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so i see you have found where i keep all my friends*l*...i hide them in this room,so when i need them they are always here*WS*there's no way out..once i put you down here ,you stay*W*....and i always lock the door*EG*so one of these days you might just find yourself here..and if you do,your here forever*BS*...but for now read about the friends i have made through out my time on the internet*W*

~Taime Downe~well we were good friends for awhile..but then something went wrong...i was being to kind i guess,i just like to have friends that are in a happy mood,sorry i tried.but i did have fun talking to you..

~Nici~hey my beautiful*W*your one of a kind girl*S*you've had me rolling on the floor acouple of times*L*you need to come talk with me and queenie on mric....we talk to alot of british men*W*you and them british guys*S*hey and i'll always be you 'sexy'but i don't know how i can be 'sexy' and then be 'sweet and innocent lovely'*l*but oh well i guess i can be both..just alot of hard work on the 'innocent'part*S*HUG*KOTC*W*luv ya dear*S*

~Juli~*S*i know we have just really started to become friends this last couple of months.but since then..i've come to like you alot*S*your one of those ladies that everyone should have for a friend*S*and yes you did help me alot when we talked..hey you pretty much took care of the situation*l*i would just love to met you *S*we have to work something out so that we can*S*and i'm going to look for that album you asked for*l*on a search for it now*l**GBGH*your one of a kind also*S*

~queenie*S*gawwdddd dammmitttttt eddie!!!!!!*G*.how ya been?*l*hey that cam really pickes out alot of cool pics*S*well you know how i feel about you.i SEE ya every weekend about(queenie and i live only about 11/2 hrs away)i love little crusty*S*he's so cute*S*hey you never still have got my zone going?well untill the next big old bash of crusters*S*and the last one was a big blast*S**HUG*by sweetie*W*

~Lady Vampyre~hey my lady v~~~*S*i know your gone right now on vacation,but oh well.i want everyone else to know how inportant you are to me*S*to bad we live so far away*W*we could get together and have some fun*S*oh god remeber how we met*LOL*i kinda scared ya for a minute there didn't i*l*but hey it brought us togther as good friends.and i can wait untill you come back so we can talk somemore*GBHUG*have ya bite anyone lately?*W*you haven't me *W*

~honeygirl~hey girl.i know i JUST only met you.but your always talking in mardi and to friends..sooo we're going to be friends you sound really sweet*S*and i hope to get to know you better*S*

~Hotshot~hey baby*S*wanna shot*l*well i only see you in mric.but your the only person that i know.that loves to do shots as much as me*l*remember*firefly*ohh gawd........well your a great friend to have and i hope we stay intouch more now*HUG*KOTC*S*

~wild ocrida.k.a`essences~hello*S*your a sweetie girl*S*man you do have a charming one on your hands*S*hope you get to see this*S*HUG*Syour a great friend girl

psylo....*hug*kotc*boy this page wouldn't be really working without you*S*your a sweetie and a nice looking one at that*S*thanks for all you have helped mewith*S*take care and have some fun*S*

anna(charissa)hey girl*hug*....gawd i'll miss you when you go away!!!!!!!!but i hope you have fun in college and keep in touch with me...i have your i'll call and keep in touch *hug*

well i'm going to add more later....but for now those guys are the ones i talk to the most*S*and like i said if i haven't put you up there i will*S*soon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
