Company, 501st Signal Company, 516th Personnel Service Company, 46th Transportation Company, 2/52nd Aviation Regiment and the ROKA staff office. Professional services provided to those assigned to Camp Humphreys are: Medical and Dental Service, Fire Department, Army Community Service, Airfield Operations, Chapel, Public Affairs, Billeting/Housing, Central Investigative Division, Postal Service, Dining Facilities, Resource Management, Department of Public Works, Directorate of Logistics, Legal Affairs, Morale, Welfare & Recreation, Military Police, Safety, Information Management, American Red Cross, Directorate of Plans, Training and Mobilization, Inspector General and Civilian Personnel Activities Center. Camp Humphreys community facilities include: Gymnasium, Commissary, Post Exchange, Recreation Center, Education Center, Library, Bowling Center, two Community Clubs, Swimming Pools, Dry Cleaners, Class VI store, Food Court, Mini-mall, Burger King, Barber Shop, Beauty Shop, Bookmark/video, Thrift Shop, Bakery, Flower shop, Theater, Arts & Crafts, a Community Bank and Credit Union. There are two geographically separated installations that fall under the command and control of the Camp Humphreys Installation Commander. They are: Camp Long and Camp Eagle, located near Won-ju, Korea.

Must Know Items

You will arrive at one of two places in Korea:

Kimpo International Airport, Seoul: When arriving at Kimpo during duty hours you will be met by the military liaison personnel and directed to process through Korean Customs. There is military bus transportation to the in- processing center at Yongsan Garrison. If you arrive at a time when there are no military liaison personnel on duty go to the USO counter where there is a military phone (DSN) and arrival information posted. You will be able to call your unit or POC from this phone. This counter is directly in front of the doors that exit you from the baggage pick-up and customs area of the terminal. At Yongsan it will take approximately 3 days to in-process and get your assignment orders. If your unit doesn't pick you up, your transportation to Camp Humphreys will be by bus and will take about two hours. Contact your unit at Camp Humphreys and tell them what time you will depart Yongsan so they can meet you when you arrive at the bus terminal. The taxi stand is directly across the street from the bus terminal.

Osan Air Force Base, Songtan: If you arrive through Osan AFB you will be processed through customs and immigration, put on a bus and, after a 2 hour bus trip, delivered to Yongsan. In all likelihood you will not be able to leave the AMC terminal, even to go to the BX. You should contact your unit as soon as you arrive at Osan AFB.

Hot Tip!!

Bring your VCR in your hold baggage. There is a good video store here and VCRs are great.

If your family is comming: There is no on-post housing There are no child care/child development services There are no DODDS schools on base. It is recommended that you wait about a month before bringing your family members to Korea. This will give you time to in-process Korea, Camp Humphreys, and your unit. This is a non-command sponsored post. Housing off post is limited and their is no on post housing available. Bringing family members too early could mean spending many nights in a costly hotel! If you plan on bringing pets, you should know that currently there is no mandatory quarantine period IF your dog or cat has a current rabies shots. The vaccination certificate must be at least 30 days old and not expired. See the RELOCATION SERVICES: PET section later in this book for more details.

If you are non-command sponsored, sign your children up to be put on the waiting list for school as soon as they arrive in country. Most of the jobs here are filled by Korean Nationals and family member employment is very limited. A Passport is required for each family member. Visas are required for family members who plan to stay longer than 15 days. Visa applications can be obtained from any Korean Consulate in the US. Make sure you get an A-3 (SOFA) status visa. This can be done by giving the consulate a copy of the sponsors assignment orders. Some consulates desire to give you a C-3 (tourest) visa [and charge you $20.00--SOFA visas are free]. After arrival, family members will need a Status Of Forces Agreement (SOFA) validation stamp in their passport. Stop by Army Community Service and we will help you get your stamp.

Must Know Items


Site Name Camp Humphreys
Last Updated October 01, 1998
Country South Korea
ZIP Code 96271
Service USA
Host Command US Army Support Activity and Area III
Physical Size 400


DSN Country Code  
DSN Number 753-8401
Commercial Country Code 82
Commercial Area Code 333
Commercial Number 690-8401
FAX DSN Country Code  
FAX DSN Number 753-6295
FAX Commercial Country Code 82
FAX Commercial Area Code 333
FAX Commercial Number 690-6295

--Official Mailing Address--

Street Line 1 Cdr, US Army SPT ACT & Area III
Street Line 2 ATTN: EANC-HG-PCA-ACS, Unit# 15228
State AP
ZIP Code 96271-0164

--Deliverable Address--

Street Line 1 Camp Humphreys (K-6), ATTN: ACS
Street Line 2 Kyong-ki Do, Pyongtaek-Shi
ZIP Code 00000

Commonly Referenced Numbers

Name Commercial DSN
American Red Cross 82 (333) 690-7172 753-7172
Commissary 82 (333) 690-6711 753-6711
Hospital 82 (333) 690-8307 753-8307
Housing Office 82 (333) 690-7358 753-7358
Officer Of The Day (CHOD) 82 (333) 690-6111 753-6111
Post Exchange 82 (333) 690-8290 753-8290
Transportation 82 (333) 690-6628/6629 753-6628/6629
Army Community Service 82 (333) 690 8401 753-8401
Community Bank 82 (333) 690-6205/6209 753-6205/6209
Billeting 82 (333) 690-7355 753-7355
Chapel 82 (333) 690-7273 753-7273
Credit Union 82 (333) 690-6202 753-6202

Major Unit Listing

Unit Command Point of Contact Commercial DSN Fax
2nd BN 52st AVN     82 (333) 690-6812 753-6812 753-6824
3rd MI BN (AE)   Battalion Operations Center 82 (333) 690-6225/26 753-6225/26 753-6230
6th Cavalry Brigade (Air Combat) #15711   S-1 82 (333) 690-8726 753-8726  
23d Support Group   Commander 82 (333) 690-8100 753-8100 753-6363
194th Main. BN   Commander 82 (333) 690-8876 753-8876 753-7874
607 Combat Communications Squadron USAF)   24 hour contact number 82 (333) 690-7740 753-7740  
751st MI BN   Commander 82 (333) 690-6397 753-6397