
S2 Sailboats: History
Referral Information.
Revised June 16, 1998
The level of support S2 can still provide pertaining to sailboats is diminishing. Responding to the large number of inquiries we still receive on an individual basis has become more and more challenging with our limited resources. Sailboat production ceased back in 1987, some eleven years ago. Staff members that are, or were familiar with our sailboats now have
other responsibilities. Our current business activities lend us no seasonal lulls for the researching of Sailboat concerns. The little documentation we have pertaining to sailboats was never formatted with the intention of historical research in mind.
We compiled this document to be used as a resourceto answer the bulk of the sailboat inquiries we receive, This document probably contains more information than you bargained for. This packet is a summation of the kinds of information we provide
regularly, based on frequently asked questions, etc. You'll find parts availability information, common repair and maintenance information, and some pertinent supplier referral information.
We have considered the feasibility of adapting a similar policy to historical inquiries as some of the firearm manufacturers. Their policy, as we are told, is that once a product reaches a certain age inquiries are answered for a flat fee. The wrinkle we would run into with such a program is that there are many, many questions we simply cannot answer definitively.
We think you'll find the following information useful. In many cases this information is someone's Best recollections and this should be considered when utilizing information pertaining to construction details, etc. It should also be noted
that we have no way of knowing what level of competency you have pertaining to seamanship, craftsmanship, engineering, boat maintenance or common sense. Any and all boat customization,
modifications, deficiencies as a result of neglect, etc., are not the responsibility of S2 Yachts, Inc.
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All S2 cruising sailboats featured a solid fiberglass hull, and a balsa cored deck, except for the 35C that had a balsa cored hull and deck.
6.8 EXCITER 22'4" 80-80
7.0 23 23'0" 75-75
7.3 METER 23'10" 78-87
8.0 METER A 26'0" 75-75
8.0 METER B 26'0" 76-83
8.0 CENTER COCKPIT 26'0" 75-75
27 PERFORMANCE CRSR 26'7" 85-87
8.5 METER 28'0" 80-83
8.6 METER 28'0" 84-85
9.2 AFT COCKPIT 29'11" 77-87
9.2 CENTER COCKPIT 29'11 " 77-87
11.0 AFT COCKPIT 36'0" 77-87
11.0 CENTER COCKPIT 36'0" 80-87
35 CENTER COCKPIT(1)35'2" 86-87
All the S2 Racing boats featured balsa cored hulls and decks.
5.5 GRAND SLAM 18'0" 82-83
6.7 GRAND SLAM(3) 22'0" 80-83
6.9 GRAND SLAM(3) 22'0" 83-86
22 WING KEEL(1) 22'0" 87-87
7.9 GRAND SLAM(2) 25'11" 82-87,90,94
9.1 METER(1) 29'10" 83-87
10.3 METER(1) 33'9" 82-87
(1) These boats featured bolt on external keels.
(2) The 7.9 was also offered in a fixed keel version (17 boats),
the rest had vertically retracting keel.
(3) Only offered with vertically retracting keel.
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S2 Sailboats
History and referral information.
With the exception of limited production of the 7.9 one design (in 1990 and 1993), S2 Yachts ceased sailboat manufacture in 1987. The limited production runs were done in cooperation with
Island Marketing, who marketed and sold the boats through dealerships that they arranged. We have retained the tooling to build the 7.9 but do not have plans to do so at this time. We have also retained the molds to make rudders for most of our sailboats. Availability of other components that we manufactured is sporadic.
The 7.9 and 9.1 classes each have their own separate owner's associations.
The 7.9 Association's President is Dave Grover, 28988 Lake Park Dr., Farmington Hills Ml 4833. (810) 553-7238.
The newsletter, "The Class Act," is edited by Susan Dubois, 8240 Turntable Ct., Grosse Ile, Ml 4813. (313) 671-1786.
The 9.1 owner's association's Commodore is Don Rychlinski (414) 744 131 1. The Secretary/Treasurer is Scott Corder, 15 14 Forest NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505. (616) 361-8725 (H) 732-3400 (WK), and 732-3405 (Fax).
Some owners of 6.7's, 6.9's, and 22 Wing keel boats are forming their own separate owner's association as well. This is being spearheaded by Robert L. Procter, Jeff Roy, Jack Goode. Jeff Roy has set up a website address for interested parties.
Contact: [**]
http://users.ids.net/~j_roy/sailing/S2page/ (new address= http://jeff.roy.net/sailing/S2page/ )
Someone apparently takes great pride in
roaming the marinas of the world spreading rumors of the S2 owner's association that doesn't exist. Distinguishing characteristics commonly noted about this individual include: He wears a V-neck T-shirt with fish guts on it, and is usually is carrying a can of Old Milwaukee. If you see this person please set him straight on the above information and ask him to knock it off.
What S2 can help you with concerning sailboats:
Limited product information.
Purchase of some replacement components unique to S2's. We have nothing "in stock" that you can't comfortably pick up with one hand. Referral to original suppliers for parts. In general: If the part was made by S2 and is made of Plexiglas, wood, or fiberglass it is no longer available. The only exception being parts we made for the 7.9.
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What S2 can NOT help you with concerning sailboats:
Used boat values. We do not track used boat values in any way, shape or form. Used boat values are dependent on so many variables, pricing one long distance would be totally inappropriate. For used boat values, contact a lending institution, yacht broker, or marine surveyor. These people are in the business of pricing and selling used boats every day. Always have a used boat professionally surveyed prior to purchase.
Upholstery Fabric
Upholstery fabric availability comes and goes rapidly. Since the fabrics industry is basically an extension of the fashion industry, new selections replace the old in a hurry. When a fabric is no longer available, it is no longer available. The only sewing patterns we still have for sailboats are for the interior of the 7.9 one design. Do to our overhead and production schedule, our upholstery work is more costly than having local shop fabricate replacements. All our original sewing patterns for the sailboats were sold to an upholstery fabricator who intended to provide an upholstery replacement service for those who needed curtains, cushions, etc. Shortly after,
that company went out of business and all patterns were lost. When selecting replacement fabrics for use in a boat, be sure that the fabrics selected are 100% synthetic, as natural fibers are more prone to mold, mildew, rot, etc.
Also note:
Interior curtains, drapes, headliner, hulliner, and carpeting also fall into what we consider as upholstery.
S2 didn't splice or swage it's own rigging, most was farmed out. Consequently your local rigging shop or rigging catalog house can fabricate replacements much more efficiently. Your standing and running rigging specifications are in your
owner's manual.
For parts for your mast, boom, etc, contact the manufacturer of those components. The respective manufacturers (there were several) had their logos on the mast/boom, etc.
These mast manufacturers included:
Hall Spars, ph (401) 253-4858, (401) 253-2552.
Isomat (IMI), ph (704) 596-9449, fax (704) 597-7503
Offshore Spars, ph (81.0) 598-4700, fax (810) 598-4705.
For Kenyon Spars & travelers, contact Rig-rite
(401) 739-1140, fax (401) 739-1149.
Kenyon still manufactures marine stoves, but their rigging division was liquidated. Rig-rite is also an excellent source for other discontinued marine hardware such as Nicro, Fico, and Schaefer travelers, various roller furlers...
If your mast has no manufacturers' label, and your boat was built prior to 1980 exact replacement parts are no longer available. Contact another spar manufacturer for selecting compatible components.
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The stainless steel turnbuckles used in our rigging
came from C. Sherman Johnson of East Haddam CT ph (203) 873-8697.
The life lines for all our sail boats were made custom to each boat. There was just enough variance from boat to boat (even in the same model) to make prefabricating impractical. You will need to contact a rigger for fabrication of new lifelines. Take (or send) them your original lifelines to use as patterns. If you don't have a local rigging shop, West Marine and Layline (marine catalog houses) each have rigging
shops that will work with you through the mail.
For general marine parts, accessories, etc.: It would be a good idea to become familiar with
the various marine supply catalogs. West Marine's is one of the best, and they also offer special order services of components that are not in their catalog.
West Marine can be reached at
(800) 538-0775.
Most sail lofts have the sail plan information available to them to fabricate sails for S2's. If you don't have a sail loft in your area, try a competitive quote from Reynold's Sail Company, ph # (800) 560-1222, (616)941-1222, or fax (616) 941-7770. Their mailing address is 10321 E. Cherry Bend Road, Traverse City, Mi. 49684. E-mail:REYNOLDS@TRAVERSE.COM
Our drawings are considered proprietary and we do not share them. The fact of the matter is very little in the production of our sailboats was documented in the form of drawings, For example, we might have drawn a custom component for an outside firm to produce for us; however, most of the time fabrication was done from samples or prototypes serving as a pattern for fabrication. We may have drawn individual components, but rarely drew anything showing the relationship of
components to one another. For example we don't have any drawings showing how plumbing is routed through behind cabinets, under floors, etc.
Information like Hull lines, tables of offsets, moments of enertia, etc. was created by the individual naval architects, and were seldom retained by S2. Once the hull plugs were built we failed to retain that original design information. Since the original naval architects were consulted on any design
revisions, they utilized their own records for those revisions.
Construction / Renovation
Many of the things we did in the assembly of your boat were done before the deck went on. Removal of the whole cabin floor, the tanks in some boats, and other items simply will not be possible, at least not in the same manner in which it went in. Keep in mind, if it doesn't look like it would fit through the companionway, it probably won't. Replacing large components in multiple pieces will probably be necessary.
If you suspect that something will require disassembly in order to determine how it went together, it probably does.
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There's no gentle way to put this, but you can't trouble-shoot a leak over the phone or via the mail. The West Marine catalog is an excellent source of information pertaining to the selection of
products like sealant, etc. Check their "West Advisor" index in the catalog.
Rules of thumb for trouble shooting leaks:
#1. Water runs downhill
#2. Water can wick (even uphill) through fabrics such as wall coverings, head-liners, carpet, etc.
#3. Chainplates will leak if not periodically re-sealed. This is a boat issue, not an S2 issue. If possible, step your mast, dig out all old caulk, seal with twice as much sealant as your most frugal relative would use, re-step the mast and seal some more (hopefully before the sealant all cures). Use a sealant that has both adhesive and elastic properties.
#4. Don't rule out condensation as a source of moisture you find. Cold water outside the boat, and humidity in the air combine to cause condensation to collect, remember rule # 1.
Half Hull Models
The Scale Model company offered half hull models of our entire sailboat line. These are molded half hulls, the tooling built from the original hull lines drawings. The half hull models are available in
varying stages of completion for purchase. Contact Tom Harsh at The Scale Model Company/Trident Studio at 1905 Poplar Ridge Road,
Pasadena, MD 21122. Phone (410) 255-8004.
Engine, Parts, Controls. etc.
Engine parts, service, warranty, technical information are handled thru the respective manufactures' service networks, distributors etc. Engine control panels, gauges, key switches came with
the engines we purchased and installed. Contact your respective engine manufacturers' dealer or distributor for those components. Throttle and shift cables are marine standard items available through any marine
supply store or catalog house. You will have to measure those components for proper length, style, etc.
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Fiberglass parts
The only fiberglass tooling we have retained is for the manufacture of the 7.9 sailboat, and assorted rudder molds. We can still manufacture rudders for most of our sailboats. If you are wondering if one of our fiberglass components can be more economically replaced than repaired, in most cases it could not, even when the tooling was still a available.
(Last time we inventoried molds)
All our rudder molds were painstakingly tagged to be saved, but many of them disappeared, and continue to disappear as the 'back forty' continues to be cleared out.
7.3 - not sure if the mold we have is for shoal or deep draft 7.3's
8.0 - not sure if the mold we have is for shoal or deep draft 8.0's
11.0 deep
also we still have:
6.9 centerboard mold
7.9 centerboard mold
Bow rails, stern rails, swim ladders, stanchions
Many of our custom stainless steel components were made by High Seas, who has since gone out of business. These components may still be available from Tops In Quality, who acquired most of High Seas'
patterns, records etc. You can reach Tops In Quality at (810) 364-7 1 50, fax (810) 364-7925.
Nav Lights (rail mounted)
The rail mounted navigation lights that mounted on the pulpits
and sternrails of several S2 sailboat models was made by Lucas marine. Another more prominent marine component manufacturer has either absorbed
Lucas marine, cloned their products, or purchased the rights to manufacture them. At your local marine hardware store you'll find these navigation lights in the Perko catalog. The red and green combination light is Perko figure # 120 BB 12V. The white stem light is figure # 120 BSN 12V.
Perko is not a retailer. You may order these components through a marine chandlery, or catalog house like West Marine. We have no way of knowing if the internal components of these light fixtures are interchangeable with the original Lucas components.
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Handicap Ratings PHRF (Performance Handicap Rating Factors) are handled by your regional PHRF committee chairman. If you don't know who he or she is, contact your local yacht club, or US Sailing (formerly known as the United States Yacht Racing Union or USYRU) at (401) 849-5200. These ratings can vary by region for boats of the same make and model. They are established on a boat's performance, not design. And we all know that a boats performance largely depends on how they are sailed, hence the different ratings.
We do not have Polar Speed prediction charts for any of the vessels we produced. The polar speed prediction programs were developed after S2 left the sail boat business. Polars for your boat are provided as part of having your boat measured for an IMS (International Measurement System) certificate.
The finish we used on teak woodwork was called Guardsman Finishing Oil (product # 14-30-50). We used this product both on the interior and exterior teak wood work. Guardsman Finishing Oil is still available from Guardsman Chemicals. You can contact their headquarters and find out where you may purchase this product locally.
*PO Box 88010
*Grand Rapids, MI 49518
*Phone: (616) 940-2900
*Toll Free: (800) 253-3957.
(*note: this info corrected by Guardsman's request)
S2 Yachts is no longer using this product as the amount of teak we are presently using in our power boats is considerably less than in days gone by. The finish we used on interior teak & holly
flooring was just a satin finish polyurethane varnish, available at any paint store, paint department, etc.
Keep in mind the above products are what we used originally, and we have no idea what may have been used on your boat since.
The teak handrails on the cabin top of many S2 models were not 'pre-bent' or cut on a curve. These handrails were cut to their respective trapezoidal profile on a table saw. Once they were bolted at one end, they were then bent in place and progressively drilled and fastened from one end to the other. This operation may take 2-3 people. We are no longer able to produce the cabin-top handrails for any of our sailboats. We can not, nor could we ever, match your boat's wood grain by referring your hull number. Our thanks to the bozo that started that rumor, Mr. Fishguts we presume. We are the most expensive possible source for teak lumber. You can order teak through your local lumber yard, or boat yard.
We are often asked. "Can I make it across [insert name of large body of water here] in my S2?" Where and how you get anywhere on this planet is much more largely determined by your abilities, and resourcefulness. The right person could make it across the Atlantic in a pickle barrel. It would be totally inappropriate for us to comment on the seaworthiness of a vessel that we have played no role in maintaining over the years, or to comment on what our intuitions are about your abilities.
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Cabin side Windows for S2 Sailboats
We are unable to manufacture the plexi windows for our S2 sailboats. These Plexiglas components are made from a material known in the industry as Lexan. Your best bet for replacing these windows is to make paper patterns of them before removal, then remove the window and have a replacement made from your paper patterns, The windows on most S2's (except where noted below) were simply cut from flat stock. We suggest making a paper pattern first because these windows are bonded in place and will probably come out in several pieces. The windows were made from bronze tinted Lexan. If you do not know who works with this material in your area, you can contact your local auto glass facility. If they do not work with Lexan they can refer you to someone who does.
The S2 7.0 and S2 8.OA (8.OA's were hull #'s 1-40, were manufactured from 1974-1976) sailboats featured a one piece cabin window on either side of the cabin house. The sliding companionway hatch and the curved Plexiglas windows for these boats were heat formed. Unfortunately jigs required to manufacture these components were not retained. Without the original jigs we are unable to make these parts.
Replication of these components today will be expensive. If you do not know who works with Lexan or Plexiglas in your area, contact a local autoglass repair shop. If they do not work with Lexan, they can probably refer you to someone who does. Fabricating a plexi component with compound curves will be challenging. They will probably have to reconstruct a jig using your original window as a pattern.
Keep in mind that these windows will be difficult
to remove, and will probably break into pieces. Pattern making from the originals should begin before the windows are removed from the boat. The seals around our cabin windows are often mistaken for preformed gaskets. The sealant used is Dow 700 industrial grade silicone caulk; this is available
in a few different colors (equivalent brands are more than likely available in your area).
Here is how we installed the window's originally.
We took a plexi window with the outer surface covered entirely in masking tape, and set it temporarily in its opening. Next we shimmed it (only if necessary) to ensure it would be flush with the surrounding fiberglass. We masked off the surrounding border of the opening and drew "cross hairs" on the masking tape (both on the window and the surrounding mask) to aid in alignment while installing the window with sealant. The perimeter of the window's surface (that comes in contact with the opening) was then roughed up with 80 grit sandpaper. Take care not to scratch any portion of the window that you will be looking through. With the window removed, both the opening perimeter and the edges of the window received a generous bead of black silicone caulk. Here comes the Chinese fire drill; the window was literally mushed in place from the outside, while someone inside the boat armed with a putty knife and lot of rags, caught the oozing caulk and wiped it on rags.
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From the outside, once the window was in flush with its surroundings and aligned with the cross hairs, a plastic scraper was used to scrape all the outer ooze off flush with the window and cabin house. The caulk was then allowed to cure for twenty-four hours. The thicker the bead of silicone, the longer it needs to cure, and it will take a while before the entire seal is cured all the way through. The masking tape wasn't pulled off until after the twenty-four hours elapsed.
If you just need to make your seal look pretty again, dig out the outer layer of sealant. Mask off, overfill with silicone and level with a plastic scraper. Now, the people that did this on regular basis did not really need to touch up the caulk much to make it look pretty. Nevertheless, if it does need to be touched up, here is what you do. You will need a small container of water, more rags, and more black silicone.
Apply the silicone where you need it and then dip your finger in the water, smooth the caulk, wipe your finger on a rag. Re-wet your finger, smooth seam, wipe finger on rag, repeat as necessary. You may elect to do this step while the masking is all still in place.
Things to Remember:
#1. If you skimp on the caulk, you will end up with either air bubbles, voids in the seal or both.
#2. Silicone does not stick unless all the surfaces are clean and dry.
#3. Don't let someone talk you into using something other than silicone. The thermal expansion and contraction rates are drastically different between the Plexiglas and the fiberglass. So elasticity of the cured sealant is critical.
#5. Your elastomeric poly-sulfides are better adhesives (remember cleanliness when using silicone). But, they cure hard and cannot expand and contract with the changes in temperature.
#5. Keep solvents away from Plexiglas, Lexan, and acrylics. They will craze Plexiglas and speed its degradation. Even Windex has NO PLACE on or near these polycarbonate materials. For general cleaning, furniture polish like Pledge is your best bet. For more serious cleaning use denatured alcohol.
Opening portlites came from Beckson Marine (except those on the 35C). Parts for Beckson opening ports, and complete opening ports are still available from Beckson, or West Marine. Beckson references their ports by the size of the lens.
Beckson Marine may be contacted at:
Beckson Marine 165 Holland Avenue Bridgeport CT 66505 PH.(203) 333-1412 Fax (203) 384.-6954
The opening ports for the 35C are a "Nibo" product from Bomar.
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Components for Hinged Hatches Manufactured by S2 Yachts
Hatches discussed in this document had no frame around the lid. Hatches with metal frames around the lid came from Bomar, or Lewmar. There should be a manufacturer's label on the hatches themselves.
Contact those manufacturers' for replacement parts.
S2 part# Description Price
535102 Hatch dog, $27.36ea
542005 Hatch Gasket, 3/8" round
white $3.00/Ft
The gasket is glued down with the equivalent of super glue. (graphics originally in this area are not reporoduced)
To place an order for the above components, please provide your Visa, Mastercard, or American Express card number and expiration date along with your shipping information via mail or fax. Our fax number is (616) 394-7473.
The chrome over brass adjusters (supports) are no longer available. These were imported from Italy for us, and in later years ran in excess of $190.00 per pair. There are many different hatch lid adjusters available. Consult your local mariner's supply catalogs, or West Marine, E&B, Boaters world, and Boat U.S. catalogs.
The above mentioned catalogs are also the best source for the deck hatch hinges we used on these hatches. These are manufactured by Attwood, and are pictured below. Double check your application for the proper base style for replacement.
We have not retained the patterns to manufacture the plexiglass or wood portions of these hatches. Fortunately these were not heat formed in any way. The flat Lexan (1/2 or 3/4") material was simply cut to a pattern and the hardware installed. Your original hatch can be utilized as a pattern. If you don't know who works with Lexan in your area, contact a local auto glass shop for a referral. We used clear and bronze tinted Lexan. The frosted hatches were clear Lexan that was sanded with an orbital sander.
The Attwood hatch hinges feature a quick-release pin with safety ring so hatch can be completely removed without unscrewing the base. Open size: 3' long x 2-1/2" wide Pre--drilled with eight holes for # 10 screws Standard base: 66027-1 (bulk) Angle base: 66211-1 (bulk)
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Gelcoat "Touch up" information for S2 products.
Mini-Craft is a gelcoat matching service that offers matched gelcoat from factory original colors in small and large quantities. The smaller the batch, the shorter the shelf life of gelcoat. Mini-Craft has created a niche business filling the demand for small quantities of gelcoat by actually making small batches "made to order." Mini-craft has on file matches to most of S2's PRIMARY gelcoat colors. They have assigned their own color numbers to our gelcoats for "ordering by number." Following is the most popular of our colors, and the general applications in which they were used.
S2's gelcoat
color name applications
color #
Ermine White Offwhite gel we have used since day one
766 WT 118
on S2 boats, Tiaras, Pursuits. S2 manu-
factured Slickcrafts used this color white from 1984 until 1990 model year when arctic white became standard, and ermine was optional (from 84-90). 766 WO 114
Arctic White "White white" standard on 1990 model
year Slickcrafts, all Tiara Sportboats
(sterndrive boats) and S2 7.9 sailboats manufactured since 1990.
Laguna Sand 766 DT 405 "Beige-tan" gelcoat often used in conjunction with darker Khaki gelcoat in two-tone color schemes, 1986 and earlier boats.
Sungleam "Very pale yellow;" use ceased around
766 WT 504 1984
Khaki Dark tan gelcoat.
No match on
Pearl Grey, Light grey gelcoat used as optional
Grey Mist color on all S2's from 1982 - 1988
766 ET 407
Matches for colors not on file are available for a fee. Mini Craft
will require a chip the size of a nickel in order to generate a
Mini Craft can be reached at (941) 688-6591, (800) 282-8244, or
fax (941) 683-9247, or E-mail at:
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How to Contact S2 Regarding Sailboat Matters,
Specific inquires concerning S2 sailboats, parts, and information are handled in writing only. Obviously, our primary business responsibilities occupy our personnel resources these days, and staff that is still familiar with our former product lines now have other responsibil- ities. Our sailboat information was not documented in a format conducive to historical research. You may fax your specific requests to S2 Sailboat Assistance, (616) 394-7473
or mail them to S2 Yachts, Inc. 725 East 40th Street, Holland MI 49423.
Our entire corporation is not on-line, so direct your inquires via mail or fax for most efficient handling. Our primary business activities don't afford us the luxury of staff dedicated to sailboat inquires. Please allow time for your inquiry to be researched appropriately.
To inquire for parts:
Please provide us with specifics regarding your inquiry, and include the model #, serial or hull # of the vessel in question. The more specific your inquiry is, the more help we can be in supplying information. Simple sketches of components you are looking for are always helpful. Keep in mind we built over 20 different sailboat models, and there was constant revision to each of these models during their production; so specifics are very important. Availability of fiberglass components is very limited.
We have never published a parts or service manual of any kind.
We have never published a model by model list of parts available.
We have retained the molds to make rudders for most of our sailboats.
To inquire for product information:
We can still supply most owner's manuals or photo copies of owner's manuals (inquire for price and availability).
Photocopies of original sales literature is also available for a fee. We do not have literature available for each and every model year. Our brochures were sometimes used throughout more than one model year. Requests for literature on a specific model may include photocopies of more than one edition of the respective model's literature. Keep in mind that owner's manuals and sales literature were not updated as often as the boats themselves.
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This appproximation of the famous 13 page letter from S2 has been widely circulated in email thru the Sailnet email service, which can be joined by clicking here.