A mostly complete list of all categorized verbs in the Verb Realm verb-list.
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Taken from Verb Realms because I needed a private list, and they haven't updated it...which bugged me.
| Halfling | Skra'Mur | Elf | Elothean | Gor'Tog | Dwarf | Human |
| Rakash | Prydaen | Kaldar | Gnome | Warrior Mage | Bard | Moon Mage |
| Cleric | Paladin | Empath | Ranger | Barbarian | Trader | Thief |
' : Most basic command. You say whatever is typed after the apostrophe.
" : Identical to <'>
ACCEPT : Allows you to accept a GIVEn.
ACCEPT CONFIRM: allows you to accept a BARTERED item
ACCEPT TIP: allows you to accept after someone offers you a TIP
ACCUSE <person>: You shoot <person> an an accusatory glance
ACCUSE <person> (while at a guard house): Used to report a theft resulting from a <STEAL> command used against you. You must have actually caught the person stealing from you, and they must have stolen from you in the jurisdiction of the guards (i.e., in a city like The Crossing or Riverhaven). Applies to any use of the <STEAL> command by anyone, not just "professional" thieves.
ACT...: You <do whatever is written after <ACT>. Actions made by an ACT command are distinguished in game by surrounding the action with "(" and ")". This allows you to truly act in character if you are somehow limited by the list of normal commands.
ACT'S...: Works exactly like ACT, except the <'S> is added behind your name, making the form possessive.
ADVANCE (first, second, etc.) <creature>: You advance on the <creature>
ADVICE: Get advice for the game from a built-in library
AFFIX <arrowhead>: This is used to attach an arrowhead to an unfinished arrow
AIM <creature/person>: You aim <loaded ranged weapon> at <target>. Not interchangeable with <TARGET>.
AMBUSH <creature><slice/thrust/lunge/jab/chop/attack>: Done only while in hiding, this allows you to attack a creature with a slight attack advantage while you are hidden. There is a variable as to whether or not the creature will see you leap from hiding. Once employed, you are no longer hidden. Benefits your backstab ability as well, if you are a thief. Does not work if the creature spots you in a search before you ambush them.
ANSWER <#>: Used to answer a <SURVEY>. <#> is the number of the answer you are giving. Also see <SURVEY>
APPLAUD: You applaud.
APPLY <herb/perfume/potion/poison>
APPRAISE: In most cases, this will make you use your skill in appraisal, and try to make a guess about whatever it is you are appraising. The more skill you have, the more accurate this guess will be. See also <COMPARE>. Uses:
ARRANGE HAIR <person>: Arrange your own or other people's hair.
ASK <NPC/person> ABOUT/FOR <topic/thing>
ASK <NPC/person> ABOUT/FOR <topic/thing>
ASSESS: Gives data on who's engaged to what, and at what range . Note that it now also shows how balanced all the combatants are.
ASSES TEACH: Find out who is teaching in the room you are in.
ATTACK <creature>: Default attack command. Uses the best attack available to your weapon usually.
AUCTION: Exists, but has no known use.
AVOID: Allows you to avoid certain actions. Usage: AVOID <flag>. AVOID !<flag> disables the avoid. AVOID ! ALL clears them all. Be careful with some of these, if you have AVOID DRAG set, for example, and you are dead, your character cannot be dragged. Flags:
AWAKEN: Used to begin gaining experience once again after a SLEEP command has been issued.
BABBLE <self/person>: You babble incoherently. You babble something incoherent at <person>. <self>: You babble to yourself for a while.
BARK: You make a barking noise.
BALANCE: Used to show your current balance. When you are unbalanced you are at a disadvantage in combat.
BALANCE (when at a bank): Used to check how much money you have at the bank. <CHECK BALANCE> can also be used.BARTER Uses:
BAWL<person>: You bawl your eyes out. You lean on <person> and bawl.
BEAM <person>: You beam! When at <person>, they see: Beams at you. What a warm feeling!
BEARD Verbs: Some of these could be different with longer facial hair.
BELCH: works only after <guzzle>. You belch loudly.
BLAME <self/person>: You blame yourself for all your problems. You point at <person> and blame them for all your problems.
BLANCH <person/self>: You blanch. You look at <person> and blanch. When done to <self>, Your skin turns a pasty shade.
BLINK <person/self>: You blink. You blink at <person>. When done to self, you cross your eyes.
BLOCK <creature>: You divert some of your defensive attention to a creature other than the one you advanced on
BLUSH <person/self>: You blush. <self>: You blush a deep red. Rakash cannot blush in moonskin. Prydaen cannot blush at all.BOO <self/person>: You let out a resounding "Boo"! You loudly boo <person>! <self> You feel your face flush with irritation! Others see: <person> flushes slightly, highly irate.
BOP <self/person>: You bop around like a silly teenager. You bop <person/self> over the head.BOUNCE: You bounce around happily
BOW <person>: You bow. You bow to <person>. <self>: You bend over and touch your toes.
BRAWLING Verbs: Most other combat commands can be used in brawling, even without a weapon, or with another item as a weapon. You will have to experiment with what works. In addition, these commands are specific to brawling:
BREAK <item>: Some items (such as certain herbal blends), after they are <COMBINED>, can be broken to get the original amount of the item. Also, if you have amunition in a group, you can BREAK <amunition> to get a single one.
BOOK Commands: Used while in the book manager (when you <READ> an open book in a library)
BUG: Allows you to report a bug in the game's interface
BUNDLE <skin>: Used to add an item to a bundle, bundling rope needed to start the bundle
BUY: Used to get item in a shop and start the bidding process (also see <OFFER> and <REFUSE>)
CACKLE <self/person>: You cackle to yourself. You cackle at <person>!
CALL: Identical to <HELP>
CANCEL: Cancels an outstanding offer (from a <GIVE>, <BARTER>, or similar command)
CARVE <item> WITH <carving knife, or similar>: Used to carve branches, into items. The final result depends on your mechanical lore skill level; first sticks, then staves, then canes, and possibly others. Also used to carve a talisman, if you are a war mage, if you have sufficient skill. Can be used to carve lockpicks as well. Other things might also be able to be carved.
CAST <player/item/creature/body part>: Casts a prepared spell (see <PREPARE>), on self if no target was selected (see <TARGET>). Attack spells that are targeted (see <TARGET>) do not have to select a target in this phase unless the target phase was skipped. Spell caster command.
CENTER <telescope> ON <celestial object>: Used to center the telescope on the celestial object. You can then <focus> the telescope, and then <PEER> through the telescope at the object
CHANT : Similar to <RECITE>.
CHARGE <item> <amount>: Charges the specified item with the specified amount of mana (spell caster command)
CHECK IN (while at an inn): Allows you to reroll your character. Need to CONFIRM. Uses:
CHEER <self/person>: You let out a hearty cheer! You let out a hearty cheer for <person>!
CHOOSE <spell>: Used to have the guild leader teach you a spell, when appropriate. Spellcaster command.
CHORTLE <self/person>: You chortle. You chortle softly at some secret joke. You chortle at < person.
CHALLENGE options: Note that there are more options then this... a LOT more. Check the verb in game.
CHOP <creature>: You chop at <creature>.
CHUCKLE <self/person>: You chuckle softly. You chuckle to yourself. You chuckle at <person>.
CLAP: Identical to <APPLAUD>CLEAN <self>: You dust yourself off
CLEAN <item> WITH <cloth, etc.>]: Can be used to things, such as instruments, altars, etc.
CLENCH <fist/self>: You Clench your fists. You clench your fist tightly around < an item you have in your hand>. Self: You ball up your fists stiffly at your sides. Self (while lying down): You roll up into a ball. Person: You reach your shaking hands out to <person> and imagine wadding him/her up into a little ball.
CLIMB <terrain feature>
CLOSE <item>
COUGH <self/person>: You cough. You look at <person> and cough. <self>: You clear your throat
COMBAT: Turns off other people's combat messages, except for death hits and critical hits, greatly reducing combat screen scroll (and making the walk through the west gate goblin field much easier). Entering <COMBAT> again turns other people's combat messages back on.
COMBINE <item> WITH <item>: Allows you to mix similar items together
COMMUNE: You bow your head and grow still for a moment.COMPARE <item 1> WITH <item 2>: Allows you to compare two items using the appraisal skill. This will tell you how the two items compare relatively with each other as far as statistics, weight, etc. Can also be used to compare something in someone elses hand: COMPARE <player><item 1> WITH <item 2>. See also <APPRAISE>
CONCENTRATE: Shows the mana level of the room (if a spell caster)COUNT <person/self>: There is only one <player>! The other person sees: <person> is looking at you very strangely. Self: maybe you should seek help!
COUNT <item>: tells you how many items there are (I.E., how many arrows, or how many coins) in a group.
COVER <hands/eyes/ears> <of <person>
COWER <person>: You cower. You cower away from <person>.
CRUSH <item> WITH <pestle>: Used in alchemy, and with a mortar and pestle, to grind objects into pulp. <Item> must be in the mortar.
CRY <person>: You begin to weep softly. You look at <person> and suddenly start crying
CURSE <self>: You mumble something unprintable. You mumble something unprintable to yourself.
CURSE <player>: You shun <player>. If at least two 10+ circles players over <player> <CURSE> <player> the player is restricted from using negative verbs (<PUNCH>, <BITE>, etc.). More <CURSES> restrict more verbs. This lasts until <player> is <PRAISED> by a similar number of 10+ higher circle players. This use of the verb should only be used in the case of players who disrupt the game.
CURTSY <person>: You curtsy. You curtsy to <person>.
DANCE <creature/dead creature>: You dance mockingly about the <creature>! You dance over the <creature>'s carcass!
DANCE FLOOR verbs: Used on a dance floor (usually found at inns, mansions, or weddings).
DAYDREAM <item/person/self> [good/evil]: Premium customers get a toggleable plain ole daydream afkish messaging.
DEAD Verbs: (These verbs can be used while you are dead. Note that it ain't much)
DECLINE: Allows you to decline an <GIVE> <TIP> or <BARTER> command
DESCRIBE <creature>: Shows what <creature> looks like. Also tells if the creature is evil (for spells like "harm evil" and "bless")
DEPOSIT <amount> <coin type> <currency>: Used at a bank. Example: <DEPOSIT 20 COPPER KRONARS>
DESCRIBE <creature>: Shows what <creature> looks like. Also tells if the creature is evil (for spells like "harm evil" and "bless")
DIG (While kneeling): You fruitlessly claw at the ground with your <item you are holding in your right hand>. (if no item, with your hands).
DIP <item>: You struggle with your <item. Also used on a certain quest.
DIRECTION <location>: Used in cities to get directions to certain locations. <DIRECTION> alone gives a list of possible locations
DISARM <item>: Used to disarm traps. Be careful, you need skill to disarm harder traps without fatal or other consequences.
DISBAND: Disband an entire adventuring group, if you are the leader. (Type DISBAND HELP)
You can...
DISBAND <person> Disbands one single person from your group.
DISBAND <person> BAN Disbands and prevents person from JOINing you for 1 hour.
DISBAND STALKERS Disbands all KNOWN stalkers from your group.
DISBAND GROUP Disbands known stalkers/followers.
DISBAND GROUP BAN Disbands known stalkers/followers and sets your JOIN AVOID.
DISBAND STALKERS EXCEPT Disbands all known stalkers but keeps the people you list.
DISBAND GROUP EXCEPT Same as DISBAND GROUP but keeps the people you list.
DISBAND GROUP BAN EXCEPT Same as DISBAND GROUP BAN but keeps the people you list.
[Syntax: DISBAND <stalker/group> (BAN) EXCEPT <player1> <player2>... etc.]
[Note 1: The EXCEPT clause will handle 5 players maximum.]
[Note 2: BAN does not prevent stalking.]
[Note 3: HOLD <person> will clear the BAN on that player.]
DIVE: Used for jumping into a pool of water or diving off other high places.
DIVIDE: Identical to <SHARE>
DODGE: You prepare to dodge. Greatly increases your chance to evade attacks as long as you don't counter-attack, otherwise you have to <DODGE> again
DRAG <item/person> <direction>: Drags <item/person>in the specified direction
DRINK <item/person>: You take of sip of <object. <person>: You look at <person> with a thirsty look in your eye. You see: Say what?
DRAW <creature>: You draw at <target>
DRAW <weapon>: You draw <weapon> from you (sheath, harness, etc.).Similar to <GETting> an item, but it only works with weapons, and it is more stylish
DROOL <person/self>: You drool. You look at <person and drool. <self>: You loll your tongue
DROP <item>: You drop <item> on the ground. Don't do this to instruments!
DUCK: You duck. Not a combat command.
EAR <option/action> <person|creature|object)
Actions Include: FLICK, GROOM, SCRATCH
EAT <item/person/self>: You take a bite of <object>, if it is edible. Many items are edible, even if they don't look like it. <person>: You bite <person>. <self>: You gnaw on your lips.
ENGAGE (first, second, etc.) <creature>: Identical to <ADVANCE>
ENTER: Identical to <GO>
EXAMINE <creature/item/person>: Generally similar to <LOOK <creature/item/person>, but sometimes shows more detail; think of it as a close look. Especially useful to assess how much damage weapons or armor has suffered in combat.
EXCHANGE <amount> <coin type> <currency> TO <currency>: Exchanges the listed amount of money to the other coin type at a bank's exchange booth
EXIT: Identical to <QUIT>
EXPERIENCE <RP>: Gives you information about your current skills. <RP> gives experience in words so that your character can discuss skills with others. Uses:
FACE <self>: (while standing or sitting) You spin around. do it enough, and you'll get dizzy, and may even fall down. (while lying down): You flop over! (while kneeling): You bow your head.
FALL: You fall to the ground (you become prone)
FATIGUE: Shows how fatigued you currently are.
FEED <item> TO <creature/person>: Used to feed a domesticated critter, such as a familiar; creatures may not eat every item. Can also be used to feed a person (i.e., force feeding healing herbs to a corpse in anticipation of a ressurection).
FEINT <creature>: You feint at <creature>
FIDGET: You fidget nervously
FIGURE <self/person/item>: You blink dazedly for a moment as you try to figure out what you were just doing. Others see: <person> blinks dazedly for a moment as though he/she'd forgotten what she was doing. <person>: You cock your head and blink at <person> as you strain to figure out what he/she's doing. Others see: <person> cocks his/her head and blinks at you in complete puzzlement. <item>: You blink at your <item> in complete puzzlement. Others see: <person> cocks his/her head and blinks at <item> in complete puzzlement.
FILL <container> with <item>: You must be holding the container
FIND <person>: Shows if <person> is in the game
FIRE: You fire <a loaded, aimed weapon> at <the target you've aimed at>
FIX: Used to fix damaged instruments. Identical to <REPAIR>
FLAIL <self/person/while lying down>: You flail your arms around wildly. You wave <your/a> hand in front of <your / person's> face. <while lying>: You thrash around on the floor.
FLETCH: Used in bow and arrow making
FLINCH <self/person> : You flinch. Your body jerks briefly. You edge away from <person>
FLIRT <person/self>: You catch <person's> eye, smile slowly, and begin flirting with <person>. <self>: You bat your eyelashes
FLUSTER: You blush and babble a few incoherent words, looking foolish but sincere.
FLY: You begin flapping your arms around wildly
FOCUS: used to focus telescopes.
FOCUS <item>: Shows the mana energy flowing through the item, if any (spell caster command)
FOCUS <item> <amount>: Attempt to put more energy into an item. <Amount> is a percentage of the total power. (spell caster command)
FOLD <item>:Used to fold items, such as trade contracts, so they will be smaller and fit into smaller packs. Also see <UNFOLD>
FOLLOW <person>: Identical to <JOIN <person>
FORAGE <item>: Use to forage for items, such as herbs, companion food, yak food.
FRET: You fret.
FROWN <person>: You frown. You frown at at <person>.
FURROW BROW: You furrow your brow.
GASP <person/self>: You gasp. You gasp at <person>. <self>: You hold your breath.
GAWK <self/person>: Your jaw drops. You gawk at <self/person>
GAZE Uses:
mournful | happy | sadly | grim |
worship | dreamy | thought | timid |
hope | sympathetic | silent | defiantly |
awe | wonder | admiration | amazement |
longingly | fondly |
GET <item>: Gets <item> into your inventory, if one is available; it usually starts looking on the ground, then goes to your containers; this can cause problems if there is an item on the ground similar to one in a container you own. It doesn't usually look in other people's containers, but it may look in containers on the ground. Example: GET ARROW is used to get an arrow from your quiver, but it may pick up one from off the ground instead. GET ARROW FROM MY QUIVER is the safest, but longest option (see below)
GET <item> FROM <container>: As <GET>, but it only looks in the specified container. <GET <item> FROM MY <container>> is the safest use of <GET>.
GIGGLE <person>: You giggle. You giggle at <person>.
GIVE <item> to <player/NPC>: Lets you offer one of your items to another character. Also see <CANCEL>, <ACCEPT>, and <REFUSE>
GIVE <player/NPC>: Similar to <GIVE <item> TO <player/NPC>, this gives the <player/NPC> whatever is in your right hand.
GIVE <player/NPC> <amount/coin type/currency type>: Gives money to another character. Cannot be <REFUSED> or <CANCELED>, and cannot be done if you still have original or a large debt. Example: <GIVE SARAZAK 5 GOLD KRONARS>.
GLANCE <person/item>: You glance at <person/item>.
GLANCE: Shows what is in your hands
GLARE <person/self>: You glare. You glare at <person>. <self>: You bare your teeth.
GNASH <person/creature>: You gnash your teeth. You gnash your teeth at <person/creature>. <self>: You grind your teeth.
GO <arch/path/shop/door/etc.>: Used to go to the indicated object or through the indicated portal.
GRIMACE: A pained expression crosses your face.
GRIN <person/self>: You grin. You grin at <:person>. <self>: You grin like an idiot
GROWL <self>: You growl ferociously! <self>: You make a low growl in the back of your throat
GRUMBLE <person/self>: You grumble. You grumble at <person/ to yourself>.
GRUNT <persong/self>: You make a grunting noise. You grunt at <person/to yourself>.
GUARD <player/item>: Enemies must engage you before they engage the <player> (combat command). As a non-combat command it can be used to guard an item; someone who wants to pick up the item must engage you at melee first. Use GUARD STOP to stop guarding.
GUZZLE <drink>: You guzzle down your <drink> and wipe your mouth on your sleeve!
HAIR Verbs: (Acts on self if no person is provided. The target must have hair; no S'kra, 'Togs, or baldies)
HANGBACK: You attempt to stay out of combat
HANGBACK STOP: Let's you stop hangback, even while in roundtime.
HARNESS: Shows your harness level (spell caster verb)
HEALTH: Shows your health condition, including wounds, scars, vitality, poison and disease.
HELP: Accesses DragonRealms' online help system
HIDE: Lets you hide from the prying eyes of those around you. Necessary for some other commands, like <STALK>, <BACKSTAB>, and my favorite, <SURPRISE>
HISS : You hiss a poor imitation of a S'kra Mur
HOLD <person>: Causes <person> to become part of your adventuring group.
HOME HELP <page #>: Allows premium players to view information about their home. By itself to view page topics.
HOOT: You make a feeble attempt to imitate an owl.
HOWL: You throw your head back and howl!
HUG <person/self>
HUM <happy / sad / cheerful / mournful>
HUZZAH <self/person/item>: You let out a loud "Huzzah"! You mutter a sour "Huzzah" to yourself. You let out a loud "Huzzah!" for <person/item>!
INFO: Shows your character's current statistics (attributes, TDP's, wealth, harness, etc.). Short for INFORMATION.
INHALE <lit tobacco item (when item is in hand)> You inhale a great swallow of air. You inhale <tobacco item>.
INVENTORY <hand/armor/combat/weapon/fluff/help>: Shows what you are carrying and wearing (within the given parameter)
ITEM verbs: Use these verbs on items to test if they have special verbs.
JAB <creature>: You jab at <creature>
JOIN <person>: You join <person's> adventuring group
JOIN (at a guild hall): Allows you to join that guild if you are a commoner, or circle 1 in another guild. If you are a commoner you retain any skills you may have learned as a commoner. Characters of circle one lose all their learned skills if they wish to change guilds, and characters above circle 1 must reroll to change guilds.
JUGGLE <item>: Lets you juggle juggling items.
JUMP Uses:
KICK <person/object/corpse/while lying down>You kick. You kick <person/object/corpes>. While lying down: you throw a bit of a temper tantrum.
KICK (when lying down): You throw a bit of a temper tantrum.
KISS Usage:
KNEEL: You kneel.
KNOCK <item/door>: You knock on <item/door>.
LANGUAGE: By itself, gives the languages you know, and which you are currently speaking. Usage: LANGUAGE <tongue> to change the language you are speaking.
LAUGH Uses:LATCH <item/scenery object>: Lets you latch certain doors, etc., keeping other people from entering. Also see <UNLATCH>
LEAN <scenery object/person>: You lean on <object/person>
LEAN <left/right/back/forward>
LEAN <self>: You fold your arms across your chest
LEAVE: You leave your current adventuring group (see <JOIN>)
LECTURE: Similar to <SAY>, but you lecture
LICK Usage:
LIE : You lie down (you end up prone)
LIGHT <object> WITH <flint, or similar>: You try to light <object> on fire. Used with pipes, charcoal, torches, etc. Usually requires flint in one hand and a tinderbox or steel weapon in the other
LISTEN: You stop and listen to the sounds around you.
LISTEN TO <player>: Allows you to listen to a teacher
LOAD <missile weapon>: You load <weapon> with <appropriate ammo>
LOCK: Used to lock locks. You have to find one first.
LOOK Uses:
LUNGE <creature>: You lunge at <creature>
MANA: Works like <HARNESS>, except works during roundtime.
MARK <self>: You make a "X" motion with your hand across your chest.
MARRIAGE VERBS: Verbs used by people joined in marriage by a cleric with a saemus rose. Focus: This will allow you to see where your bonded partner is, unless they are hiding or in a private area. Also:
join | hold | stare | nudge | tickle |
curtsy | bow | hug | snuggle | smooch |
blink | wink | tap | beam | lean |
kiss | lick | slap | wave | snore |
MEDITATE: You repeat a nonsense word and shake your head in frustration. Has other uses in certain areas.
MENU: Used to read a menu (in place of <READ MENU>)MEOW <person/self>: You meow a bad imitation of a cat. You meow a bad imitation of a cat at <person> Self: You meow, trying to sound pitiful.
MIX: Used in alchemy to mix items
MOUNT <self/person/item>: By itself: You look around for someone to give you a piggy-back ride. Self: Taking a deep breath, you throw back your shoulders and harden your resolve. Person: You bounce up and down, pointing at <person> and chanting "I want a piggyback ride! Item: You try to climb on top of a(n) <item>, but you slip and fall. How undignified!
MOVEMENT Verbs: (used to move from room to room; can be abbreviated; also see <GO>)
MUMBLE: You mumble something under your breath
MUTTER: You mutter to yourself
NEWS: Gives a list of (mostly) recent information about the game. Use NEWS<#> to read a specific article. Use NEWS NEXT to read articles you have not yet read, after you type NEWS NEXT several times to clear it the first time.
NAG <person/self>: You start nagging <person> unmercifully. Self: Don't you get enough of that from your mother? Others see: <person>'s shoulders bow as if under some great burden
NOCK <ammo> works like LOAD.
NOD <person/self>: You nod. You nod to <to person>. <self>: You study the ground for a moment
NOTCH: Used in bow and arrow making.
NUDGE <player/object>: You nudge <player> in the ribs playfully. You edge closer to <object>
OFFER <amount>: Used when haggling for prices. When the merchant offers a price, you OFFER one back. After the haggling is done you'll get your item (assuming you have enough money)
OPEN <item/door>
ORDER (color) <item>: Identical to <BUY>
PACE: You pace back and forth
PACE (during combat): You weave back and forth. Has no defensive value.
PANIC <self/person>: You gasp in terrified panic, trembling and flailing your arms about! (differs when you're sitting/lying down) You look at <person> and panic!
PARRY: You move to parry. Improves balance, but adds a short round time. Generally improves your balance at the cost of a few seconds; can be a big help with unbalancing weapons
PARRY <while at pole range>: You prepare to charge. Use any other attack command to charge; charges do more damage, but have a higher round time, eat more fatigue, and are more unbalancing.
PAT <person/self>: You pat <person> on the back. You pat your head and rub your stomach.
PAY <amount>: Used to pay off your debt at the town hall, or to pay the trader guild dues at the guild. The <amount> is the amount of coppers the debt is worth; you need not specify the type of coin (bronze, silver, etc.) when paying debts.PEER Uses:
PET <creature>: Allows you to pet <creature>. Note that some creatures don't like being petted. (Do NOT try to pet the S'lai guard in front of the moon mage guild. I warned you.)
PET <person/self>: You touch <person>. You tap the tip of your nose.
PICK <object> with <lockpick>: Used to pick a lock on an object. Requires a lockpick.
PIN: This is used to get the PIN number of your character. This is used to positively match your character to your screen name when you feedback, e-mail, or otherwise converse with Simutronics. Type PIN HELP for more information. Treat this number like you would any password, credit card number, etc., as it can possibly be used by someone to impersonate your character!PINCH <self/person/item> You crack your knuckles. You give <person> a good pinch! You idly pick at <item>.
PLAY (used play instruments): By itself, shows you play uses. PLAY <instrument> (WITH <tool>) <how>: Plays an instrument the desired way. Some instruments need tools, like picks. <How> refers to how you want to play the instrument; this includes Gentle, Rapid, Fierce, Playful, Flashy, Slow, and Aimless.
POKE <person/self>: You poke <person> in the ribs. while <person> is dead): You poke <person> to see if he/she'll move. He/She doesn't. <self>: You appear to be poking yourself
POINT <creature/person/object/direction>
POINT (at a hidden) <person>: point at <person. You point at <person>, ruining their hiding place.
POINT <item> <person>: You point your <item> at <person>
POLICY <page #>: Allows you to view policies of the game. By itself to view page topics.
POSE: Differs for standing, sitting and lying down.
POUR <container> IN <container>: Puts contents of first container into the second
PRACTICE <sing|stretch|area>: (Verbs differ for bards) <sing> You clear your voice repeatedly. You think you sound pretty good. Others see: <name> coughs repeatedly and clears her/his throat -- maybe s/he needs a drink. <stretch> You gently crack your knuckles while taking a deep breath, readying yourself. Others see: <name> pops his/her knuckles and breathes deep, trying to look calm. <area> You look around for a comfortable spot to settle in before practice. Others see: <name> glances around, looking for a place to sit.
PRAISE <player>: You mumble a word of general praise. <player>: You praise <player>! Can also be used to remove <CURSE> from a player, if you are at least 10+ circles higher.
PRAY: You kneel down and pray. Also used for some quests.
PREACH: You begin to flail your arms and talk loudly, but mostly just looks like you have no clue what you're doing
PREEN: You preen! Someone's pleased with her/himself
PREMIUM: Gives advance notice of upcoming events, merchants, and the like, if you're a premium member. If you're not, it gives the "get a premium account" spiel.
PREPARE <spell> <amount>: Readies a spell to be cast. Also see <TARGET> and <CAST>, the following steps in spell casting. Spell caster command
PROD: <self/person/item> You prod yourself in the ribs with your thumb. You give <:name> a little prod between the shoulder blades. You give <item> a little prod with the tip of your finger.
PUCKER: You pucker your lips.
PULL <character>: You pull <item/person> towards you!
PULL <self>: You pull your hair (or, if you have no hair, "You rub your scalp in agitation")
PUNCH <person>: You punch <person>
PUNISH <person/self>: You thrash <person/yourself> soundly
PURR: You let out a deep sigh of contentment
PUSH <item/person>
PUSH <self>: You twitch
PUT <object> <in/on/behind/under> <container/scenery object>: Be as specific as possible in order to make sure you don't misplace the item (i.e., PUT MY SHORT SWORD IN MY LEATHER SHEATH is best if there is a sheath on the ground, or if you have two different swords in hand). Also see <STOW>
PUZZLE <person>: You act puzzled. You puzzle over <person>.
QUEUE: Shows how many people are waiting for an assist (see <ASSIST REQUEST>). This does not show you your relative position in the line, it shows how many people are in line, total. Use <REFER> to see your position in the line.
QUEST: Brings up a list of commands to learn about current quests. Commands:
QUIT: Used to quit the game.
RAISE EYEBROW: You arch your eyebrow
RAISE <hand>
RASPBERRY <self/person> You stick your tongue out and let loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbt" from your lips! You let out an exasperated, "Pbpbpb." You stick your tongue out at <name> and let loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from your lips!
READ <scenery object/item>
RECITE: Somewhat similar to <ACT> and <SMILE>; use semicolons (;) to separate lines
REFER: Shows where you are in the assist queue; i.e., how many people are ahead of you in line for an assist. Identical to <ASSIST POSITION>
REFUSE: Use to decline an <OFFER>, or to stop a bartering session with a shop-keeper.
RELEASE <all/mana/spell>: Used to release a prepared spell or harnessed mana. Useful, as if a spell or raw mana are held too long they dissipate by themselves and can give you nerve damage. The default is to release both spells and mana, as with <RELEASE ALL>
REMOVE <object>: You remove <object>, if object is currently worn
REPAIR <item> <with <kit>: Used to repair an item that is damaged. Most common use is to fix instruments, but certain other items can be repaired as well, such as chains.
REPORT: Used to report an emergency to the GM's. Make darn sure it's an emergency! A good example of an emergency is when another character is attacking you without consent (a.k.a. PVP), or if another player is sexually harassing you; report them, and then log off if necessary. Never report someone who stole from you using the <STEAL> command! This verb is allowed in game, and the GM's hate being yelled at over things that are allowed. <ACCUSE> them instead, if possible. Note that recently, due to high usage of the game, <REPORT> will not allow you to get items back due to lags in the game; you will have to try feedback. Good luckRESYNC: Used to resync game data with the front end
RETREAT: Move away from your attackers (combat command). Doesn't always work.
ROAR: You roar like a wounded bear!
ROLL Uses:
RUB <item/person/self>: You rub you item. Can also be used to bond talismans or use runes. You rub <person>. <self>: You rub your hands together
RUMMAGE <container>: Like LOOK <container>, except others see "<yourname> rummages through a <container> ....... " (the last words vary randomly).
RUMMAGE <vault>: Like LOOK <vault>, except give a full list if the vault is full, instead of the "And a bunch of other stuff" at the end. Also gives the full descriptions, not the short versions.
SALUTE <person>: You snap to attention and hail <person> with a crisp hand salute (can also salute with weapon in hand and get a different message).
SAY <adverb> ... : Mostly identical to <'> and <">. <SAY>, however, can be used with various adverbs (Sarazak says sarcastically...). Adverbs:
sternly | grumpily | angrily | smugly | curtly | slowly |
tiredly | haggardly | weakly | patiently | quietly | guardedly |
calmly | happily | cheerfully | excitedly | kindly | mischievously |
sweetly | teasingly | playfully | sadly | longingly | wistfully |
painfully | confidently | hesitantly | emphatically | firmly | matter-of-factly |
nervously | sheepishly | meekly | helplessly | hopelessly | regretfully |
darkly | rancidly | hauntingly | harshly | greedily | mockingly |
tenderly | lovingly | dryly | wryly | loudly | sarcastically |
dreamily | coyly | innocently | enigmatically |
SCOFF <person/self>: You scoff. You scoff at <person>. You sniff and look huffy.
SCOWL <self/person>: You scowl. You scowl blackly. You scowl at <person>.
SCRATCH <self/person>: You scratch your head. You scratch <person's> back.
SCREAM <person, self, item>You scream at <person/self/item>.
SCRIBE <person, self> You jot down some notes. You look at Person and jot down some notes. You apparently forgot who you are, so for posterity's sake, you jot down some notes. (Others see: Person jots down some notes.)
SEARCH: Determines if there is anything hidden in the area, based on your perception
SEARCH <dead creature>: Lets you get any items that the creature had; also causes the creature to instantly decompose, so <SKIN> before you search. Don't search another's kill without permission; it's rude, and some people (myself included) get REAL mad.
SELL <item>: Used to sell items at the pawn shop, furriers, etc.
SET <flag>: Used to change the game's interface. <SET> <flag> turns on a feature; <SET> !<flag> turns off a feature. Type <SET> by itself to see a list of features.
SHAPE: Used in bow and arrow making
SHARE <amount> <coin type> <currency>: Allows you to share the specified amount of money among your current adventuring group
SHEATHE <weapon>: You sheathe your <weapon> in your (first available sheath, harness, quiver, etc.). Similar to <PUT>, but only works with weapons. Note that only the first available sheath is used; at the moment you can't select a specific sheath
SHOOT: Identical to <FIRE>
SHOW <item/player> TO <NPC/person>: Allows you to show the <target> to the <NPC/person>. One common use is a moon mage <SHOWING> someone to the guard at the observatory to let that person in the moon mage guild, other guilds have similar guards. SHOWing and item to a person will also allow them to APPRAISE your item.
SHIVER: A shiver runs up your spine.
SHRUG <person>: You shrug. You look at <person> and shrug.
SHUN <self/person>: You stick your nose up in the air haughtily. You look around seeking someone to help. <person>: You look at <person> and shun him/her.
SIGN: You wave your hands around without having any clue what you're doing. Others see: <person> waves their hands around.
SING: Similar to <RECITE>. Use semi-colons (;) to designate verses. After <SINGING> you have a round time (by verse) before you can sing again. I guess this is to keep bad singers from being too annoying...
SIMUCON < page #>: Gives information on the yearly Simucon convention. By itself, gives page to read. With <page #> allows you to read articles.
SIT <person>: You sit down. You sit next to <person>.
SKIN <dead creature>: Used to skin a dead creature. Sell the pelts/skins/hooves/etc. at the furrier's. Don't skin other peoples' kills without their permission; it's very rude, and people (myself included) get REAL mad.
SLAP <person/self>: You slap <person>. You slap yourself on the forehead
SLEEP: Used to stop gaining NEW experience under the alternate experience system. Use AWAKEN or actively work to gain new experience to begin learning again.
SLICE <creature>: You try to slice at <creature>
SMOKE <cigar/pipe>: You puff on <cigar/pipe>. Requires the cigar to be lit, or the pipe to have lit tobacco
SMOOCH <self/person>: You smack your lips. You give <person> a smooch.
SNARL <self>: You snarl. You grit your teeth.
SNEAK <direction> (while hidden): Remain hiding while moving in the specified direction. Not foolproof, and it has a round time.
SNEER <person/self>: You sneer. You sneer at <person>! You wrinkle your nose.
SNEEZE <self>: You sneeze. Your eyes bug out
SNICKER <person>: You snicker. You snicker at <person>
SNIFFLE <person>: You sniffle. You sniffle at <person>
SNIVEL: You snivel softly, causing your face to scrunch up. You look at <person> and start to snivel softly. You rub your nose with the back of your hand as you snivel miserably.
SNORE <self>: You snore. You make a loud snarfing noise.
SNORT <person/self>: You snort. You snort at <person>. You snort derisively
SNUFF <item>: Extinguishes a lit item (see <LIGHT>)
SNUGGLE <person>: You lovingly snuggle up to <person>
SPELL: Shows the spells you know (spell caster command)
SPRINKLE <item> on <person/creature/object/ROOM>: You sprinkle the contents of the designated object.
SPIT <disgusted/glaringly/angrily>: You spit on the ground. Other options have different messages.
SQUINT <person/self>: You squint. You squint at <person>. You narrow your eyes.
STALK <creature/person> (while hidden): You move to stalk the <target> when it moves.
STANCE: Shows you rating in all the stances
STANCE <evasion/parry/shield(offense> <percent>): Determines your general defensive and offense stances. All you stances must add up to 180%. Typing just <STANCE> <evasion/parry/shield> brings that particular stance to 100%, and sets the other two at 40%.
STAND <person/object>: You stand near <person/object>
STARE <person/self>: You stare blankly into the distance. You stare blankly at <person>, which is rather rude. You stare meekly at the ground in a moment of embarrassment
STATUS: Shows how many people are currently playing, and which gamemasters and gamehosts are on duty
STATUS FULL: Shows the name of every character currently playing. This can take quite a long time to scroll, so put your character somewhere safe first
STEAL <item/person/NPC>: No explanation needed. Can be used by those other than "professional" thieves, but it isn't a good way to make friends. It is bad form (but no longer against game policy) to kill someone who stole from you, but it's happened before; watch your back if you're a known thief. Also see <ACCUSE>. Note that items can only be stolen from shops (shoplifting), and in general the larger and more expensive the item, the harder it is to steal.
STIR <item> IN <jar> WITH <utensil>: Stirs the item. Used in alchemy.
STOP <guarding/listening/teaching/stalk>: Allows you to stop guarding a person or item, to stop listening to a teacher, or to stop teaching. Stop stalk will allow you to stop stalking someone and still remain in hiding. Also see <GUARD>, <LISTEN>, <STALK> and <TEACH>
STOW <item/left/right> &;t;IN <container>: Using <STOW <item> IN CONTAINER> is the same as <PUT>, but makes the container a default container. Any further uses of <STOW <item>> automatically puts the item in the previous container. <STOW <left>> and <STOW <right>> allow you to <STOW> the item in the named hand without naming the actual item.
STUDY: Lets you train in an attribute, in the appropriate locations
SULK: You look downright miserable
SURPRISE <person> (while hidden): <Person> lets out an involuntary shriek as you appear out of thin air, and jump at <person> while making scary sounds and waving your arms wildly
SURRENDER <guard>: Normally, when you are <ACCUSED> or wanted for some other crime, you have to let a guard find you to be brought to justice. <SURRENDER <guard>> lets you automatically give up, if you are in front of a guard.
SURVEY: Used to bring up the Dragonrealms survey. Use <ANSWER> to respond.
SWAP: Exchanges the items in your left and right hands
SWEAR: You mumble something unprintable
SWEEP <creature>: You attempt to sweep at <creature>
SWIM: Use instead of movement commands in deep water (i.e., <SWIM NORTH>). In sewers, brooks, and other shallow water normal movement commands work fine.
SWING <critter>: You take a swing at <critter>. Mostly identical to <SLICE>, but is more effective with blunt weapons.
TAKE <object>: Works similar to <GET>, but only looks for items on the ground
TALK: Identical to <ASK>
TANNING verbs:
TAP <self/item/person>: You tap your foot impatiently. You tap yourself on the chest. You tap <item>. You tap <person> on the shoulder.
TAP CIGAR: You flick an ash off your cigar (only if lit).
TARGET <creature/person> <body part>: Use when a spell is prepared. Usually only used with combat spells, and not all combat spells use <TARGET>, some use simply <CAST> <creature/person>. Many combat spells can be targetted at a specific body part (eyes, hands, etc.); this gives more experience if it hits, but it is much harder to hit doing this. Not interchangeable with <AIM>
TEACH <skill> TO <player>: A complex skill. Used to teach another player how to use a skill. <TEACH OPTIONS> shows you a list of skills that can be taught, and the specific command to do it, as well as how to keep from being taught if you don't want to be.
TEASE <person/creature>: You stick your tongue out at <person>. You tease the <creature>, who regards you with mild disdain
TEND <my/player's> <body area>: First aid; used to slow bleeding in the affected area
THINK: You think. If you are wearing a gwethdesuan, <THINK> is used in place of <'> or <"> to send a message over the "gweth-net", the mystical connection that links the minds of those wearing the same type of gwethdeusans.
THROW <item> AT <person>: Jelly-beans, tomatoes, and snow balls are good candidates for this one. Some items (like rope) can be thrown. Thrown weapons use a similar syntax, see "Combat Verbs".
THROW <thrown weapon> AT <creature>: Throws weapon/item at <creature>
THRUST <creature>: You thrust at <creature>
THUMP <person>: If <person> is 20 circles or more lower then you you will stun <person> and keep them from being able to talk for a period of time. This is intended to stop annoying snerts. Other THUMP uses: THUMP by itself: The veins in your neck start to stand out and you feel your face flush as you strive to control your anger. THUMP <self>: You hit yourself on the head. Doh! THUMP <item>: You thump <item> with the back of your hand.
TICKLE <player/creature>
TIE <strap> TO <weapon>: Used to tie a weapon strap to a large weapon so that you may wear the weapon. Note that the strap must be in the right hand and the weapon in the left when attempting this. Also note that the strap must be untied from the weapon before it can be used effectively (see <UNTIE <strap> FROM <weapon>)
TITLE Verbs: (These verbs are used to pick the titles you will display)
TIME: Shows the current time and date in the game world
TIP <player> <amount/coin type/currency type>: Offers a tip of money to another character. Cannot be done if you still have original or a large debt. Example: <TIP SARAZAK 5 GOLD KRONARS>.
TOUCH <person/self>: You touch <person>. You tap the tip of your nose.
TOUCH <item/terrain object/player>: You touch <whatever>. Usually used to point something out, but sometimes causes special effects when you touch scenery objects (like certain rare room traps).
TRACE <item/self/person/random>: You trace an outline around <item>. You draw a circle around your face. You trace <person>'s outline. You trace your hand randomly through the air.
TRACE TATTOO: You trace <your tatto> on <body part>.
TRAIN: Identical to <STUDY>
TUNE <player/self>: You tweak <player's> nose. You rub your nose.
TUNE <instrument>: Used to see if an instrument is in tune. TUNE <instrument> <sharp/flat>: Tune the instrument if it is not in tune.
TURN <item>: Lets you turn knobs, etc.
TYPO: Lets you report a typo in the game's interface to the GMs
UNBUNDLE: Used to unwrap a bundle, dropping it's contents on the ground
UNFOLD <item>: Used to unfold an item so that they are usable. Also see <FOLD>
UNHIDE (if hidden): Used to come out of hiding
UNLATCH <item/scenery object>: Used to unlatch an item. See <LATCH>
UNLOAD <weapon>: Lets you unload a ranged weapon if you aren't going to fire it. See <LOAD>
UNLOCK <item/door>: Usually you need a key.
UNROLL <scroll>: Used to unroll a scroll for use. Also see ROLL <scroll>
UNTIE <strap> FROM <weapon>: Detaches a weapon strap from a weapon so that you may use the weapon in combat. See TIE <strap> TO <weapon>.
UNWRAP <item>: Lets you unwrap a wrapped item.
UNWRAP <my/person> <body area>: Unwraps a tended area. Bleeding starts again. Usually gives a long roundtime. See <TEND>.
VAULT: Identical to <JUMP>
WAIL <person>: You begin an eerie, warbling wail of despair. You look at <person> and let ut an eerie, warbling wail of despair
WAKE: You rub your eyes
WATCH <person>: This reduces the chance <person> has of <STEALing> from you.
WATER verbs: Verbs that can be used in water.
WAVE Uses:
WEALTH: Shows how much money you have, and any debts you have
WEEP <person>: A tear runs down your face. You look at <person> and start to weep softly.
WEAR <object>: You wear <object>, if it is wearable and you are holding it.
WHINE: You whine and complain bitterly and generally manage to act like the world was created specifically to inconvenience you
WHISPER <person/group>...: Like <'> and <">, but only the designated target(s) can hear what is said. Can be used with an individual, or with your adventuring group
WHISPER <self>: You whisper to yourself
WHO: Identical to <STATUS>
WINK Uses:
WITHDRAW <amount> <coin type> <currency>: Used to get money from a bank where you have an account
WOBBLE: You wobble, looking a bit faint
WRING <item>: You wring <item>. I've seen towels wringed, other items might be able to be wringed, too
WRING HANDS: You wring your hands nervously
WRITE <item> <text>: Used to write on companion slates. Other items might possibly be written on as well.
YANK <person/self>: You pull <person> toward you (that's what others see; you see "Possessive, aren't we?"). You tug on your ear
YAWN <person/self>: You yawn. You look at <person> and yawn. You stifle a yawn
YELL: Similar to <'> and <">, except whatever is said is yelled to all adjacent rooms. Bad form to use <YELL> without a good reason, especially if you yell in all caps (people come from all around to beat you until you stop, or fall unconscious <g>).
YES: A positive attitude never hurts
PUNCH <person>: You punch <person> in the knees!
ROAR : You let go of your best roar! Others see: <person> squeaks like a timid mouse! (defaults to guild-based roar if your guild has a special roar.)
EXHALE: Used with cigar or pipe after <inhale>
GRUNT : You make a noise that sounds like you just inhaled a tart
SHAKE <person> (of a race that's taller): You grab <person> by the knees and shake them!
BLUSH: You blush a splotchy, mottled color.
CHIRR : You chirr contentedly to yourself
FLIRT <self>: You display your fangs. Others see "your curl back your lips and display your fangs briefly"
HISS Uses:
PURR: You make a clicking noise in the back of your throat
SNARL <self>: You lash your tail in agitation
TAIL <emote>: By itself gives list of tail emotes. Emotes:
MEOW: You make a very strange gurgling noise. Others see: <person> makes a very strange gurgling noise.
WHISTLE :You shrilly whistle
BLUSH: You blush slightly, the tips of your ears flushing with warmth
SHAKE HAND [Elf Person]: You extend your bared palms to [Elf Person] in wordless greeting. [Elf Person] places his/her palms over yours, completing the ritual.
BLUSH: You blush a deep green. (Got'Togs must have green blood, there's no other explanation)
GRUNT <person | creature | object>:
Since you are a Dwarf, you may also add an emote thus:
GRUNT [emote] or GRUNT (person) [emote].
You cannot add emotes to GRUNT (creature) or (object).
Emotes: sternly grumpily angrily smugly curtly matter-of-factly
slowly tiredly haggardly weakly
patiently quietly guardedly calmly
happily cheerfully excitedly kindly
mischievously sweetly teasingly playfully
sadly longingly wistfully painfully
confidently emphatically firmly
hesitantly nervously sheepishly meekly
helplessly hopelessly regretfully
darkly rancidly hauntingly harshly greedily
mockingly sarcastically loudly wryly dryly
lovingly tenderly dreamily
enigmatically coyly innocently
GNASH <person/creature>: You gnash your terrible teeth! You gnash your terrible teeth at <person/creature>!
PUNCH <person>: You punch <person> in the knees!
SHAKE <person> (of a race that's taller): You grab <person> by the knees and shake them!
SNORE (while lying down): You snore, a sound fit to make teeth vibrate.
SNAP [emotes]
BARK <self>: (must be in moonskin): You bark loudly!
GROWL...: (must be in moonskin) Works like Skra'Mur HISS speak, pulls L's from the sentence, makes them R's, and exaggerates the R's. no need for R's in the sentence. Too many R's in the sentence: <person> makes a pitiful wheezing noise.
HOWL: (must be in moonskin) Usually non-Rakash hear: <person> howls!, and only if they are in the same room with you. Prydaens can hear howls and sort of understand. Uses
MEOW <self>: (must be in moonskin) You make a weird yowling noise. <self> You mutter something about cats to yourself.
PURR: (must be in moonskin) You make a contented growling noise. Others see: <person> makes a loud "RrrrRRRrrrRRRrrrr" noise that you recognize as one of contentment.
TAIL: (must be in moonskin) You wag your tail enthusiastically.
EAR <option/action> <person|creature|object>
Actions Include: FLICK, GROOM, SCRATCH
HISS <person/self>: You hiss at <person>. When done to <self>, your hair will stand up in anger while hissing. While hiding, it will be from shadows.
PURR <person/self> (while hiding)>: You purr. You purr happily in <person>'s general direction. Purr <self> will result in a purr with eyes half shut. While hiding, if you purr at someone, they will hear a happy Prydaen nearby.
TAIL <emote><person/creature/object/self>: By itself, gives usage. Emotes:
MEOW: <person/self>: Regular meow by itself, curious meow if to another person. Muffled mrrp sound when done to <self>. While hiding, others hear a cat meowing.
SLINK <at|left|right|behind> <person/creature|object|direction>: all sorts of verbs
There are no verbs in the list for the Kaldar race. If you know of one, please go to "Add-A-Verb" and put it in.
SHAKE <person> (of a race that's taller): You grab <person> by the knees and shake them!
CONCENTRATE <familiar>: Allows you to see the owner of the familiar.
GESTURE <player>: casts a cantrip.
PERCIEVE <familiar>: Works exactly the same as <CONCENTRATE>
PREPARE CANTRIP <cantrip name>: prepares the specified cantrip.
SUMMON FAMILIAR: Summons your familiar. you must be holding a talisman.
APPRAISE <instrument>: Gives special appraisal information on instruments for Bards, such as condition of instrument, how clean it is, and whether or not it is bonded to a particular Bard.
As a Bard, you can BLUFF like so...
BLUFF DISTRACT to gain a better chance at hiding.
BLUFF AMAZE to put on a charismatic show.
BLUFF DEAD to play dead. *** Be warned, this could get you killed! ***
CHANT <song>: Some enchantes are chanteded instead of sung or played.
CHORUS: Describes how bards can sing with each other
CHORUS STOP: Stop singing in chorus
CLEAN <instrument> WITH <cloth, etc.>: Used to clean dirty instruments.HUM <happy / sad / cheerful / mournful /etc>: For a Bard, you have a chance of affecting someone else in the room with the mood of your hum.
HISS: You hiss in a pretty good imitation of a S'Kra Mur.
PLAY Verbs:
PLAYACT: Works identical to <ACT>, except commands are given without parenthesis. Usable only by bards above certain circle.
PRACTISE: Special practise messaging
SING WITH <player>: Allows singing in chorus
SONG: Similar to <SPELL>, this command shows a Bard what songs he/she knows, as well as what instruments can be used with the song.
WHISTLE <song / emote>: used to whistle the opening notes of a known song and other whistle emotions.
OBSERVE <clouds/sun/moon/constellation/planet>: You examine the celestial object, if it is visible; if it's not, you find out that it's covered by clouds, or not present. Non Moon-mages can do this too, but they get no special benefit. Note, for observing moons, constellations, and planets, the name of the specific celestial body must be mentioned.
PERCEIVE <spell book/moon/planet/moonbeam/person>: Spell book: gives you the amount of power for that book. Moon: gives you the amount of power for the moon (Xibar, Yavash, Katamba). Planet: shows you if any planets are within your range. Moonbeam: shows you all moonbeams cast in an area and the names of their caster (depending on skill level). Person: shows you if that person is a magic user, how much mana they are holding, and what spells are affecting them (depending on skill level).
POWER : Works exactly the same as PERCIEVE
COMMUNE: You bow your head and grow still for a moment. Used to determine devotion.
DANCE: Done in front of an altar to increase devotion.
INVOKE <name of prayer/parchment>: Used to increase devotion. Once done, you will chant the prayer outloud.
MEDITATE: Used to tell your devotion, and on some quests.
PERCIEVE <person/corpse>: On <person>, you will be told how many favors they have. On Corpse: Will tell how long to auto-depart, memory decay (in ranks), and how many favors are on them, and any spells affecting them.
PRAY: Used to increase your devotion. Has roundtime.
PREACH: Works like <RECITE>, but also increases devotion.
TRACE BOND <weapon>: Causes the weapon to return to the dead owners hand. Ineffective if its been away from the deader for to long.
TRACE GLYPH OF WARDING: Used to trace a glyph of warding over a dead body. When that person departs the items will be protected for a few minutes, and all he has to to is <TOUCH> the glyph to have all his items returned.
BRAWLING: Shock-free brawling commands:
BREAK <person/all>: Breaks the transference link. Might have to type multiple times in order to completely break the transference of wounds.
PET <person>: Works the same as TOUCH <person>.
POWER HEALTH: Based on PP skill, checks health of others. Tell who are empaths.
TAKE <person> <left/right> <body part/vitality/poison/disease> <part/half/most>: Allows transfer of wounds. Others will not see you touching them. Preferred since it reduces scroll.
< a>TOUCH <player>: Used to create empathic link and to diagnose wounds. Sends you a wound list.
TRANSFER <person> <left/right> <body part/vitality/poison/disease> <part/half/most>: Allows you to transfer wounds. Others can see you touching them for each body part.
APPROACH <companion>: Used when aquiring a companion.
ARRANGE <dead creature>: Works like skinning, except is harder, and you get a better skin if done successfully. Must have high skinning skill.
BESEECH THE <force of nature> to <task> [target item/creature/player]: Right now, you can only BESEECH THE WIND TO CLEAN, but others are coming. Must be a Ranger of a certain level.
FEED <companion food> TO <companion>: feeds your companions. Companions need to eat!
HOOT: You hoot, sounding remarkably like a real owl
HOWL: You howl like a wolf
PET <companion>: you pet your <companion>
ROAR: You release a guttural, bearlike roar!
SIGNAL: Used to command companions. They all start with SIGNAL <companion> TO... Uses:
SIGN <signals>: Used for primitive sign-language form of communication. Ask a fellow Ranger for specifics.
TEASE <companion>
TICKLE <companion>: you tickle your <companion>.
TRACK: <player/creature> sets you up to track. TRACK alone lets you track the previously specified being.
WHISTLE (if hidden): You whistle like a startled thrush/nightingale/starling
WHISTLE FOR <companion>: Calls your companion.
BERSERK: Used by barbarians to enter their berserk rage.
CHOKE: While brawling
DANCE <swan/cobra/eagle/bear/wolverine>: Ability command
GRUNT : You make a disgusting grunting noise
ROAR : You roar like an enraged lion!
ROAR <Kuniyo/ Everild/Trothfang>: Lets the barb rally allies, scare foes, etc., depending on the type of <ROAR> used and the skills and attributes of the barb. Don't use in town, you'll be fined!
CARAVAN COMMANDS: (Used by Traders to lead animals/caravans; may not apply to all caravans)
COUNT <self>: You carefully count your coins, hoping no one else notices. Others see: <person> looks around carefully, then greedily counts his/her coins.
GIVE <caravan> (when feed is in the right hand): Allows you to feed a caravan.
PAY <amount> <coin type>: This option of this verb allows you to pay dues in the coin of your choice.
RETURN <caravan/pack animal>: Allows you to return the <caravan/pack animal> at the guild stables.
SHAKE HAND <person>: You give <person> an enthusiastic handshake, trying to convey confidence and trustworthiness. What they see depends on circle or charisma, not sure.
TIE <person> to caravan?
BACKSTAB <creature>: Combat verb. Must be used while hiding, and on a standing, humanoid target. Requires a light or medium edged weapon.
CONTACT: ability command.
KHRI: ability command.
MARK: ability command.
SIGN...: Used to sign messages, functions like <'>, but requires a free hand.
TITLE HIDE: Hides Thief pre title from other thieves, the one in parenthesis. Type again to have it show
TITLE <PRE or POST> PRETEND <guildname>: Allows you to set your pretend guild titles. You can only do this once, it is permanent, so choose carefully.