There are various different gods and goddesses that drow worship,
although the most common by far is the Spider Goddess, Lloth. Anyway, here's
some information about them, gathered from different sources.
(Excert from TSR's "Drow of the Underdark")
The religious practices of drow remain a source of much mystery,
legend, and misinformation on several worlds. The secrecy, long history,
and continual change of drow religion make this overview necessarily
The majority of drow worship Lolth, the cruel, capricious Spider Queen.
She is called “Lloth” by some drow. In ancient times, Lolth was known as
Araushnee, to drow who inhabited the vanished cities of
Clorlyth’na’tsheen and Obbolor.
Drow who worship Lolth do not generally speak or recognize drow who
don’t. The other faiths held by drow include worshippers of Eilistraee,
the goddess of song; Ghaunadaur, the “Elder Elemental God”; and
Vhaeraun, the god of thievery and the furthering of drow power in the
surface world, mostly worshipped by males. Drow are not limited to
worshipping drow gods, and those who live on the surface may adopt a
surface deity to worship.
Some drow have searched for other deities to guide and lead them
(usually among the denizens of the Outer Planes). There are mentions of
drow “dark cults” fighting against worshippers of Lolth, some sixteen
thousand winters ago - and several times since. Here follow descriptions
of the four major drow deities.