![]() "Jesus, Dinosaurs and More" is a webpage of Scientific evidence supporting the Biblical account of Creation.
You can read about the different topics below by clicking on the page that describes your interest.
If you enjoyed this website, be sure to tell your friends about it. My website address is: http://www.Dinosaursinthebible.com ![]()
![]() Defining the terms: What is Creation? What is Evolution? The need for this work (coming soon)
"There is no novelty to me in the reflection that, from my earliest years, I have accepted many false opinions as true, and that what I have concluded from such badly assured premises could not but be highly doubtful and uncertain. From the time that I first recognized this fact, I have realized that if I wished to have any firm and constant knowledge in the sciences, I would have to undertake, once and for all, to set aside all the opinions which I had previously accepted among my beliefs and start again from the very beginning."
Read the first Chapter of Genesis with my commentary to help you understand God's Creation
Read the second Chapter of Genesis with my commentary
Read the third Chapter of Genesis with my commentary There was no death of Man, animals or Dinosaurs before Sin entered the world The Biblical basis for the belief that nothing died before Adam sinned. All animals (including dinosaurs) were originally created to be vegetarian. Why did this change? How did the teeth of herbivores change into teeth of carnivores? "The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them." Isaiah 11:6 "We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive." Albert Einstein The age of the Patriarchs Humans used to live for hundreds of years.
Neanderthals: The Biblical Patriarchs Neanderthals are true humans made in the image of God / Neanderthals lived to be hundreds of years old / Age related changes in the head and face explain Neanderthal morphology / Post-cranial remains of Neanderthals and their implications.
Read the fourth Chapter of Genesis with my commentary
Read the fifth Chapter of Genesis with my commentary
Read the sixth Chapter of Genesis with my commentary Noah, the ark and the flood. Genesis 6-9
Cro-magnon man Post-flood descendants of Noah Article on alleged hominid Aegyptopithecus by Matt Murdock Article on alleged hominid Proconsul africanus by Matt Murdock Article on alleged hominid Sahelanthropus by Matt Murdock Australopithecus the ape that walked uprightJournal article on Australopithecine pelvis' and evidence for bipedalism Read the tenth Chapter of Genesis with my commentary Nimrod and Peleg, The beginning of Egypt (no cultures older than Genesis) Commentary on the 11'th chapter of Genesis The Tower of Babel / Where did all the different races of people come from? /
Complex apes coming soon God created many apes to walk upright coming soon The future How far will degeneration go? God will restore all things. Where do we go when we die? Where did the people in the Old Testament go?
![]() Why both Science and Scripture do not support the Gap theoryThe days in Genesis are Not millions of years! Updated 3/11/02 The Young Earth: Scientific and Biblical Reasons why the Earth Can Not be Millions of years old
Some pictures to demonstrate that it doesn't take millions of years for something to fossilize The inaccuracies of Carbon Dating News: Neanderthal carbon dates revealed to be fudged
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