* = A Fille du Roi
--- All dates are in month-date-year format ---
ALUE/ALVE- CATHERINE b. St. Marie de Galice Burgoes Spain, m. Manuel Robidou
ARCHAMBAULT- ANTOINE b. abt 1583 France, m. 2-1602/03 Aunis France to Renee Ouvrard
ARCHAMBAULT- JACQUES b. 1604 Dompierre LaRochelle France, m. 1-24-1629 Poitou France to Francoise Tourault
ARCHAMBAULT- MARIE b. 2-24-1636 LaRochelle France, d. 8-16-1719 Point-aux-Trembles Quebec, m. Urbain Tessier dit Lavigne
ARDOUIN (AUDOUIN-SOULAR)- JEAN b. abt 1580 Aunis France, d. abt 1641 Aunis France, m. abt 1600 to Jeanne Soullart
ARSONNELL- LOUISE m. Mathurin Etienne
BABEU- ANDRE b. France, d. 11-2-1722 LaPrairie Quebec, m. Anne Roy
BABEU- MARIE JOSEPHE b. 7-12-1699 LaPrairie Quebec, d. 5-2-1730 St Lambert Quebec, m. 5-10-1723 LaPrairie Quebec to Jacques Caille dit Biscornet
BABEU- BABY b. 2-4-1693/94 LaPrairie d. same day & place
BABEU- ANDRE b. 7-4-1695 LaPrairie Quebec, m. 7-13-1722 LaPrairie Quebec to Madeleine Mesnil/Mensy
BABEU- ANGELIQUE b. 2-22-1696/97 LaPrairie Quebec, m. 1717 Claude Primeau
BABEU- MARIE JOSEPHE b. 7-11-1698 LaPrairie Quebec
BABEU- MARIE ANNE b. 10-12-1700 St Lambert Quebec, m. 1724 to Francois Mikel Circe
BABEU- CATHERINE b. 2-22-1701/02 LaPrairie Quebec, m. 1724 to Jean Mesnil/Mesny
BABEU- JEAN b. 1-13-1702/03 LaPrairie Quebec
BABEU- MARIE MARGUERITE b. 4-5-1704 LaPrairie Quebec
BABEU- PIERRE b. 4-22-1705 LaPrairie Quebec, d. 6-9-1727 Montreal Quebec
BABEU- JOSEPH b. 3-6-1706/07 LaPrairie Quebec
BABEU- MARIE ANNE b. 10-12-1708 LaPrairie Quebec
BABEU- FRANCOIS XAVIER b. 11-25-1710 LaPrairie Quebec
BABEU- MARIE MADELEINE b. 3-15-1711/12 LaPrairie Quebec
BABEU- LOUIS b. 5-1-1713 LaPrairie Quebec
BABEU- ETIENNE b. 5-8-1716 LaPrairie Quebec
BABEU- AGNES b. 5-30-1718 LaPrairie Quebec
BABEU- JACQUES b. 9-5-1722 LaPrairie Quebec
BABEU- ANNE b. 7-26-1723 LaPrairie Quebec
BABEU- MARIE JOSEPHE b. 1-3-1724/25 LaPrairie Quebec, d. 1-2-1729/30
BABEU-MARIE MADELEINE b. 1-2-1726 LaPrairie Quebec
BABEU- ANDRE b. 10-27-1728 St Joseph Quebec
BABEU- MARIE JOSEPHE 10-9-1730 St Joseph Quebec, d. same day in LaPrairie??
BEAUDRY- LOUISE m. Adrien Massieu
BETOURNE- LOUIS m. 11-23-1722 LaPrairie Quebec to Marguerite Dupuis/Dupuy
BETOURNE- MARGUERITE b. 9-20-1723 Longueuil Quebec
BETOURNE- ANGELIQUE b. 7-20-1726 Longueuil Quebec
BETOURNE- LOUIS b. 1-23-1727/28 Longueuil Quebec
BETOURNE- MARIE ANNE b. 11-17-1729 Longueuil Quebec
BORNAY/BORNAIS- LEONARDE b. St Ursin cote d'Or France, m. Jean Richer
BOYER- JEANNE b. St. Michel le Clou La Rochelle Aunis Poitou, m. Charles Roy
BOYER- CLAUDE b. 12-1722 Montreal Quebec, m. Suzanne Menard
BOYER/BOUYER/BOUYIER- ETIENNE STEPHEN b. 1613 Rouen France, d. aft 1645, m. bef 1642 LaRochelle Aunis France to Perrine Peineau
BOYER- NICOLAS b. 2-23-1642 LaRochelle France, d. 5-24-1714 Montreal, m. 8-18-1667 Notre Dame Montreal to Marguerite McLin
BOYER- NICOLAS ANTOINE b. 2-23-1679 Mointreal Quebec, d. 1759 Montreal Quebec, m. 6-2-1704 Pte-aux-trembles Quebec to Louise Payet
BOYER- SUZANNE (ANGELIQUE) b. 1765 Canada, m. Augustin Robidoux
CHARETTE- STELLA CORA b. 6-10-1890 Bessemer Mich, d. 3-17/19-1958 Harrison Mich, she took step fathers name of Charette m. Floyd Graves
CHIVERS-EMMA b. 9-25-1842 England, d. 1-13-1929 Ladysmith WI, m. Frederick John Stevens
CHRISTOSKI- LUCILLE m. Chester F. Lindberg
COEFFES/COIFFE- JULIENNE b. before 1620 Nantes bretagne France, d. 4-20-1650 Quebec Canada, m. 10-28-1636 LaRochelle Aunis France to Jean Forestier
COEFFES/COIFFE- ANDRE b. abt 1580 Aunis France, m. before 1619 France to Jeanne Dugast
DENIGER- MARIE b. 1667-1690, d. 1712-1778 m. Claude Mesnil/Mesny/Meni
DENOTE- ANTOINE b. 1595-1636 Paris France, m. 1621-1674 to Catherine Leduc
* DENOTE- JEANNE b. 1645-1647 Paris France, d. 10-10-1701 LaPrairie Quebec Canada, m. 2x 6-7-1667 Quebec City, Canada to Andre Robidou & Jacques Suprenant dit Sanssoucy
DEROY- JACQUELINE b. 1586-1609 France, m. Touissaint Ducharme
DUCHARME-TOUISSAINT b. 1577-1606 France, m. Jaqueline Deroy
DUCHARME- JEAN b. 1590-1635 Paris France, d. 1633-1711, m. 1615-1666 to Anne Lelievre
* DUCHARME- CATHERINE b. 1657 Paris France, buried 2-21-1719 Montreal Quebec, m. 1-12-1672 Montreal Quebec to Pierre Roy
DUGAST- JEANNE b. abt 1580 Aunis France, m. before 1619 to Andre Coeffes/Coiffe
DUPUIS/DUPUY- FRANCOIS b. 1583-1612 St. Laurent France, m. Limoges France to Marguerite Renaud/Resneau
DUPUIS/DUPUY- FRANCOIS b. 1634-1637 France, died 1700 or 2-14-1707 LaPrairie Quebec, m. 10-6-1670 Quebec City Quebec to Georgette Richer
DUPUIS/DUPUY- MARIE MARGUERITE b. 11-14-1735 LaPrairie Quebec, d. 7-22-1756 or 1801 LaPrairie Quebec, m. 1-12-1756 LaPrairie Quebec to Joseph Robidou
DUPUIS/DUPUY- MARIE ANGELIQUE b. 7-18-1734, m. 2-3-1755 St Constant LaPrairie Quebec to Augustin Robidou
DUPUIS/DUPUY- RENE b. 6-7-1737, m. 11-4-1766 St Constant LaPrairie Quebec to Josephte Barette
DUPUIS/DUPUY- LOUIS b. 11-4-1742
DUPUIS/DUPUY- MARIE FRANCOISE b. 7-22-1744, m. 10-6-1767 to Francois Primeau
DUPUIS/DUPUY- RENE baptised 6-26-1671 Quebec City Quebec, d. 1-1-1739 LaPrairie Quebec, m. 10-18-1694 Montreal Quebec to Marie Angelique Marie dit Ste. Marie
DUPUIS/DUPUY- MOISE m. Anne Christiansen
DUPUIS/DUPUY- LOUIS b. 12-5-1712, m. 5-19-1733 LaPrairie Quebec to Marguerite Roy
DUPUIS/DUPUY- MARGUERITE b. 6-6-1696 Montreal Quebec, d. 2-18-1729/30 Longueuil, Quebec, m. 11-23-1722 LaPrairie Quebec to Louis Betourne
ETIENNE- MATHURIN m. Louise Arsonnell
ETIENNE- PHILIPPE b. bef 1639, m. 1-26-1655 Trois Rivieres Quebec to Marie Vien
ETIENNE- MARGUERITE LOUISE b. abt 1656, m. Jean Baptiste Menard
FAYE dit LAFAYETTE/LAFAILLETTE- CLAUDE b. abt 1611 France, m. 1607-1663 to Marie Sulier/Sullier
FAYE dit LAFAYETTE/LAFAILLETTE- MATHIEU b. 1641 France, d. 8/10-29-1695 LaPrairie Quebec, m. 9-30-1670 Montreal Quebec to Marguerite Francoise Moreau
FAYE dit LAFAYETTE/LAFAILLETTE- MARIE ANGELIQUE b. 1-5-1683, d. 1731, m. 4-20-1705 Montreal or LaPrairie Quebec to Pierre Roy
FAYE dit LAFAYETTE/LAFAILLETTE- MARGUERITE b. 6-15-1721 Bourcherville Quebec m. 10-25-1689 LaPrairie Quebec to Joseph Benard dit Carignan
FORTIER/FORESTIER- CATHERINE b. 1636-1645 LaRochelle Aunis France, d. 3-31-1694 Boucherville Quebec, m. 11-19-1657 Trois Riviere Quebec to Jacques Menard dit Lafontaine
FORESTIER- JEAN b. before 1620 Saintonge France, m. 10-28-1636 LaRochelle Aunis France to Julienne Coeffes/Coiffe
FORESTIER- ANDRE BERTHOMME b. abt 1580 Aunis France, d. 1636 France, m. Francoise Richard
FRENCH- NOAH buried Spring Arbor Cemetery, Jackson County Mi.
FRENCH- HARRIET A. born abt 1845 Mi, d. Clare County Mi.
GARDIEN- FRANCOISE b. abt 1625 Paris France, m. Francois Moreau
GAUDREAU/GODREAU- JEANNE b. 1615 or 1617 LaRochelle Aunis France, m. 1642 LaRochelle Aunis France to Jean Petit
GELIN- ANTOINETTE d. abt 1641, m. Nicolas Godreau
GODREAU- PAUL d. 1658, m. 2-5-1640/41 LaRochelle Aunis France to Jeanne Ardouin (Audouin-Soular)
GODREAU- NICOLAS d. abt 1641, m. Antoinette Gelin
GOARD- GILLES b. 1590-1631 Paris France, d. Paris, m. Catherine Leger
* GOARD- MATHURINE b. 1648-1650 France, d. 12-9-1720 Montreal Quebec, m. 5-31-1667 Montreal Quebec to Louis Marie dit Ste. Marie
GOURD- PIERRE m. Catherine Hebert
GOURD- EULALIE LOUISE? m. 4/11-4-1848 Napierville Quebec to Leandre Robidoux
GRAVES- ( see Graves chart)
HARDY- MARIE ANN b. 1632-1634 St. Michel d'Angers Anjou France, d. 1-2-1725/26 Lachine Quebec, m. 10-23-1662 Montreal Quebec to Pierre Maillet/Mallett
HARDY- RENE b. abt 1610 St. Miche; d'Angers Anjou France, d. bef 1645 d'Angers Anjou France, m. to Renee Maget/Moget
HARLOW- ROXY born abt. 1803 Whitehall NY, d. 5-20-1844 Hanover Mi.
No "I" Surnames
JEANNETTE- CATHERINE b. 1799?? m. Theodore Parent
KERMENAN/KERRNENAN- JEANNE b. before 1665 Le Trehou Leon Bretagne France, m. before 1681 to Francoise Prejean-Loeillet
KNOWLES- STELLA CORA b. abt 1891 Idaho
LANG- JACK b. 1860-1886 From Scottland, once lived in Michigan
LANG- NOVA GENE b. 9-20-1906 Michigan, d. 7-7-1972 Grayling Mich. m. Albert Mervin Tommrell
LAROSE- SUZANNE b. abt 1628 Champagne France, d. aft 1658, m. before 1647 Champagne France to Jean Nicolas McLin
LEDUC- CATHERINE b. 1602-1639 Paris France, m. Antoine Denote
LEE- NELLIE MAY d. abt 1958 Mich. m. Otto Tommrell
LEGER-CATHERINE b. 1597-1634 Paris France, m. Gilles Goard
LEIGNE- MARGUERITE b. 1591-1633 France, m. Louis Marie
LELIEVRE- ANNE b. 1597-1633 Paris France, m. Jean Ducharme
LINDBERG- (see Lindberg chart)
LONGTIN- JEROME m. 10-16-1684 Montreal Quebec to Catherine Marie dit St Marie
MAGET/MOGET- RENEE b. abt 1610 St. Michel d'Angers Anjou France, m. Rene Hardy
MALLET/MAILLET- JEAN b. abt 1610 St Coulomb Dol Bretagne France, m. before 1631 Bretagne France to Guilmet Ruellan
MALLET/MAILLET- PIERRE b. 1631, m. 10-23-1662 Montreal Quebec to Marie Anne Hardy
MALLET/MAILLET- ANNE b. 2-20-1665/66 Montreal Quebec, m.2x 11-27-1681 Notre Dame de Montreal Quebec to Louis Ducharme & 1-18-1697/98 Notre Dame de Montreal Quebec to Louis Prejean-Loeillet
MARIE- LOUIS b. France, m. Marguerite Leigne/Peigne
MARIE dit STE.MARIE- LOUIS b. 1634 Montreal Quebec, d. 12-2-1702, m. 5-31-1667 Montreal Quebec to Mathurine Goard
MARIE- MARIE ANGELIQUE baptised 9-6-1676 Montreal??, d. 6-14-1714 LaPrairie Quebec, m. 10-18-1694 Montreal Quebec to Rene Dupuis
MARIE- CATHERINE m. 10-16-1684 Montreal Quebec to Jerome Longtin
MARTIN- MARIE b. before 1630 Florencce France, m. before 1669 to Pierre Payet
MASSIEU/MASSEAU- MARIE b. 1622 France, d. 10-25-1650 Guigny-en-Bray France, m. 7-14-1643 Guigy-en-Bray France to Laurent Seguin
MASSIEU- ADRIEN m. Louise Beaudry
MENARD dit LAFONTAINE- JACQUES b. abt 1629 Poitou France, d. 1-14-1707 Quebec Canada, m. 11-19-1657 Trois Riviere Quebec to Catherine Fortier
MENARD- JACQUES b. abt 1710, m. 7-4-1729 Lachine Quebec
MENARD dit LAFONTAINE- JEAN b. abt 1600 Bourgogne France, d. 1640-1727, m. abt 1637 Mervans Bourgogne France to Anne Savinelle
MENARD- JEAN BAPTISTE b. 11-11-1660 Quebec Canada, d. 10-29-1728 Quebec Canada , m. 10-14-1681 Boucherville Quebec to Marguerite Louise Etienne
MENARD- SUZANNE b. 1725-1752, m. Claude Boyer
MESNIL/MESNY- CLAUDE b. 1658-1687, m. Marie Deniger
MESNIL/MESNY- MARIE ANNE b. 1709, m. 10-31-1729 LaPrairie Quebec to Joseph Robidoux
MESNIL/MESNY- MADELEINE m. 7-13-1722 LaPrairie Quebec to Andre Babeu
MESNIL/MESNY- JEAN m. 1724 to Catherine Babeu
McLIN- MARGUERITE b. 1648 Champagne France, d. 6-21-1733 Montreal Quebec, m. 8-18-1667 Notre Dame de Montreal Quebec to Nicolas Boyer
McLIN- JEAN NICOLAS b. abt 1628 Champaigne France, d. aft 1658, m. before 1647 Champagne France to Suzanne Larose
MISHA- ARTA d. in child birth with 5th child 9-20-1906 Mich. m. Jack Lang
MOREAU- FRANCOIS b. abt 1625 Paris France, m. Francoise Gardien
* MOREAU- MARGUERITE FRANCOISE b. 1655 Paris France, m. 9-30-1670 Montreal Quebec to Mathieu Faye dit Lafaillette/Lafayette
No "N" Surnames
OUVRARD- RENEE b. aft 1583 France, m. Antoine Archambault
PARENT- THEODORE b.1795-1835, m. Catherine Jeannette
PARENT- JOSEPHINE b. 3-17-1955 Belle River Ontario, d. 10-28-1932 Saginaw Mich. m. 10-12-1872 Windsor/Belle River Ontario to Leander Rabideau
PAYET- LOUISE b. 5-5-1686 Point aux trembles Montreal Quebec, d. 1759 same place, m. Nicolas Antoine Boyer
PAYET dit ST. AMOUR- PIERRE b. 1641 Gascogne St Florence France, d. 1-25-1718 Point aux Trembles Montreal, m. 11-23-1671 Montreal Quebec to Louise Tessier
PAYET- PIERRE b. before 1628 Fleurance Gascogne France, d. aft 1671, m. before 1669 to Marie Martin
PETIT- JEAN b.1611 or 1617 LaRochelle Aunis France, d. LaRochelle France, m. 1642 LaRochelle Aunis France to Jeanne Godreau/Gaudreau
PETIT- JEANNE FRANCOISE b. 1643 LaRochelle France, d. 3-29-1733 Longueuil Quebec, m. 10-31-1672 Boucherville Quebec to Francois Seguin dit Laderoute
PEINEAU- PERRINE b. abt 1622 Notre Dame de Cogne LaRochelle Aunis France, d. abt 1667, m. beforre 1642 LaRochelle Aunis France to Etienne Stephen Boyer/Bouyer/Bouyier
PREJEAN-LOEILLET- LOUIS b. 1640 LeTrehou Leon Bretagne France, d. 6-26-1727 Lachine Quebec, m. 1-18-1697/98 Notre Dame de Montreal to Anne Mallet/Maillet
PREJEAN-LOEILLET- FRANCOIS b. before 1665 LeTrehou Leon Bretagne France, m. before 1681 to Jeanne Kerrnenan/Kermenan
PREJEAN- SUZANNE b. abt 1710, m. 7-4-1729 Lachine Quebec to Jacques Menard
No "Q" Surnames
RABIDEAU- (see Rabideau chart)
RAINVILLE- MARGUERITE m. abt 1856 to Leandre Robidoux
RENAUD/RESNEAU- MARGUERITE b. 1592-1615 France, m. Francois Dupuis in France
RICHARD- FRANCOISE b. abt 1580 Aunis France, d. 1636 France, m. Andre Berthomme Forestier in France
RICHER- JEAN b. 1587-1628 France, m. Leonarde Bornais/Bornay in France
* RICHER- GEORGETTE b. 1647 France, d. 1-24-1700 LaPrairie Quebec, m. 10-6-1670 Quebec City Quebec to Francois Dupuis
ROBERT- LOUIS b. 1750-1785, m. Catherine Gibeault
ROBERT- ELISABETH (ISABELLE) b. 1785-1810, m. 8-24-1812 St. Constant Quebec to Augustin Robidoux
ROBIDOUX- (see Robidoux chart)
RODGERS-ELIZA ARNOLD b. 5-30-1867 England, d. 2-8-1923 Ladysmith Wisc. m. 1886 England to Joseph John Stevens
ROY-CHARLES b. 1587-1616 France, m. Jeanne Boyer
ROY dit ST.LAMBERT- PIERRE b. abt 1642 France, d. 10-28-1721 Montreal Quebec, m. 1-12-1672 Montreal Quebec to Catherine Ducharme
ROY/LEROY- CHARLES b. 1587-1616 St Michel le Clouq Poitou France, m. Jeanne Boyer
ROY- PIERRE b. 6-17-1679 Montreal Quebec, m. 4-20-1705 Montreal Quebec to Marie Angelique Faye dit Lafaillette/Lafayette
ROY- ANNE m. 11-14-1689 LaPrairie Quebec to Andre Babeu
ROY-MARGUERITE b. 1707 m. 5-19-1733 LaPrairie Quebec, m. Louis Dupuis
ROY- MARIE ANN m. Francois Dupuis
RUELLAN- GUILMET b. abt 1610 St. Coulomb Dol Bretagne France, m. before 1630 Bretagne France to Jean Maillet/Mallet
SAVINELLE- ANNE b. abt 1605 Bourgogne France, d. 1606-1734, m. abt 1637 Mervans Bourgogne France to Jean Menard dit Lafontaine
SEGUIN dit LADEROUTE- LAURENT b. abt 1621 France, m. 7-14-1643 France to Marie Masseau/Massieu
SEGUIN- GENEVIEVE b. 4-9-1691, d. 7-16-1691
SEGUIN- JOSEPH b. 8-11-1692, d. 8-30-1692
SEGUIN- JOSEPH b. 9-13-1694, d. 4-29-1753, m. 4-12-1723 Detroit MI to Francoise Sauvage
SEGUIN- FRANCOIS b. 7-4-1644 France, d. 5-5-1747 Detroit MI, m. 10-31-1672 Boucherville Quebec to Jeanne Petit
SEGUIN- FRANCOISE b. 11-1-1674 Boucherville Quebec, m. 2-8-1693/94 Montreal to Charles Patenotre
SEGUIN- MARIE MADELEINE b. 8-16-1676 Montreal, m. 1700 to Antoine Marie
SEGUIN- FRANCOIS b. 7-3-1678 Montreal, d. 2-16-1726/27 to Marie Louis Feuilleton/Fillon
SEGUIN- PIERRE 8-24-1682 Montreal, d. 11-9-1760 Quebec, m. 2-4-1703/04 Bourcherville Quebec to Barbe Feuilleton/Fillon
SEGUIN- CATHERINE b. 11-21-1686 Boucherville Quebec, d. 1-16-1687/88
SEGUIN- JEAN BAPTISTE b. 11-10-1688 Boucherville Quebec, d. 5-13-1728 Quebec, m. 7-7-1710 Boucherville Quebec to Genevieve Barbeau
SEGUIN- SIMON b. 9-24-1684 Boucherville Quebec, m. 11-9-1706 to Marie Bau-Lallouette
SEGUIN- JEANNE b. 8-11-1680, d. 12-24-1749, m. 10-10-1701 Longueuil Quebec to Joseph Robidoux
SOULLART- JEANNE b. abt 1580, d. abt 1641, m. Jean Ardouin (Audouin-Soular)
SPINK-RHODA AMANDA d. Harrison MIch, m. Frank Charette
SPINK- ELISHA m. Harriet
STEVENS- (see Stevens chart)
SULIER/SULLIER- MARIE b. abt 1611 France, m. Claude Faye dit Lafaillette/Lafayette
TESSIER- ARTUS b. abt 1595 Anjou France, m. bef 1634 Anjou France to ?
TESSIER dit LAVIGNE-URBAIN b. 2-24-1635 Mayenne France, d. 3-21-1689 Montreal Quebec, m. 9-28-1649 Quebec City to Marie Archambault
TESSIER- LOUISE b. 3-26-1657 Montreal Quebec, d. abt 1727, m. 11-23-1671 Montreal Quebec to Pierre Payet dit St. Amour
TOMMRELL- (see Tommrell chart)
TOURAULT- FRANCOISE b. 1599 LaRochelle Aunis France, d. 12-9-1663 Montreal Quebec, m. 1-24-1629 Poitou France to Jacques Archambault
No "U" Surnames
VIEN- ETIENNE m. bef 1638 to Marie Denote-De-LaMartinliere
VIEN- MARIE b. before 1639, m. 1-26-1655 Trois Riviere Quebec to Philippe Etienne
No "W-X-Y-Z" Surnames
Email: jnevills@voyager.net