Awards We Have Won! and Appreciate!

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Awards We have Won! and Appreciate!

Here's what they had to say:"To Mrs Gwen Smith, for outstanding worksmanship on a website, you are hereby presented with the OFFICAL 1998 "C.A.R.E Academy Seal Of Appreciation" AWARD *Applause, whistles, whoops, hollers* (I hope you like it!?!?) Cori, Michael & Amanda"

Well we certainly do!, and thank you! Thank you for this great award!
angel award

In Memory of has a beautiful site that you should visit soon. We really love this award and will cherish it always. Thank you!

animal lover award Angela from Germany said "I visited you today and signed your guestbook, too, I like your pages very much, they are nice designed, and I love the nice and interesting contents. And the most important: you are great animal lovers!!! Attached I send you my Animal Lover Award with all the animals on it - take good care of them :-)!"

Chris has these nice peoples awards on his site! He has their links there!

Christopher also won a "Hero Award" from "Laughter's Best", and Kimmie's "site of the week"! Go see them!

Wow! They liked our style and content and hardwork! Thank you!Stacie's Designs!
SNIN Friendly Award

What a nice surprise! These nice people don't just give awards to sports sites. They look for info filled sites that are pleasing to the eye.

We made the grade with her too! Thank you for your kind words Emmy Mae! Got Milk?

As our girls produce milk and lots of it, David gave us this neat one!

"I am really impressed by the overall quality of your website! I'd like to congratulate you, and would like to present you with our PersonalConnections "Innovation Award!" - really great work with your website!"
[ .Creative 
Web Designs. | .Free COOL Animation. ]
"Congratulations on your site! Your site has been awarded the .Cool Reality Award. This award is given to sites that have elegant graphics, content, and a cool sense of being about it."

"I'd love for you to have my award! Your pages are great!" (go visit the Cooper Family...You can also find great graphics there and who knows.. you might win Cindy's award also!).....

Thank you Market Tek for this very nice animated award!

"What is the purpose of this award? It is to signify that your site has been judged to contain quality content, design and HTML expertise. By displaying the award on your site, you are notifying your visitors that your site is among the best of the Web. For only the best have a chance to win such a prestigious award."
Wow! What a nice way to start off your morning! Getting an award from a great site like theirs! Thank you Flechia!
We are honored to have recieved More awards!

Hey!! Want to nominate a site for the award we give? We love to go visiting! *GRIN*

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