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A Proposed Voter Ballot Initiative to the Michigan Constitution

Michigan Judicial Accountability & Integrity Law is based on the Proposed Bill written for Congress by Representative Ronald Branson, 11024 Balboa, #214, Granada Hills, California  91344. Branson ran for office and was publicly elected in '96, and re-elected in '98 and 2000 as Representative, Office of the Republican Central Committee for the County of Los Angeles. He currently represents in the 38th Assembly District of California. Branson has taken up the cause of cleaning up the courts, both state and federal, and has gained a national following with twenty-six states actively pursuing his legislation through state J.A.I.L. Chapters. He is often invited on the radio and to speaking engagements, and is among the most knowledgeable in this country on the issue of judicial corruption.

When J.A.I.L. Becomes Law, Corrupt Judges Will:
The J.A.I.L. Initiative is directed towards corrupt judges for specific acts of misconduct while acting as a judge and does not include certain mistakes and errors judges, or any human being, is capable of making.

Michigan is an Initiative State which means that the people of the State of Michigan may gather the necessary signatures and have this Judicial Accountability & Integrity Law placed on the ballot of the November 2002 general election so that Michigan voters may decide whether or not Michigan Judicial Accountability & Integrity Law may be properly added as an amendment to the Michigan Constitution and become the law in Michigan. This amendment would create a State Grand Jury System for filing complaints against judges for specific types of misconduct.

Outside of the Office of the Attorney General there are already two specific Agencies currently in place in the State of Michigan that provide for "oversight" and "investigations" of judicial misconduct. These would be the Judicial Tenure Commission and the State Court Administrator Office. The truth is that neither of these agencies are willing to do what they have been delegated the authority to do and that is investigate and prosecute misconduct of judges. The sad truth is that a citizen who is brought into court, for almost any reason, on charges brought against the citizen by a any person who is on the public payroll may be found guilty on the allegations only and no evidence other than a charge has been filed, while a judge who is guilty of misconduct and accused by a citizen is not found guilty of misconduct "no matter what the evidence is, or how compelling it is!"

These oversight agencies conduct their affairs in secret and confidentiality and simply put: "These agencies have no intention of consistently assuring that judges honor the law, due process, and the constitution!" In effect any judge in Michigan may do as they please and they remain totally immune from prosecution by the citizen for their misconduct, negligence and sometimes illegal acts.

Privileges and immunities that were in place for the citizen as intended by the United States Constitution have actually now been given to the public servant. Privileges and immunities intended to protect the citizen from overzealous judges and prosecutors and other official misconduct has been given to the public servant to protect the public servant from having to accept responsibility for almost any misconduct, negligence, and incompetence, especially if allegations are made by a citizen.

The purpose of the Michigan Judicial Accountability & Integrity Law is to address the abuses of judicial authority by amendment to the Michigan Constitution as proposed by petition to include a voter ballot initiative during the next Michigan General election in November 2002.

Information on the National J.A.I.L. initiative may be located at:

J.A.I.L. for Judges
11304 Chandler Blvd., Unit 207
North Hollywood, California 91603

Atty. Gary Zerman
(661) 250-0974

Atty. Michael Pendleton
(626) 287-4540

Atty. Phil Putman
(714) 848-5297

More information on the Michigan Judicial Accountability & Integrity Law and Legislation is available by contacting:

Terry L. Fesler (269)-273-2800 or send an e-mail to: Terry L. Fesler



[Michigan Judicial Accountability & Integrity Legislation: J.A.I.L.]

[Michigan Legal Information]

[Key Michigan Legislators to Contact about J.A.I.L.]

[Michigan Contacts by County]

[Other National J.A.I.L. Websites listed by State]

[Excerpts and Case Law on Immunities]

[Related Links of Interest]

[Children's Rights Advocacy]

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