So much for the feeble attempt at regaining the site - I started high school last month, and the OLWC was simply too much of a job for me. Someone added me to some list which spammed me out and caused a whole lot of message loss - I swear, I'm never using Hotmail for a club again...I'll stick with until I can get my own POP account, OK? Hotmail won't work for this club. Now, here's the deal: with the weight of my real life and all of the work I have to do, I can't sort through all of the stuff I lost, so I'm going to clean everything out and start over. That's right - /everything./ Whether it was sent yesterday or two years ago. Since my birthday, the 17th, I have lost at least a hundred, if not near two hundred, messages - ranging from filed Folder submissions to name changes to e-mail corrections. It's really depressing for me! I am going to add all of the new members and then send an e-mail out to all of you telling you to re-send your stuff and where. The address does not exist anymore. I will answer select Inbox messages that are still there and add all of the members - and then see if I can transfer my personal member list. Send everything to I know this may be a hassle for some of you, but if you could see the load of work /I/ had before me, I don't think you'd complain. I'm capable of doing it - I just don't have the time. Once I clear everything out, I'll post the OK here to start sending stuff. I mean anything - don't send /anything/ until I post the OK! Sorry! - Kate, October 12th, 1999
A note. I'm sorry about the contest situation, but I can't handle a contest until I update the site. One will appear, though - that I can promise, just not when, as I don't know how long it will take me (hopefully not too long.)
I know that this page isn't fully updated! You will know when the construction is done when this message
disappears! Sorry about the inconvenience!
I am proud to announce the new sister-club of the OLWC, the OLAA!
The OLAA, standing for the OnLine Artist's Association, is a place where members can join and place their art! Run by the former co-administrator of the OLWC, Asphian,
the OLAA makes a nice addition to the Internet and as a sister club to the OLWC! Visit the OLAA!
Welcome! Do come in and sit down. This is the main site for the On-Line Writer's club,
a club for writers and poets all ages from all around the world. If you are not a
writer, I encourage you to learn the art of
writing! Discover hidden talents! This page represents all artists, so if you have an ability
to paint - come on in and join the fun with the OLAA or the OLWC's own drawing arts page! And, on a more hysterically happy note (grin), the OLWC has over 530 members and growing!
To send in your work, visit the page of the subject and click submit!.
If you have a drawing that you would like me to post, send me the link to it and I'll put the link on the page!
Hotmail doesn't do well with pictures.
Well, I suppose
that's all for now. Remember, if you have something that is not
on any of these pages, don't forget to re-send it! Thank you!
E-mail the club
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