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This page will always be "Under Construction" because as I am finding pages I will add them for you. So if you have any pages that you would like added to this section of Jasper's Home, please send them my way. If you find any broken links on this page, will you please email me and let me know. Thank You!! :-)

Winners of Our Award!
I have decided to discontinue the "Apply for Our Award" program. If you think your site is deserving of our award please sign the guestbook and leave a request. I usually send the awards out on the weekends. If you don't receive our award it might be because either your email program or mine won't let it go through. That is the main reason I have closed the award program... because I have had trouble emailing people their awards. Please visit the past winners of our award through the link above.

A Pooch Smooch
It's just what it says... A Pooch Smooch!!! :-)

Murphy's House Rules
I think Murphy and Jasper got together and wrote this page for us! LOL!!

What We Can Learn From A Dog
Awwww! Great! Lesson WE can learn from our dogs! And We thought we knew it all!! :-)

Blue Dog Can Count!
Our doggies can do it ALL! Even do addition, subtraction, multiplication & division for us!

Doggy Christmas Carols
Tail Waggers really out did themselves on this site! The Doggy versions of Christmas Carols! Great Site!!

I Love My Dog Contract
Here You go! Print it out and give your dog a contract stating YOU love HIM! or HER! Jasper would probably chew this up and say...... Mama I know You love Me! That is if he could talk! :-)

How To Photograph A Puppy
A cute page giving you advice on how to take pictures of your puppy!

The Dog House
A humorous look at Dogs vs. Men and Dogs vs. Women.

Sherilynn's Adoption Center for Birds
Adopt a bird for your own website! Joey B. loves the music on this page!! That's our little birdie we adopted! We named him, Sonny. After my parakeet that I had before Joey B. He was a good little birdie too! He lived for 10 wonderful years! I miss you Sonny.

These next pages have nothing to do with pets. I just thought you'd like to have some to send out to your email buddies!!

Relaxing Waterfall
It's a relaxing Waterfall for your enjoyment. Give this page time to load up.... you will truly enjoy this!! :-)

Harbour Lights
A beautiful relaxing page. Give this plenty of time to load up. It's full of beautiful paintings by Thomas Kinkade.

Side By Side
A cute little page to send to your good email buddies!

Good Morning!
A lovely way to say Good Morning to your email buddies! :-)

G'Nite My Friend
A cute way to say "Good Nite" to your email buddies!!

Lady Lynn's Hugs
Do you need to send a hug to someone? If so, this is the place to go! Lady Lynn has a hug for everything!

Lucky Lady's Love Notes
Tons of love notes, hugs and everything you can think of to send your email buddies!

We live in Michigan so I thought it would be neat to have some Michigan links here so you can check out Our Great Lake State!

I'm sorry but the Michigan links I had for you went dead. So when I find somemore, I'll add them for you. Or if you find some nice links please send them to me! :-)

Michigan Lottery
You can check your Michigan Lottery tickets on this site! Not that we ever won..... but we can dream, can't we! :-)

Dog-Gone Graphics

They have a excellent selection of graphics for your homepages! Both Free & Custom made! Check the copy right agreement on these graphics before taking! That's where I got that cool multi-color bone line! Excellent work!! :-) Please don't take that bone line without linking back to Dog-Gone Graphics! Thanks!

Walpurgis9's Doggy Graphics
This is a nice collection of doggy graphics that they have found while surfing the web. Also links to other graphic sites!

Jeebee's Favorite Links
Jeebee, that's ME!! That's kinda like my internet name. This is a list of links that I've made. The links include Web Tools that I've used to make some of my graphics. It also includes Graphics sites, Midi sites, Help pages and other things. Actually what happened was my Favorite Folder was getting to big so I put a lot of stuff on this Link Page!! :-)

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