Greetings, Welcome to Emotions!!
Happy New Year and I wish all a prosperous, blessed 2000 and beyond.
Just thinking about a new year brings about many positive thoughts to just about everyone. It is like a new beginning, off with the old and on with something new, forget what happened last year, this is a new year and new hope is in the horizon for better things, better days, a new attitude, a new way of thinking, a change for the better. I admit, I started the new year out with these thoughts and with the help of the good Lord I will continue on this road for “change”.
Even though I know what I may want to achieve, I also know that the Lord has a plan for me also that I must follow. His plan may not be the same as mine, it will be better than mine, His plan will not happen this year, and maybe not even next year, but it is unfolding before my eyes, I just don’t realize it. All of the days when I feel “down” and just don’t know what is wrong, it is all a part of the plan.
While I am sleeping, I may go to sleep wondering or worrying about something I need to do and didn’t, or wanted to do and couldn’t. Worry, worry, worry, for what? It isn’t your problem, you make it your problem by worrying and not trusting and believing that everything will be alright. It is all a test, you are being tested and tried to see how you will hold up in a given situation, you are being strengthened, molded and changed on the inside. You never have to fight the battle alone, He is always with you, watching you, protecting you, and waiting for you to give it all up for him to handle. The good Lord knows, your worries, your wants, your needs and your fears, He will fix it.
I hope you enjoyed my emotions, your comments are welcome.
“I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something I can do.” - Edward Everett Hale