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« Solace While Grieving »

Gallery 1

“As long as there is one heart on Earth where I still live,
my memory will not die.”
Alexander Pushkin

“Tears are the prayer-beads of all of us, men and women,
because they arise from a fullness of the heart.”
Edward Hays in Pray All Ways

"No bond in closer union knits two human hearts
than fellowship in grief."
Robert Southay in Joan of Arc and Minor Poems

"There is no limit to human suffering.
When one thinks
'Now I have touched the bottom of the sea --
now I can go no deeper,'
one goes deeper."
Katherine Mansfield

"Between the grief and nothing, I will take grief."
William Faulkner

"Since every death diminishes us a little,
we grieve --
not so much for the death of us as for ourselves."
Lynn Caine

"Sorrow that is fully accepted brings its own gifts.
For there is an alchemy in sorrow.
It can be transmuted into wisdom.
Pearl S. Buck

"Then Abraham gave up the ghost
and was gathered to his people."
Genesis 25:8

"She never said, 'Cease to grieve,'
but she grieved with me."
Genesis 25:8

"Grief is itself a medicine."
William Cowper

"We could never learn to be brave and patient,
if there were only joy in the world."
Helen Keller

"God gave burdens,
also shoulders."
Helen Keller

"Grief can't be shared,
Everyone carries it alone,
his own burden, his own way."
Helen Keller

"To grieve alone is to suffer most."
The Talmud

"Love makes artists of us all
as we weave new paterns
in the fabric of our lives."
Greta W. Crosby

"Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls;
the most massive characters are sheared with scars."
E. H. Chapin

"Friendship mulitply joys and divide grief."
H. G. Bohn

"The ocean has its ebbings --
so has grief."
Thomas Campbell

"Death is only an old door
set in a garden wall."
Edna St. Vincent Millay

"Remember that you are still alive
and that is just how it should be."
Gale Massey in Grief: reminders for healing

“Grief seems to me like a winter house:
guarded, sheltered against an outside world
that's expected to be difficult.
The windows are small to keep out the cold,
and little light gets in.
The darkness and warmth make a cozy place
to hide,to nurse wounds, to incubate
what is not yet ready to be exposed.”
Janet Cedar Spring in Take Up Your Life

"Know that their pain has passed,
except for how it lives in your memory."
Gale Massey in Grief: reminders for healing

“Grief is like the wind.
When it's blowing hard,
you adjust your sails and run before it.
If it blows too hard, you stay in the harbor,
close the hatches and don't take calls.
When it's gentle,
you go sailing, have a picnic, take a swim.”
Barbara Lazear Ascher
in Landscape Without Gravity: A Memoir of Grief

"You may hear their sounds
and see them in the shadows.
You will forget that they are gone
and then remember again,
and your heart will break
one more time."
and that is just how it should be."
Gale Massey in Grief: reminders for healing

Grief is love not wanting to let go.”
Earl A. Grollman in Living with Loss

"This is a time of intense and mixed emotions.
At times you may be surprised by what you feel.
Ordinary things may strike you as amusing,
find laughter where you can."
Gale Massey in Grief: reminders for healing

"The cycle of grief has its own timetable.
Until that cycle is honored and completed
we are moving along life's path with an anchor down.”
Ann Linnea in Deep Water Passage

"The remedies for grief are time, courage, and love...
all applied with tenderness."
Gale Massey in Grief: reminders for healing

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