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why must itself up every of a park
e e cummings

why must itself up every of a park
anus stick some quote statue unquote to
prove that a hero equals any jerk
who was afraid to dare to answer "no"?
quote citizens unquote might otherwise
forget(to err is human;to forgive
divine)that if the quote state unquote says
"kill" killing is an act of christian love.
"Nothing" in 1944 AD
"can stand against the argument of mil
itary necessity"(generalissimo e)
and echo answers "there is no appeal
from reason"(freud)--you pays your money and
you doesn't take your choice. Ain't freedom grand

| A Rose is Obsolete | I Am Waiting | Surrender | A Man in Maine| Love Song | Living |
| A Blessing | Taking Off Emily Dickenson's Clothes | February: Thinking of Flowers |
| Upside Down | Her First Calf | A Ritual to Read Each Other |