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      Jon's Beanies


      Please Help Jon!

      I have a brain injured son who loves his BEANIES and BUDDIES! Jon is trying to collect the "NEW" Beanies that have just came out. He is also looking for the TY BEANIE TRADING CARDS, PLATINUM CARDS & COINS.

      He takes really good care of his beanies and loves them so much. He would give them the very best home. Could you spare an extra Beanie or do you have extras on the TY Trading Cards? CLICK on the sign "HELP JON" for the list of Beanies and trading cards that Jon needs and you will also find some trading cards that Jon has extra for you too if you need them!

      The Beanies that Jon gets don't have to be Retired or one of the most valuable in the land. It would just be someone for Jon to love and take their hand, fin, paw or whatever and call his own and collect. If they aren't perfect, it isn't a problem. Jon will take that Beanie and love it regardless.

      Check inside and you can read how and why Jon started his collections and why they are so important to him!!! There are a few beanies that Jon doesn't have, not that Jon is trying to get everyone of the Beanies. Jon does have his favories and most of his favories have been in this last new batch of Beanies plus a bunch of "Oldies But Goodies" Please help with his Beanie Search if you can?

      Jon has a good start on his Beanie Trading Cards but there are some that he still could use in Series I, Series II and the Platinum Cards. Please keep in mind that these are Jon's Beanies and Card Collections. Some individual cards that Jon may have extra of maybe traded for other cards that he needs. These precious Beanies, Card Collection, and other things that make up his Collections were given to Jon and will NEVER be sold, given away, or traded! These are his pride and joy!!! Thank you so much, your kindness means so much to Jon and not just to Jon but his entire family.

      Please click on the following links to find out more about Jon. (Also, please check out the "Thank you page" to see all of the people that have helped Jon!)

      See pictures of Jon! More about Jon How you can help and Jon's Wish List Sign Jon's Guestbook and hear our Thank You's! Email Jon's Mom!

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      Thank you so much, and God bless!

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      caring, sweet people since Oct. 16, 1998

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