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Life of Friedrich A. von Hayek

A Chronology

1899           Born in Vienna on May 8
1917-1918 Served in an artillery unit of the Austro-Hungarian army in the Italian front
1920           Laboratory Assistant for Constantin Monakow, University of Zurich
1921-1926  Legal Consultant, Abrechnungsamt (Office of Accounts), Vienna, Austria
1921            Received his first doctorate in jurisprudence
1923            Received his second doctorate in political science
1923-1924  Research Assistant for Jeremiah Jenks at New York University
1927-1931  Director, Österreichisches Institut für Konjunkturforschung (Austrian Institute for Trade Cycle Research)
1927-1931  Privatdozent (unpaid lecturer), University of Vienna.

1931-1950  Tooke Professor of Economic Science & Statistic, London School of Economics & Political Science
1935  Hayek introduces the continental debate on collectivist economic planning to Britian and America
1936  Hayek speaks on "Economics & Knowledge" in Presidential Address to the London Economic Club
1938  Hayek becomes naturalized British subject; sells collection of books on monetary theory
1944  The Road to Serfdom rockets Hayek to international fame; Hayek elected to British Academy
1945  Hayek lectures across America; "The Use of Knowledge in Society" published in the AER
1946  Visiting Professor, Stanford University
1947 Hayek founds the Mont Pelerin Society, which holds its first meeting near Vevey, Switzerland

1950-1962  Professor of Social and Moral Science, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago
1950 Visiting Professor, Dept. of Economics, University of Arkansas
1950  Divorces wife, marries Helene Bitterlich; joins the Committe on Social Thought at the U. of Chicago
1953  Hayek conducts philosophy of science faculty seminar, E. Fermi, S. Wright and Milton Friedman participate
1962-1967  Professor der Volkwirtschaftslehre, Albert- Ludwigs-Universität, University of Freiburg
1964  Hayek lectures on "Kinds of Rationalism" at Rikko U., Tokyo
1966  Hayek hosts "Analogy Symposium", Paul Feyerabend, Bruno Leoni & John Watkins participate
1969-1970  Visiting Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, University of California, Los Angeles
1968-1975 Honorary Professor, Dept. of Economics, University of Salzburg
1974  Hayek awared Nobel Prize in Economics; delivers Nobel lecture "The Pretence of Knowledge"
1975  Hayek begins series of annual visits to the United States
1982  Hayek's essay "Two Pages of Fiction: The Impossibility of Socialist Calculation" is published
1983  Hayek lectures on "The Origin & Effects of Our Morals: A Problem for Science" at the Hoover
1975-1992 Emeritus Professor, Albert- Ludwigs-Universität, University of 1992 Freiburg
1992   Friedrich A. Hayek died on March 23, in Freiburg, Germany.

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