Welcome to the home of Jadetail the Warrior!
Welcome to the home of Jadetail the Warrior!
You walk slowly through
Mossflower Woods, the shadows playing tricks on you. Suddenly, a
female otter jumps in front of you with an arrow notched to her bow.
You stagger back, startled. The otter lowers her bow and says, "I'm
sorry if I fightened you, mate. I'm Jadetail the Warrior and I always
keep a lookout for any suspicious-looking travelers. No offense, of
course, but we woodlanders always have to be careful about who we
come across. By the way, would you like to join our band of
resistance? It's called the Holt Drend. I know that Holts are for
otters normally, but I've decided to allow any creature to join. I'm
the leader, y'a know. Why don't you come to my cave and we can
discuss membership?"
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by Jadetail Keena Rudderwake
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