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*Occidental Music Comp.*

this is a compilation of west michigan punk and the like. these bands represent an ideal that is slowly facing extinction in the spectrum of music today. who are we making music for, anyway? Too many people want money, i suppose. in the words of reknowned poet and philosopher Alex Han, "being in a local band is one of the most thankless propositions in the known universe". who wants money anyway? no one made any money off this comp. so copy it for your friends and come to shows as often as you can. it'll make you feel good.thankx

comps are $2 or $3 by mail.
to order contact andy


track: band: song:
1 the bounty hunters
back seat
2 the bounty hunters these between games
3 choke 23 creep
4 choke 23 gangster song
5 entropy you don't see
6 entropy amyway
7 just for kicks headphones
8 just for kicks no time for you
9 with arms still empty a million others like us
10 mad butchers cause & effect
11 mad butchers don't start
12 quixote childhood superhero
13 quixote a force
14 razor dave greco
15 razor dave that's the way it goes
16 small brown bike dull way down
17 small brown bike slow time suicide
18 the van ermans don't hate me...
19 the van ermans mr. ed
20 the wristrockets monty
21 the wristrockets slow down
22 big wheels wanda
23 big wheels underware
24 the wack trucks bitches is wack
25 the wack trucks boof

west michigan
courtesy of skoog distro