Craig's War2/Dead Homepage.
- This site is constantly under construction so dont laugh.
- Links Including My chat room and message board.
- Warcraft2 strategys.
- Looking for more strategys and tips email me!!
- I will link any site about anything if you link this site in return Emailme
- We're always under construction so be sure to bookmark us and checkup on us every so often never know what might be new on here.
- Warcraft2 players be sure to go on my Warcraft section and take my survey. Once my hit counter reaches 200 the results will be declared official and a new survey will be posted. Right now its all tied up, your vote could be the deciding one. Bookmark us and keep checking up.
Craigs links to Various sites...
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages favorite search engine and great news. chat rooms. Counters. Other cool stuff for your page.
The best war2 site on the internet!!!! Puds patches jokes shareware everything you could imagine is here.
Blizzards homepage. The mother of all Warcraft2 sites.
Great Warcraft2 page, good strategy guide. Only one catch they like Orcs!!! Yuck!!
A GOOD friends webpage.
Two of my friends C&C page. Undeveloped but hey they're jeust starting. We were all there at one point.
Things to do places to go.
Warcraft2 pages.
My beseen chat room.
Grateful Dead tribute. Including Dead links. (But they all work of course.)
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